
-Created in flesh. Hold the blood of a god. Yet he is human in the eyes of other's and may experience death like so. He possesses the might of his father, can be cut down by a mortal weapon and consumed by flames. He is no Immortal, he is....

November Eighth, Twenty Forty-Six; Yellowstone Docks:

Laying on the ground, eyes closet to shutting on their own- I open them, hearing a helicopter's blade whirling in a distant. Once I caught ear of the helicopter coming closer for landing, I clench my fingers on the dirt beneath them, dragging up my hand, slouching over when trying to stand.

My hair rustles in rapid wind as the helicopter made it to dry ground, dusting debris and shaking mud.

Four people hop off of the transportation, slamming their boots in the mud, instantly bringing their guns to aim at me.

"Put up your hands!!" A man shouts over the chopping sounds, making sure I could hear him quickly. "Now!!"

Exhausted, not having the strength to fight another opponent, I raise them up as demanded. The man then reaches his finger to something in his ear, pressing the small white button.

"Zenith Norway is secured! Waiting for further orders!"

A minute of the blades continuing to spin pass by, that man holding his head down still on what I assume is a communication device. -

"Back up will be here in five minutes!" He shouts to the two people behind him all of a sudden. "Put any in the area under arrest for a meantime! Orders straight from the commander!"

Without delay, those two he commanded rushes pass me to the others who laid defeated around me.

"You!" The very same man points his gun back up at me. "You're coming with me! The commander wants to see you in person!"

I glance at the badge the man wore, out of my safety. It held a sown design of a dove holding grapes in its mouth, unaffiliated with any company I knew. Even so, I still remain at gun point, having no other choice but to listen to this man.

I take slow steps towards him, making sure to lower his alarm. Once I was in his reach, the man walks behind me, placing the gun directly on my spine, guiding me to the chopper in an alert behavior.

Stepping on to the contraction, one of the two men he sent off return at the same time, putting a girl, who face was severely damage and body wrapped in a blanket in the next seat over. That girl was Nako.

"Get in." The man that had me in his shot range, pokes me from my pause, reminding me of the situation I am in.

I take my spot right beside Nako, Helicopter doors closing simultaneously. The lady who flies the vehicle glances at us both for a few seconds, refocusing her attention back on taking off.

Soon, Nako falls onto my shoulder and my stamina finally gives in, passing out during the ride to an unfamiliar place...

Sigma Flames Main Headquarters:

"All vitals in check... Ability remains..." - Tapping his finger on a screen that had bars leveling up and down, most flashing green, a man who has short pitch coal hair and is very blessed in looks, eyes the yellow bar. "Mostly stable."

The very same man pushes back on the office chair, scrapping the wheels against the floor to another table. A notebook laid a top of it.

"Subject ability remains unbalance..." The man then writes down. "More drugs are needed to boost his failing electrolytes..."

The coal haired man settles the pen in his hand down on the desktop, letting out a exhausted breath.

"I'm surprised Milo isn't dead with such conditions..." -

"You and me both." A lady who golden brown hair matches the maturity of her body, places a cold cand energy drink on the side of the man's face.

"Thanks, Ava..." Having no reaction, that man grabs the drink from Ava's hand, immediately cracking it open.

"So..." She leans over his shoulder, reading the data he collected. "His ability is still keeping him in a coma?"

The man settles the can down, after fully devouring the drink. "Yeah. The more electrolytes we feed him, the more his ability eats it. Hell, we were lucky enough to get him to talk a week ago. At this rate-

Ava slaps the man's chair, scooting it up on him, standing strongly, growing a smile. "He'll be fine! I trust, in your hands he will be more than ready to fight for his ideals!" She cheered on.

"Easier for you to say, Ava. You're not the one who constantly has to steal a shipment of drugs." He places his arm behind his hand, swirling the chair to face her.

"I mean, neither are you, Gillion." Her eyes dart to the side, pouting her face. "Alpha usually brings in the shipments."

"Same as Myune." Gillion mentions staring up at the ceiling lights. "But we haven't got anything in days... " he straightens back up in his seat, focusing his thoughts on a new idea. "Maybe we should send that girl and her pet to deal with this next batch. They have the strength to bring in a whole truck load-

Interrupting their conversation was a body slapping the desktop, coming out of a shadowy gape in the air, unlike Mu's feathery transportation. The arm then dangles off the desk, notes crumbled and crush and pencil rolling off falling to the floor. Then right after, a monstrous being made from pure darkness glance at the two in a ghastly way, opening its mouth on top of the dead like person.

