The prize of a head

"...It looked hateful, blood was pouring on my face. At the same time, I didn't want to kill it. A little scratch could be enough. To me, humans killing each other to please their greedy hearts for power is worse because they bring a human being to be questioned. That's why immortals consider us a lower race.

But this animal kills for food. I got up fast and I saw Oria falling on the ground with her arm wounded while tried to push the wolf away. At first look, I guessed that it can go up the branch in a blink. Before I make moves the wolf I killed attacked and distracted me. The last one bobbed down right after her.

I picked my bow and shot it without wasting a blink. The arrow dived in its side. Then its body fell on her. Her shivering voice was filled with fear. "Please get me out". She cried out.

I walked to her, reached my hand to help her get out beneath that dead animal. She was crawling and gasping. But when she stood glaring into my face paused in shock for a moment. These girls never saw blood and I was covered by it! Right across her sight.

"Oh my heavens, Asaya your face is completely bloody, you look battered". She placed her hand on her heart. Her hands were trembling then she bent. The expression on her face melted my heart.

I pointed to her arm and told her, "You are not that good too".

She rose and stiffed, shrugged her shoulders, smiled bitterly, and answered, "The grief within my heart is much more aching and deeper than this wound. It burns me from inside like demons of hell set upped a fire to blame me for some reasons, this scratch hurts but just a little".

Then she shifted her head around and said, "Unfortunately our horses ran away, but I had picked our water bottle, it's better to wash your face before it dries and blood starts to smell so bad that can turn your stomach, not to mention flies will destroy your skin afterward. You have no idea how awkward you look".

I let out a loud laugh without a reason at her way of speaking. I grabbed the bottle then while wondering she growled, "Did I say something funny?"

I shook my head. The capacity of blood was too much and a bottle of water couldn't make up it. After washing my face told her, "no I just can't remember the last time we have spoken. Since now I was alone for a long time but you are standing in front of me now. First I got stuck to a stinky giant then these hungry wolves, look what a huge mess I made." The laugh turned to a gulp in my throat and tears rolled down my cheek.

She came closer and held my hands then, "I am so sorry, I was very upset, you know that losing Zia was terrible to me, but now everything has passed and we must help our fathers".

With hearing her last words, I heard a loud buzzing noise in my ears, I frowned. I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly, so asked, "What?"

She eased her head up and down with embarrassment bit her lips, "Let's get out of this unpredictable forest, I will tell you everything on our way".

She grabbed my arm, but I stopped her. I disrupted the silk textile around my waist and wrapped it around her arm.

"Thanks, sister, I'm glad you are here."

We headed out and wishing to get lucky to see a passing carriage. On our way, she went on, "When the king sent you after his son, everything changed, I tried to send you a letter several times but father stopped me, believing that it could put your life at risk. We all know the story of the king's son but no one has seen him so far except for our fathers who were the only traders the king trusted. These childhood friends have too many dangerous secrets. Uncle Nerssi wanted me to find you and give you all of this information, we must find Shaya as fast as we can."

She paused for a while looked into the moon side then added, "Three months ago king Sheed got poisoned mysteriously, physicians were beside his bed, up to the morning but that damn poison was already in his blood and there was no way to save him. After the funeral ceremony, all of the palace doors got closed and they got all of the important people of the city gathered in the great hall.

We found that the second minister Pouyeh had announced his sovereignty until the return of the crown prince. He also had shown a letter with the king's stamp on it. Those who disagreed like our fathers and the first minister Iliya are now in the chain. I figured out that the minister had sent some of the Nickbones assassins after Shaya in order to find and kill him. As he captured my father I sent a spy to the castle between maids and she brought me this news. That's why I began my journey and arrived at that inn full of absurd bandits.

I got a room in there and heard your voice two hours later, but I was wondering how you could eat between them, such an act of courage you have gotten, I ate my food in that room."

As I was looking to the moon following her gazes. My heart was heavy and I could barely glimmer what's going on. "Anahid and Shouka, how are they?" I asked her.

She sighed, "My aunt Shouka is still head of the kitchen in the palace but poor Anahid is preparing herself for getting marry to that wicked snake, her sorrow about her father is still fresh and now she has to go under this burden too."

Even as a jock it was harmful. An idea rebelled into my brain. Due to my beholding to the king I wasn't going to allow that to happen so I asked about the marriage date and if she had any news of shadow hunters. Yes, the rest of my team. They had sworn to the kingdom and wouldn't stay quiet till everything is twisted.

She smiled, like her brother she could read my mind, then said, "The marriage is going to be on LEO 15th. Three months from now on, and I had learned nothing about your team the shadow hunters, they all disappeared."

She swallowed, lowered her head down, "tell me I know that face, what's that you are hiding? Stop setting up. I knew about the king's murder. I got it by the hawk."

"The minister had put all blame on you for murdering the king and call it a nasty betrayal. He told everyone that you joined the Nickbones but the worst thing is that everyone now knows your story of being the granddaughter of Nickbones emperor. The price for your head is triple compared to the others."

I bitterly smiled! What else I could do? I had no proof to claim that I'm innocent, "So we have enough time, first I'm going to the capital to see my father and then I'm going to pay my respect to the king."

Her eyes went wide open out of surprise and said, "Are you insane? I just told you that the price on your head is triple. It is not a joke Asaya."

I pointed at the hill and told her, "Look, horses are standing there, such noble animals they are, didn't leave us".

I won't deny that it gave me a chill. He had kept my father and uncle in the chain. Not for that simple protest, but taking me. And the question was why? How he was related to assassins? It all couldn't make sense."

Asana stopped reading and heaved out a breath.

"You got to be kidding, so this as**hole claimed for the throne, who even he is?" She shouted. Stood up and walked along the room.

"So we must save your head girl," she got back to the table only three pages left.