First Day and Already Trying To Get Into Trouble!

Leaning back into my chair, I let out a yawn as I watched my classmates get up and either move their desks to sit next to their friends or leave the room with the cafeteria as their destination.

I, on the other hand, took out my bento and began to chow down on it.

Nothing could replace a good meal, you know?

Kenichi came and sat his desk down next to mine - luckily the two of us had gotten into the same class - and he let out a surprised voice before finally sighing when he saw the portion of my food. It was quite big...but I needed it to power my body, you know? Can't power muscles like mine on willpower alone, after all.

"Really, you've turned into an absolute monster, Seth," Kenichi continued sighing before he sat down and took out his much smaller bento, "First the muscles and now that size of food portioning..." he wryly smiled toward the end and I merely shrugged before swallowing the rice in my mouth so I could reply.

"Eh, does it really surprise you though? Kenichi, I knew you weren't the brightest guy gotta realize that a bigger body needs more food, right? Basic biology, I guess," I joked at his expense and he just gave me a sidelong glance before he shook his head and started to eat.

This continued for a short while, with the two of us talking about what we'd been up to over the holiday break. I talked about working out - though I left out most of the devilish details - and Kenichi spoke about new books he'd began reading and a new plant he was looking after. Meanwhile, I was wondering where Orihime was. Miu too.

But knowing them and how people react to them...they're probably being held up by their classmates asking them questions. Oh well.

Just as I was about to ask Kenichi what time I should meet him to show him Ryozanpaku, I heard something...unusual. Well, not too unusual given the fact I'm currently in an anime school that has a whole anime plot. But I didn't expect to hear those glorious sounds so quickly.

The sounds of fighting!

The classroom shook like it was about to fall apart and my eyes went wide wondering who'd done that! A smile spread across my face as I got up and walked to the door, ignoring the cowering classmates who didn't know what was happening. Kenichi followed me, if my senses were correct, but it was more to do with him being scared of the noises than curiosity like me. 'I guess he's beginning to see my strength, huh?!' I laughed mentally.

[...Whatever you say, Seth,] Pats said in a much more human-like tone than they used to speak in before.

These two months had been a period of growth for the A.I and honestly, I was glad. I mean, I had loads of people to talk to but no one I could talk to about my system. I'm not stupid to just reveal such a cheat to people, you know? They'd either think I was crazy or they'd go crazy knowing someone like me existed. Someone who only needed points to become uber talented in something. So, speaking with Pats about the system, or rather, itself and what to buy and what synergizes with was fun, I guess.

But enough of that mushy crap--I opened the door and saw the fight taking place. My smile went from normal to full-on manic within a split second. Why?

Because I'd found something interesting. Also, fighting.

In the hallway outside the classroom, there was a fight going on. Two people going at it and a bunch of, what I assume to be, their underlings fighting each other as well. Delinquents galore, huh?!

I easily identified one side as a part of Ragnarok. The lead fighter was a auburn-haired girl with a petite physique, fair skin and a pretty face. Though said face was currently twisted into a scowl as she dodged under a brass knuckle and countered with a high kick to her opponents face. Her body was quite toned and athletic...but her legs. Wow. Very strong, from what I could sense. Not just strong either. Fast and very accurate by the way her opponent couldn't even react in time and got planted right in the face by the petite girl's kick.

Her attire was...a bit uncommon, I guess. For school, that is. She was wearing a red shirt with a tank top underneath and denim jeans that fit her tightly. Though one leg of the jeans was torn completely off and the remaining part barely covered her perky ass. She also wore ankle high boots that looked oddly tough. Maybe had some metal lacing the insides.

The person opposing her, however, was quite the beauty herself.

Despite taking a kick to the face from one of those tough boots, she acted like it hadn't hurt at all. Instead, the dark blue-haired young woman just pushed through the damage and landed a solid hit with one of her brass knuckles on the shorter girl's stomach.

The auburn-haired girl was thrown back, the air having been blasted out of her chest by the force in that hit.

'...Even without those brass knuckles, that hit would've definitely been in the C Rank of Strength...' bringing a hand up to my face, I forcibly suppressed my smile before seeing the dark-haired girl stomp forward a predatory smile across her face. Problem is, three guy were in her way, trying to protect what seemed like their leader.

But that didn't stop the tall and buxom woman.

"Get outta the way, herbivores!" she gave a shout that sound both savage and graceful - I guess being a beauty really does help. Nobody would like a character who was like this AND was ugly at the same time.

Who was this? Kyoka Kagamiin from 'Dragons Rioting', of course!

And the auburn-haired petite girl? Kisara Nanjo from 'History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi', obviously!

But seeing Kyoka's action and what it caused, I was struggling to suppress my smile. The three people who'd been standing in front of her, were sent flying toward me and Kenichi who'd squeezed passed me and into the hallway. The short brown-haired friend of mine was shocked solid in fear and surprise when he saw the fighting in front of him--and that meant he couldn't dodge the three people flying at him!