"There has been a huge inconvenience..." The ghastly figure raises it's hand off the one beneath it, raising a thin bone like finger to Milo's chamber. "That man's son... Zel... Is now in Nova's capture..."

"Wh-what the hell is that thing?!" Ava rushes behind Gallion, both hands pulling on his lab coat.

As she did, Gallion brushes her off, picking up the files he could savage, letting out another one of his annoyed sighs. "It's one of Zeta's mindless clones..." He then eyes the creature, coldly. "So? What am I supposed to do about it? Last time I checked, Zel was Myune's problem."

The grimly looking figure took time to process Gallion's response. It then clucks its head to the left.

"Myune... He fled.... Betrayed us... Father... The Sigma Flames..."

Gallion, even though the subject was clearly crucial, shot a chuckle. "Ha, imagine that. Myune betraying us." he speaks sarcastically as well. "I knew once that boy came in contact with his sister, he would have a change of heart about our goals."

Going near the creature, sliding the paper he wrote on earlier from underneath it, Gallion eyes directly at the beast.

"What about the others? Was Chi and Phi able to make it out alive? Were we able to capture Abrie?"

The clone goes mute, blankly staring back at him.

"The statistics! Tell me!" Gallion demanded.

"Phi: The restricted... Is captured... Lambda: The Capsule... Is captured... Chi: The Phantom... is dead..."

Gallion's hand falls to his side, along with the paper in his hand. "Dam... Milo would have certainly killed me for such a screw up.... I guess we have no choice, but to retrieve them..."

After thinking outload, Gallion sights the body it stood on again.

"What about them... Who is that?"

The thing lifts its oozing darkness off of the body. "Its... A gift... Someone... For father..."

The chamber Milo slept in, began to shake, glass cracking and sparks flying on the inside, turning the green bars to red. Then creeping open, smoke fog the floors and fingers press the ridges of the capsule. Milo's fingers.

"He... Will do." Milo, though weak, was able to form a grin, yellow blood like subtense seeping from his fingertips to the corpse Zeta clone reveled. Once done, the chamber closes, blinking lights back to normal, Milo whispering out his last demand,

"Send the Deity..."

Far out in the ocean; Nova Headquarters (Zenith's point a view):

Each time I think that I'm there, free from the trauma I had to face those many years ago, -

"I feel my life would have been better... If you never existed." -

I can feel it all sweep back in. The powerless, childish version of myself, whining behind the shield of others-

"Milo will continue to haunt you down, and eventually we will all die because of it."-

And in the confusion of blood, flames as well as a dooming figure, hatred point towards the one I thought was my father...-

"My only advice is to either turn yourself in or...." -

No not hatred. It was fear that I felt that day. An overwhelming fear that torched every single decision I made as a kid, including as a hero...-

"Kill yourself..."-

I tried to.

"Kill yourself..."-

I never wanted to be here.

"Kill yourself..."

If everything would be solved by my death... I would gladly end this pain. The constant screams of your voices, the smell of the grass merge in gore, father's hand to me, it will all vanish beside me. Peace... Eternal peace would be the only thing left for me. This world of hero and villains that I live in will finally be put to rest in my eyes... -

Chains fell to where I drowned, yanking me to a shining light above in no room for breath. I spotted images of Ella countless caring acts in the bubble of the riptide I buried myself in. The smile of my elder brother, a hug from my father, Vile's constant worries, grandma's hand holding mines and my mother spoon feeding me as a child, smiling back at me in a charmed grin.

Those were good memories... Ones that make me want to stay in this world. Reminding me, that no matter how much hurt I experience in my life, those times, the ones I enjoyed so much still exist and can be made.

Maybe... I should try this last time...- I reach out my hand for that light I sought, seeing another reach out for me, a feminine hand. -

I should try getting stronger...

Stronger to protect those who died...

Stronger to fight beside Ella and them...

Stronger to face that fear and put it to rest instead...

I will fight... One last time. -

Covers flying off my legs, clenching my hand over an unrecognizable white shirt, my eyes bulge, shooting at every direction at once, heart in a race.

"I..." I take my hand off the shirt, raising it to my pacing brain. "Myune..." It instantly locks to my mind that he currently had Juna and left without any mentions of his plans. -

I collapsed off the bed, trying to leave the pure white room I knew nothing about. I had to... I have to... Find Myune... Juna... Ask them why... Why tell me those things and just leave-

Opening at my fingers reaching the door, I instantly could call Nako, who showed her true face, no longer hiding her identity from me. -

She falls to her knees in front of me, picking me up off the ground, swooping in for a tight squeeze around me.

