Full moon: To you Elizabeth

A fair wind blew and made her hair fly. It was similar to the moments you are walking on the seaside and calm waves hitting smoothly and cuddling sands. Just to make the beach scene tricky and rub your attention from absorbing more disturbing thoughts. Her big almond brown eyes were shining to lighten the dark! Just like gems, you could see the courage inside them. Dragging you within them to the sky.

Pure moonlight caught her attention. She grabbed the hook by one hand and put her leather boot inside a hole, her thin light body was hanging on one side. Wanted to watch the glorious jewel above. It was like a diamond shining on a new weds ring. Her dark clothes and a grey cloak made her invisible just like a shadow in the dead of night! The wind blew and whipped the air with her cloak. Then she looked into the moon and said, "It is told by an ancient legend that when the moon is full we can talk to our dead ones thus they will respond. Mother help me out my mission successfully".

It was easy to feel the lack of love inside her, her eyes were filled with tears, but she didn't allow herself to cry. Not a correct time for moaning and complaining about her life. Of all she could do was to get rid of it by moving up.

She narrowed her eyebrows! Turned around and dragged herself up again then her fingers touched the top of the wall. She strode half-raised and entered the palace as they planned before! When her feet kissed the earth again she heaved a breath. She headed to the kitchen. There was no one around there at that time so she entered effortlessly. Shouka already sent away all servants to be secured that no report will leak out and make her darling Asaya in danger. She was waiting there and as soon as she saw her stepdaughter hugged her. Pressed herself on Asaya's chest to feel her scent. Her teary eyes made her poor vision even weaker. But rapidly dragged her back and said, "Time is in rush my beautiful daughter you must hurry, just make sure you'll come back alive to me". Her whispers were almost lost within the passing wind.

"Asaya night watches striding to your side, leave there now", Angel Keen pervaded into her head again.

"I'm moving, you stay near", Asaya answered and Shouka was amazed.

"What? I thought I shouldn't be around". The old wet-nurse said.

"Asaya you are sticking out a mile! I've warned you before you don't need to move your mouth and speak to me, shake your damn legs right now," Angel Keen got to stress out as the guard realized the footprints.

Asaya sighed and they walked to the end of the royal kitchen.

"Who is there?" a guard shouted, but they got to respond and moved ahead. Abruptly they stopped looking down on the ground. An old familiar lady was sat there cleaning her muddy shoes.

Shouka opened the sewer entrance and Asaya entered. She got back to the guards, heard the clank of their unsheathed swords asking for a response.

The smell was annoying! Like a wild ferret swarmed her nose. Seemed that ferret was showing its ass while making face for her ready to disgorge its venomous gale out to make her run away. She covered her mouth and nose. Wasn't sure if she can hang on there.

"Hey what's wrong?" Angel Keen's voice crooned around her.

"The smell of her is just a true hell, seems a ferret kept farting here for years.", she growled.

"Then get out of that hell as quick you can, here I smell something nasty and lubricity".

"I'm inside the kitchen sewage," she disgusted and her voice shuddered. The tip of her fingers went numb.

She could sense Bashra but yet wasn't sure! Asaya told her minister had a male wizard, Osla. She didn't warn about any female one!

Anyways for Asaya, it was the only way to catch the royal prison. And supposed to be sheltered by spiteful smell. And could lead her down underground. If they had been moved to the other prison outside of the city then there would be no way out. The scary mines that no one can rescue them. So they were lucky that Pouyeh still kept them in touch and of course under his vision.

When she entered beneath of prison cells. Time to move up and pass the hatchway. Up where she was a soldier was sleeping while he was sitting. Smoothly she said, "Eagles fly…" remained to hear the rest of the code.

She heard a voice saying, "Over the peaks and bring us hope! Lady Asaya is that you?"

Asaya answered fast, "Yes, Zavar it's me, can I enter up?"

Zavar was the son of Dana, one of the guards in royal prison whose family had proved their loyalty to king Sheed long ago.

The hatchway of the sewer wide opened and now Asaya was closer to her goal. She ran up and rushed to her father's cell, who was in the same place with Shareeq and first minister Iliya, while she was behind the door she said calmly, "Father, it's me Asaya". Zavar stood on the passage to look over her.

Her father stood up swiftly, came close to the door, and said, "oh god what are you doing here? That damned betrayer has put a bounty on your head."

Asaya was listening, closed her eyes, and responded, "oh dear me look how my father greeting his daughter. I'm aware of the danger hanging over my head, I'm just here to tell you that I'm going to find a crown prince and we will take back everything just please stay alive till then, I think prince Shaya was here".

Shareeq approached the door and asked, "Asaya my daughter, you must take Oria with you".

Her face loomed, was trying to hold her tears when she said, "don't worry uncle I promise to bring back Oria and Anahid in full health."

Minister Iliya said with surprise, "princess Anahid?"

"Yes, the minster's daughter Bashra wants to kill her". Asaya said with determination.

"Lady you must go now". Zavar hurried.

Minister Iliya nodded as they had no other options, "go our brave daughter, may the blessing of king Sheed lighten your path, return in full health."

Asaya returned to the kitchen quickly, then she moved to the main hall. She was moving like a ghost behind the guards! Hiding and passing by each pillar and sculptures. She stood behind Anahid's room and saw two shadows moving beneath the door's light. In that hour that hyena entered her room for what?

Then she heard the minister! She hid behind a statue of a woman near the pillar, stayed there for a while, and then saw minister Pouyeh leaving the room while he passed the statue.

"Hey don't make trouble! Just bring her out", Angel Keen suggested but it was late. She cursed. This girl was an unpredictable ball of fire!

Asaya couldn't control her vengeful instinct, especially after noticing her father in that condition. Her rage roared within and overcame her.