Luckily, I was here and a quick use of the Redirection Kata, I manipulated the flow of their momentum and threw one of them straight up, one of them to the left and the other to the right. All of them were pretty much embedded in the walls they'd flown into.

...I may have increased their momentum so I looked cooler. They're fine anyway, so it doesn't matter!

Anyway, this is why I love the katas for my style. They don't really have to be used with the set moves or stances. They're adaptable and I can use them however I want as long as it's physically possible and I have the understanding and skill to back up what I want to do.

Kenichi turned his head to me, his neck creaking like an old wooden door as he looked at me with a mouth that was opening and closing just like a fish's. Surprised, no doubt, but also thankful.

But mainly surprised.

Though, for now, I ignored Kenichi and took a step forward, "Oi," I gave a shout empowered by my impressive core muscles and diaphragm - training under water will help strengthen your lungs and diaphragm! - and Kyoka turned to look at me with a scowl, "You nearly hurt my friend over, you wanna fight?" I finally let loose my battle lust and my Dou Ki began to flow off of me in waves.

Man, ever since I unlocked my Ki it's always like this. Whenever I really get ready to fight, it goes outta control. Though, according to Akisame-sensei that's to be expected seeing as Dou Ki is all about going off of instinct.

Kyoka's eyes widened for a second before she looked behind me at Kenichi, who I'd pointed at, and then at the three people I redirected straight into concrete walls. Her scowl disappeared for a second before she looked behind her at Kisara who was glaring at the two of us before back to me, "You seem like a fun guy and all...but I got business to take care of, so I'll have to fight you another time," she said before turning around and charging at Kisara and Kisara began charging at her.

...That's really fucking impolite, isn't it? really, really is.

. . .

POV Change - Kyoka Kagamiin

Turning away from the tall hunk, I scowled as I charged at this bitch Kisara. I don't for a second believe she'd let me have a fun time fighting that guy behind us.

But I guess it's to be expected. We're both here fighting for territory over this part of the school. Ragnarok vs The Three Dragons...Tch, who'd have thought we'd have to team up after Middle School to fight these fuckers? Though I will admit they're all decently strong.

This Kisara bitch though...?

She's just too fucking fast! A real annoying bitch to fight, if I had to be honest. But slowly but surely, my senses were catching up to her speed and learning her movements.

And then it happened. Just as I was about to throw a punch at Kisara...he appeared. His leg was already extended and it was flying right into Kisara's gut. Right where I'd hit her earlier - and I could instantly tell it wasn't an accident either. He was definitely trying to incapacitate her. Yet even if he didn't hurt the already weakened spot...I was sure he'd have took her out cold with that kick.

Why am I so sure? Because as soon as he followed through on the kick, Kisara just...flew backward.

She didn't even touch the ground until she hit a group of students walking down the hallway and that must've been about 30-ish meters away. If it weren't for them...she'd have most likely hit the wall at the end of the hallway. Might've even broke through the wall. Even after hitting the students, they were all knocked down from the force she was carrying...though she looked to still be alive. Just unconscious.

But my attention couldn't be on her any longer.

Instead, it was drawn back to the guy who'd called out to me before. He wasn't wearing his shoes anymore and his blazer and tie were gone. But that wasn't what really caught my attention. No, it was the Dou Ki flowing off of him. It wasn't the amount of the Dou Ki - the amount was actually somewhat average for the High-class Disciples of the school. But the intensity of the god, it was like magma was flowing off of the guy's body, heating the surroundings and filling it with a pressure that went beyond simply breathtaking--it was just crushing.

It was like this guy lived for battle or something. I'd heard from mother that Dou Ki users like myself and, apparently, this guy, have our intensity affected by how much into a battle we can get.

I thought I was a natural when it came to Dou Ki and fighting but this guy...he really takes the cake.

"This should allow you to fight me, right?" he smiled a smile I'd only ever seen on that bastard Berserker and I instantly knew another freak had joined the school. We're in the year one part of the school and he came out of a classroom marked class 1-C. Both Kisara and I were second years...and yet he'd taken Kisara out quickly enough.

'...But who cares?' I found myself smiling quite savagely in return to this mysterious guy's own smile, 'I'm the Dragon of Power, ain't I? I don't need to be scared of a fight!' I hyped myself up and found my heart hammering in my chest.

"Good," the guy continued before his arms reddened slightly and took on a somewhat metallic look, "Let's have a battle of brute strength, okay? Don't get destroyed too quickly!" he shouted in excitement before charging at me with enough speed to actually surprise me. I knew he was quick from how he caught up to me and attacked Kisara before I could but this acceleration is pretty insane, right? I wonder if Ayane could do the same...

And yet I found myself losing literally every care in the world as I matched the guy's punch with my own. He seemed pretty confident in his strength, so he should be able to take on a punch from my brass knuckles right?

(A/N - Oh, Kyoka you sweet summer child. You should be worrying about your brass knuckles, not Seth's hand.)