"I thought... You died back there..."

Her soft touch on my shoulder as well as her whines, shot the thought straight to how Ella would hold on to me, crying how I should've been more careful. A motherly type of embrace.

Nako then let go, shoving me further than where she grabs me from.

"Pfft." She then cracks a small peck of laughter, bringer a finger to her lips and shutting her eyes. "I can't believe we did make it out alive. It was basically ten against two."

Of course, seeing how she was constantly getting attack by all parties, I didn't blame her exaggeration. I laughed with her, putting my hand upon her shoulder.

"To be honest," I use her shoulder to stand. "I thought I was a goner each time I got back up." I reach out my hand, picking her up to me.

Nako then let go, taking a few steps backwards. "Yeah, that's the rush you get every day, here at Nova." She even waves her hair to the side of her face to be revealed more brighten than before.

I check out the room once again, this time in a clearer mind set.

"This is Nova?" I ask.

"Well, this room is part of Nova." She goes and take a seat on the bed I woke up from. "Hmp..." Nako then looks around the room as well. "This reminds me of when I was star one..."

Star one? Is this another Nova thing, like the neck bracelets we wear?

Reaching her hand to take my wrist, Nako pulls me from that thought, positioning me on the bed next to her.

"What's this about..." I ask, both of us eye to eye and a small petite grin forming on Nako's face.

She pulls me closer by the head, resting me on her shoulder. "Don't know. Just felt I had to hug you before I leave..." Her hand clench harder on the back of my head, rustling through my hair. "Besides... You lost the girl you loved, including Myune and other's closer to you, all in one day. Even before, you fell to the ground in peril... Zenith..." Hands now on my shoulder, putting distance between us, Nako grin vanishes. "You are still young... I can see it in your eyes. It's okay for you to cry on other's shoulders. No one will judge you. I, won't judge you."

Looking to the door behind her then back at Nako, my eyes fall to the floor. "I'm fine, really I am. I know all these things happen so quickly. I can see the times where I hesitated, didn't act and then failed, countless times. I know the blood that is heavy on my hands..." I direct my eyes back on to her. "For right now, I want to keep those tears in. I don't want to come to reality with these past few weeks... let me... let me deal with it on my own."

Nako breaks her hands away from me. ".... If that's what you want, I have no right to change your mind then..." She jumps off the bed, shifting her image to a more familiar face to me, Juna. "Stick with that ambition once things get dire around here, K?"

Her voice rang, sounding the same as the one she copied, pulling my heart along the strings.

I grip my hand tightly, making a stand too. "Right, I'll do my best."

"Pfft!" She laughs out once again, halfway out the door. "Do your best? God, you haven't even been given a mission yet. Save that spirit for introduction."

"Introduction?" I tilt my head to the side, oblivious to the fact I had to introduce myself to something or someone.

"Right, right, you did just wake up." Resting her finger under her chin, Nako looks up tapping her foot. - Then catching an idea, she spouts out, "Just remember I'm supposed to bring you there, that's why I came here." She widens the door back up. "Ready for an awkward walk to the main hall?"

I chuckle at her sudden realization, walking to the doorway. "Why not? I would love to talk more about our struggles on the way." I tease, that being the only thing we seem to bound over. Our twisted childhood.

Nova Headquarters; Main Hall:

I stepped only when Nako did, pacing behind her as we finally reach another silver metal door, which slides open on her hand making contact. Nako proceeds to walk in, I as well, sighting twelve others standing in a straight line, eyeing Nako and me in their own unique ways.

Seeing my frozen expression and bloomed nervousness when face to face with a number of people, Nako slaps the back of my shoulder, forcing me to step up as she continues to walk further than the group.

There, she stops next to a blond hair woman, who wore nothing but a black tank top, a camouflage hat and pants. She is a slender looking woman, however stood taller than Vile, someone who height I believed would never be match, or rather, out matched. -

"Are you just going to stand there?"

The woman voice shakes me awake, noting my sluggish behavior and becoming irritated by me under seconds.

"Get in line." She demands in little passions. "I don't have too much time on my hand."

Hearing the last part, I quickly march to what I would consider the end of the line, finding that I stood right next to an unfamiliar face.

