Eye for an Eye

Pin to the floor, his hand pressured on the back of my neck, Gamma weight, his burning breaths and the crumbles of metal slicing my palm is a feeling I couldn't shake off of me. I shift my arm forward, causing Gamma to react quickly, plowing my face to the floor, closing the distance between my ear and his lips.

"Isn't this perfect? Once again. Me and you. We get to play one more game..." Straining my eyes to open, I witness the floor forming cracks beside my head. Gamma put every ounce of power he had on to the back of my neck. "Which one will shatter first? Your skull?" He then swoops his face in my line of sight. "Or the floor?"

Caught up in an ambush for the third time... Is this just your way in saying I can't have a rest? God...- Dark energy flows out my side in small flicks. I felt my rage calm, and laughter perk up in my throat. - This is so damn funny... - And, despite the burden of this child holding me down, I start to push myself off the floor, planking both my hands down.

-"Wh- WhAt dO yOu tHiNk YoU'rE dOiNg?" Gamma drains all my strength turning full beast, concrete sanding out the walls, shaking the entire room. "YoU'rE nOt EsCaPiNg tHiS oNe!!"

He adds more pressure to my neck, the entire floor giving in, causing all four of us; Meniko who fell across from me outside the door and kadari, the person that waited patiently for us to finish our conversation, falling to another floor level. - My head smacks the floor below us, eyes rolling back, Gamma looming over me, growing a humongous grin on his face. He feasts on a victory that wasn't concrete.

The second my eyes rolled back; a cough of laughter breaks out of me. A laugh I've been controlling not to let out. And in that moment of lost, shadows, shape in spears, pierced Gamma body, forming out of my back. In that fog, I seen notihng... I lost to my own morals... They no longer work, no matter how much I tried. - Her voice, Meniko's... I didn't get to hear it... I have to make sure... Even though I fought tirelessly all day, -

"Ha…. This… This isn't over…" Tears blind my sight, looking forward in a small lost of my sanity. "I will… I will make it out of this!" The spears in Gamma body disperse, and in my cries of laughter, I swiftly turn to him, reaching my twisted hand to his chest, readying a blast of dark energy to his heart, "Then... I can finally get some rest!!"

-I shut my hand as hard as I could, using every fiber in my bone to command the shadows to bludge my target.

-However, in the view of my clear victory, a hand lays on my shoulder, a feminine hand. Fingernails painted black, my powers were nullified. Nothing came out. All the rush I felt during the edge of my life takes a toll on my body as well, collapsing before Gamma.

The world, the rumbling walls, the ringing in my head, they all fall sluggish. The girl who touch my shoulder, bare feet patters across what I see now is a wet surface. That girl was her, the black winged angel from that time in Yellowstone Captial, Mu.

Meanwhile, third floor of Nova's main headquarters; Lounge. Few minutes before Gamma's Attack:

"Leviel, you think that kid gonna be alright?" Noell, the boy shorter than Zenith and is considered a recluse, spoke to Leviel, laying against her arm with a smart tablet in his hand, playing a game popular among the young ages.

Leviel slant her eyes pass Noell to Abrie playing with Emily. "I'm sure the newbies just need time to settle down." She then points a finger up to the ceiling, recalling something in the past. "You know, it wasn't not too long ago she threatened to kill us remember."

"That's true. Miss Trusadale never once pulled the trigger though. After all, we're all still here." Solan butts in their conversation, gripping on the edge of the couch between both.

"I don't remember asking you..." Noell looks up at them emptily, irritated that Solan stuck his head in their conversation. "But... You're right, I'm worried for no reason."

"Wait a dam minute?" Placing her hand on top of Abrie's head when standing off the ground, half clothed, additionally drunk, Emily points her finger to the couch seat where Leviel sits. "Who told ya that? The commander is a cold blood killer! She once merk her own apartment. Wait no... Partner! She once merk her own partner."

"Yeah? And when was that?" Leviel, Emily caching her interest, prepared to go against her claim.

"Shit um..." Emily takes her hand off of Abrie's head. "Like ten years ago. Maybe five. How old is that hag?"

"Watch it. Don't say anything that'll get you in trouble now." Eyes shut, Solan takes her shoulders, bringing her back to the floor with Abrie, who looks at them all in a puzzle.

"The commander is really scary..." Abrie speaks out his thoughts on the commander. "Not more than Iota though... So, I think she's a nice person." He shines a grin.

"A negative and a negative makes a positive..." The girl of few words, Nano, speaks, finding what Abrie said charming. Though, Nano face still remain focus and sustained with no sign of emotion.

"Oh, look at that, he got her to speak without command." Solan comments, grabbing a cup of tea made by Meniko before she left from off the table.

"Not gonna lie, you're just the only one she doesn't talk to Solan." Noell harshly tells Solan off, changing the game he was on to a book.

Solan starts coughing on the tea he drank from the comment. "Y-You're serious?"

-The very part Solan places his tea down on the table, a loud crash shakes the building, knocking over cups and the tea pot. Solan fell to the floor from the rock. So did Abrie and Emily.

Nano glance over to the door on their right. "Someone infiltrated the base..." She spoke calmly and unedge.

"Impossible!" Leviel pops up from her spot, forcing Noell to move. "Eh? The second floor, room three been breached." Her eyes glows when speaking.

"Isn't that-

Cutting off Solan, green flames, bursting from underneath the table, melts the wood and a quarter into the metal ceiling. Caught off guard, everyone falls quiet. The one who created the tunnel with their flames, shoots wires to the ceiling, pulling themself up out of it, landing on the crisping red carpet around the crumpling table, spewing endless ashes of fire from his body. His hair dance along those flames, revealing his mole and the lighting scare on the left side of his face.

"Do any of you..." His voice overlaps with a strong male's, slowly marching forward, burning everything in his steps. "Know where I can find my son?"

They face the leaders of the sigma flames. Alpha possessed by Milo...