
They entered the strategic tent. A table in the middle and maps landed on it. Black bead signs laid on it were showing gangs' positions. Eight commanders of each gang gathered around the table. They bowed to the king of Nickbones. His war minister Anaem, Subaru, Khale, Eden, Ahya, Nathan, Salman ... were there. 

Minister Anaem pointed to the eastern yellow bead beside the red flag, and said, "Your majesty this squad belongs to Subaru, when the drum sound comes out he will seize first after their attack. Then the middle gang under your command will move. Their soldiers are more so we must not let to besieged. They chose smooth places without muddy earth, it shows that they are so slow in the muddy ground and hardly can defeat. We must strive to bring them to our side." 

Asaya was surveying over the beads keenly. Something was not right about squads near the mountain; they had not a safe place and simply could have been siege by the enemy.