Story Two: Forest spirit (VI)

"… The old peasant meanly smiled and replied, "truly, I'm not sure, but the anecdote says those who follow the golden butterfly will be caught by her, but never forget before she kills you take an action and you do first then forest will awake again". 

Rexona nodded thanked her and left quickly. Completely ignored the twins who were following her. Till noon searched but found no golden butterfly, they sat on a rock beside the dry spring when George asked, "Why did you trust that old strange lady?"

"I don't trust her, don't ask any question just wait". 

A few minutes later strong wind blew over them, leaves flew and covered them around then things calmed. A shining golden butterfly flew up the branch. They eagerly followed it and went under a huge rock and observed a new world under deadwood. But magically beautiful and green, entered the cave which belonged to a sad fairy leaning her head on knees and cuddling a small rabbit.