"Great," She speaks with a sigh coming out her breathe sounding un-enthusiastic. "Let's get this over with." Revealing a black collar around her neck, different from the steel silver around ours, the woman slides her finger to the left of it, shooting out a hologram that darkens the room. "This is a recorded message from the governor himself." She tells us. "If there are any questions regarding the message, save it for once the video is done." -

"My name is Lucas Mandala." The woman immediately starts the video, leaving not a second to tick by. "You may know me as the head Governor, additionally, the administrator of H.L.A and many other schools." The man in the hologram looks sharply well but aged, black hair slick back with small strains of white, while he wore a suite. He looked as if he wouldn't bother to laugh at comedian show. Stern to the flesh and bone. "But many do not know this, however, I am as well as the creator of Nova. A team that keeps the society as we know it." His hands rise, numbers of random photos swaying behind him. Few of people wearing the same white clothing as us. "Here, you are no longer hero's, you are a subject, our grade S military equipment. The families you knew, the people you met is no longer relevant and you are no longer a human. Those bombs around your neck are proof enough. If you decide to disobey or rebel, your punishment should be plain as day." An image of a stick figure tugging his collar exploded, well informing us of the outcome. "With that said, this is also a way to repent and reflect on your gruesome deed's, start from scratch, maybe soon reaching Star Ten; The Commander Rank, as the woman before is." The man's hand ironically shadows the woman face. "Commander Trusadale will take the rest of the video from here, explaining how the star rank system works. I can't wait to see who else rise from the ashes to where she stands. Good day to you all." -

The hologram zips back to collar, lights flicking back on, the Commander letting out another un-lively breath.

"Yeah, I'm not going to explain that star rank junk for the fifth time. Ask one of your superiors on your own time." She presses a button on the neck bracelet this time, pulling up another file, but wide enough for her eyes only. "Let's see here. Meniko Hatsumi, Abrie Lim and Zenith Norway."

I puckered up my chin awaiting her order.

"These are our newbies. I want the introductions to be vague and quick this time around, you guys. Just tell them your name and ability, save the extra stuff for later." She locks eyes with a girl, who hair is lightly dyed in rainbow color, tied in a ponytail, standing two spots away from me, wearing only a long sweater dress, and hopefully, stockings. "That mainly goes for you, Leviel."

"I might as well go first then," Leviel chirps out in a charming way, pumping up a fist. She is very energetic. "I go by Leviel Mad, I'm glad you could join Nova instead of dying, and... Um, oh right, my ability is Telepathy. I didn't give it any nick name like some people do because-

"Okay, moving on! Next person." Commander Trusadale claps her hands together cutting off that girl's running mouth.

Next, a girl who eyes are dead fish like, skin pale as a ghost, long pitch-black hair that reaches her shoulder, steps up, wearing a white shirt and pants like me.

"Nano Mozaki." She plainly says. "Cold room. It is a type of ice power."

Nano, that girl spoke exactly how a robot would, keeping the introduction brief as ordered.

"Noell Saint..." A guy much shorter than me, but hair covering both his eyes, spoke right after Nano, wearing the same get up. "I can... Control water." He downs his head away from everyone, stumbling his fingers together.

Is he nervous? -

"Yo, I'm Kadari Hasflame! It's been a while since we had a new member, so a bunch of us is nervous. My ability is Wild Flames."

This one spoke chummier than the rest, hair messy blue. Though, he obviously eyed Meniko the most, giving her a small wave that made her back up in concern.

"Nathan El..." He slides me a side eye, brandishing a grin, hair color matching mines, light black, eye color a devilish red. "My ability is called Demonic Night. Kind of work the same as yours Zenith." He suspiciously announces, grin sprouting into a wide mouth chuckle.

"Ignore that Devil, he just loves to get under people skin." The girl next to me wrap her arms around me, pulling me in her introduction. "By the way, I'm big sis Emily. Emily Rice. My ability is simply invisibility. - Oh, hey captain! Can we drink after this, to celebrate the newcomers?"

Commander Trusadale crosses her arm over the other, becoming more irritated than before. "Just continue the introduction, it's beginning to get way too hectic for me." She scrunches her forehead. "Damn it, whatever, the man next to Levial is Mason Jack-Hill and the last two always come in a pair, Ezada Noman and Amy Bell. With all that wrapped up-

"Wait," Some white-haired guy next to Abrei steps up, eyes a calm wave of blue. "You forgot me-

"Right, the wordless paper over there is Solan Quin." She rolls her eyes.

"That's kind of harsh Ms. Trusadale." Though he was offended, Solan lightly smiles back at her eyes shut.

