
 Inside the frozen castle before setting the stick-

Kev tried to move but she sealed him with her dark magic. He felt the rushing cold, was in the highlands, gazed around, and recognized that place. The palace that belonged to her one day. It looked different now. Here, she had stolen the stick from him. In the past, she deceived him with a dark love and they moved forward to the next level of lovemaking.

She approached and bent, drew his mask away, and grinned, "Look what your heaven court had done to you. My poor Kev. Why don't you show that eager face anymore? You do not want me. I can sense your heart! You carry a torch for someone! I am going to find out who this person is if you don't tell me, yourself."

Kev ignored her. Her expression got harsh and grabbed his chin to roll his head up. Savagely pushed her nails to his skin and yelled out, "Who is that angel?"