The Brother of a Scum


Black rectangular metal, forge to abstract the image of random numbers in dots, stack in a line of a goal. These pieces were built in the early eighteenth century, to ease the boredoms of kings, something controlled by nothing but the noble breed of humans...

Milo, as a young adult, stack these pieces in a straight line. He placed them in the order of events he would eventually see unfold. The death of his brother, the death of his parents, killing his wife, sister and associates, isolating their children, and brain washing his eldest son. These pieces fall, effecting numbers, burning cities and climaxing present events.

Gamma a child taking in by Sigma Flames, ambush Zenith and Meniko, vengeance for his brother's death, murdered by Zenith. Mu joins the fight with unspeakable timing, aiding her ally. At the same time, on the upper levels of Nova Headquarters, Zel escapes his imprisonment, possessed by Milo self-driving conscious, facing against the remaining in the building.

Malaby fights for the Deity. Leah, Julian, Calin as well as Mighty, fights for Malaby. A bullet split Malaby's hair, catching Nathalia Trusedale below her, the commander of Nova.

Building on events, Iota, carries his sister in his arm, opposes the ones he created the group known as the Sigma Flames beside, determine to get his sister back from the hands of death.

Our hero close to giving in, allows the world to eat him. Will he take back up his stand against the brother of Tau? Or continue to lay in puddles of defeat?

As the dominos fall over, the Sigma Flame's victory is more vivid than Nova's ambition.

Nova Headquarters; Third Floor Lounge:

I twist my face to the left if me, seeing blood spread into the water, becoming illusive, burning my brain and ringing my ears. I'm sure, that that's my blood, running down to my leg.

-"Gamma, you pushed yourself again…"

-As I slowly fade in and out of consciousness, I hear a patter of water, running to Gamma's side, including a familiar figure... Mu.

Water flushes in from the constant shakes this building been put through, creasing out the cracked pipes and nearly collapsing walls. My blood is vanishing into the water as it floods wherever we are. I just might... Die here -

-"Well… This is it, huh."

My heart breaks out into a pacing speed, lifting my head to the girl who squats before me, palm benched under her chin. Her eyes is still a swirl of fogged darkness, her lips a petty frown, emotionless.

"You're going to die here, never being able to reach me again?"

She wears the same hero costume, being a version of herself before the day she died. This ghost of mines, she's the ruminate of the very first day Vile gave us both costumes.

"I wonder…" She lowers her hand to run her fingers through the water that floods in, swirling my blood into the ripple. "If we took that man's hand years ago, when we held the opportunity, would we still be alive? On their side? Facing against Nova?"

She… The ghost of Juna, they ramble what's going through my mind at this moment.

"That's…" I croak out, feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder and a stab on the back of my head. "What you are saying… In her voice…"

-"Why don't you stay down?"

-"Why don't you stay down?"

Mu's voice merges with Juna's ghost, taking her place. She squats down to eye me as she tilts her head, pulling my body out of the puddle of water by my collar, forcing my eyes to her doll like face. She looks porcelain, lips pinker than her flesh.

"I just don't get it. Why oppose your own father ideas? Aren't we fighting for the same thing, Zen?"

Are we? What is it that they're even fighting for again? Right… It's a new world… The now is such a terrible place that such an offer sounds therapeutic to me… Living my life in the arms of my mother, and father telling my older brother to relax. Those days out of my reach is what I want back. -

-"Zen…" Mu, she pulls me closer; She allows me to fall to her chest, comforting the back of my head in her hand and her arm castling over my back. "All you want to do is sleep, am I right?"

She's not wrong… I feel... So tired. My head hurts, pounding on these endless battles, searching for Juna and fighting the urge to desire death. But I can't give up… She-

-"If that's true, you can rest in my arms like this. Let me protect you. I'll fight for the both of us, I'll take all your weight. Zen, take the offer this time. Join Sigma Flames."

Her voice sounds so soothing, so serin. My mother always said to gain happiness is to lose the thought of pain. In her arms, protected by her strength sounds like an impossible offer to refuse.

I'm beginning to shroud myself in darkness, blocking out any chances of this moment with her to be ruined by the thought of my duties and goals. I want this...

Her heart patters in sync to mines. It convivences me, it tells me her words are the genuine truth.

In this darkness, can I find enteral happiness? Can I find the peace I longed for?

-"Why did we even deny him, if the results were going to be this?"

Juna sat behind Mu within this darkness.

"Every way that we tried to run; It was pointless. Wasn't it?"

The but that came to my mind earlier, my reason to oppose this offer, what was it? I'm defeated on the edge of death, seeing all my past decisions creep up in flashes. If I give in, join the sigma flames, everyone, Meniko, Kadari, the rest of team Nova, they live. I live.

If I don't give in, they and everyone else that I know will continue to suffer. I will continue to lose all that I held dear.

The gain is better than the loss...

"I…" Just like the time I fell before my father in utters, I couldn't muster the words out of my throat. Words that I knew would save the day.

All I ever wish to do was to become a hero that protect the world… Maybe… In order to protect everything, I love, I have to abandoning what I believed in comfort.

-Out of nowhere, the air I breath became clear and the last blood drops from the back of my head. I could thin clearer, the stabbing pains I felt vanishes along the words I almost muttered out. Along my thoughts, I recognize what I really wanted. It was lie was hit with some sort of boosting spell.

I want to take a break, be lost in slumber, give up on Juna… But that thought that oppose it all, the thought that raged against that eternal sleep I so begged for,

"I can't make a decision without her. Without Juna!"

My strength returning to me, I summon claws stretching wide from out my back, shape in demonic wings, beginning to close them around her, to send mirages of knives into her back.

-The attack was nullified, Mu pushing off of her into the water that is now to our ankles, forming her wings and flying far above me.

Falling over, slightly looking behind me as I felt more power pouring into me, I find Meniko as I laid in the water in shock. Mu, who stayed hovered in the sky eyes the girl as well. Meniko, shirt ripped, and arm bruised, she holds her hand up to me, eyes gleaming in a large amount of green and her aura being viewable. A burning light of darker green.

Witnessing my pain and my wavering desire, Meniko abilities evolves in the face of stress. She is now able to heal other's without making any direct contact…

I think to myself, if she can muster the strength to fight, to become stronger, why can't I?

-I put on my face a wide smile, throwing myself up off the flooded floor that continues to rise, feeling healthier than ever before. I raise my hand to the woman who flies high in the sky with her wings stretched, aiming to shoot her down.

While she still eyed the girl, baffled by her evolving power, I raise my finger to that girl, Mu's wings. Here's a unique idea for my ability…

-A rapid of shots, thin bullets shaped out of shadows, stabs through her arm and wings, cutting the side of her face during the chaos, knocking the angel to the floor.

"Like I went on way before…" I'm washed over in ride instead of the will to give in, walking over to the girl, aiming my finger to her forehead as she looks up at me in disbelief. "Juna…" I no longer had any fucks to give. "I won't make a decision without her. Until I can see her corpse once again-

-Before I could blink, my neck was taken in the hands of a strong force, slamming me against the wall.

Ringing begins to drain my hearing again as I open my eyes, directly staring into the eyes of the monster who retaliated against me.

Gamma, no longer in the image of a child, but a grown adult, squeezes his sharp nails into the side of my neck, blood seeping in the cracks of them to the rubble and puddle of water.

The boy was no longer one, he became a monster hell bent on eating me alive, eyes gleaming dangerously light green, out of his mind.