"Anyway, as I was saying before interruption," She completely sidelines Solan, pulling up another long script of information from her collar. "I'm proud to announce Nako's promotion to Commander and what not. Save the claps and celebration for later please-

Leviel start clapping her hands together, being the odd one out.

"Leviel," The commander eyes darkens. "Are you trying to push my buttons today? I will blow off that head of yours if I have to."

Leviel hands instantly clench into a ball, swooping to her waist. "S-Sorry. I thought it would lighten the mood."

"Anyway, on to the finale report of the day." She swipes away the info of the rank promotion, revealing a place Meniko, Nako, Abrie and I were recently at, in a hologram. "Following the events of Iota, we were able to apprehend two others involved in the incident." She looks over at me. "Zenith's brother, Zel Norway, as well as a young woman affiliated with Project Theta, Hatarei, last name unknown."

They capture both Phi and Zel?!- "Have you got anything out of them? Out of Zel?"

"Yeah, I was getting to that. We need your help Zenith." She shuts off the hologram. "We need you to speak to your brother for us."

An Abandoned church in the Ruby District:

On a redden carpet that stretch to the church's pedestal, clomps of shadows breached in the center, an entity from much earlier reemerging out of it, beside Gallion.

"What brings you to my domain, Doctor Lidwick."

Standing behind the pedestal, a man who is dazzled in jewelry, wearing a silk robe with many designs art on and red hair touching the nape of his neck, eyeing Gallion in a decisive way.

Gallion takes a knee before him, so do Zeta's demonic form. "We were asked to seek your aid, by Father. He wishes for you to wreak havoc in Dimond city."

The man reaches his hand to the bottom of his chin, strangely covering the entire thing with it, eyeing the painted glass ceiling. "Dimond city you say.... Hmm... I'll have to deny the request." He bluntly speaks out.

"Deny? Father himself, your god, is asking." Gallion lashes out.

"That is a truth... However, there is much dire things I am to attend. Father's Electrolytes for one." -

Gallion quickly stands to his height. "Xi and Nu are handling the cargo as we speak."

"Though there aren't enough hands for my other tasks." He retaliates, shrugging his shoulders in an out of his hand's manner.

"Nonsense! We have number of people who can-

Kneeling next to him, a girl, hair shining chestnut, having a small strain of dark blue going down the left bottom side, held a cross to her plum like chest, wearing a black button up church shirt and darker brown pants. She was as beautiful as she was angelic, speaking out shining her sun like eyes to the red hair man.

"My Deity..." She spoke to him not fumbling over her tongue. "I caught ear of the entire situation. If it's needed to, we, your guardians are willing to carry out the task." The girl earing dangle in silence after her suggestion.

"Malaby..." He looks at her as a husband would at his wife if she asks to do something that would harm her individually. "There is a chance Nova may capture me, I can say the same for you-

"Forgive me for being so direct, but we are well prepared to destroy the entire organization, if you allow us too."

The man called Deity eyes Gallion. "I hope you are happy, you disgusting pig." He spouts. "Wrapping Upsilon, my dear Malaby into such a humanish behavior. I'm sure you called her in from the start."

Gallion cracks a grin at the face of God. "Simply put, I insure all you children stay focus on our true goal." On que, Zeta's portal ink out of the ground, shrouding the light behind them. "Speaking of which, there is a meeting two weeks from now. I am to check each one of you children progress on what we need for Father's revival. Try not to get yourself killed before then, Epsilon."

Gallion is swallowed by the portal leaving the church unscratched.

Irritated by the mockery he faced, Epsilon tattooed eye gleams red setting the church to flames from thin air. Upsilon stands, shining her tattooed eyes, absorbing the flames as she walks to place her hand on Epsilon cheek, embracing her lips with his.

Removing them, they both eye each other in silence, until Epsilon latch on to her wrist. "Malaby..." He pecks his lips on the same wrist.

"I was not persuaded by him... The faster we receive the vessel, the quicker we can go back to how things used to be... I am doing this for you, and no one else, My Deity." She kneels back down, before him. "My body, my power, my heart, my soul, it all belongs to you Epsilon, my deity. Do as you wish with me."

Fully entrance by her speech, Epsilon smiles back at it. "Upsilon, my dearest follower, I hear your prayer. Go, show Dimond City that my rage is eternal. Murder all those in the name of me, your Deity."

"Yes... Epsilon"

Upsilon's eyes dazzle in the sun rays that shine on both their twisted faces. One who follows and the other who believe he is a Deity, a god in flesh. What more awaits this hero's Chronicle?