Chapter eleven

A months later, I finally get to leave hospital, my infections on my shoulder and ankle have stopped but I still have to use crutches for a few months, and a dressing over my shoulder. I move into a flat with Dean, Flynn, Casper and Alec and I get a job at the local primary school, as well as leading the LGBTQ support group and help with protests. At the minute, we're fighting for the right to vote. Victor and his goonies were either shut in prison or given community service. This still makes me mad, that they didn't receive the death penalty, but at least I got to stand in the witness box and help put Victor away, for good. I still keep my promise to Venus, visiting her every month, I also see Dezzie's parents every now and again. I am still having nightmares, they got worse as time went on. They started happening in daytime, making me stop breathing and making me feel like I'm dying. It happened to the boys too, in different ways. We all got sent to therapy, I hated it at first, but as we went along, they realised I had PTSD, and said that it was common. We even got a cat; we named her Meggie. This week I found out my mom had died, died from grief is what the doctor said, not that I believe him. Dean and I promised we'd visit her grave, every Sunday.

One winter morning, we finally had put up the decorations for Christmas, when Alec came running in saying he had bought mince pies.

"Mer! Casper! Dean! Flynn! Get in here, we got pies!" he yells, I've never seen him more excited about anything. Molly pounces onto the table, she still reminds me of Comet. We had to let her go, back into the wild. It was either that or she'd be shut in a zoo.

Just as I am about to take a huge bite into the pie, a knock at the door startles me and I run to open it, after losing rock, paper, scissors with Flynn.

My heart freezes and I drop the pie onto the floor.

"Hello, daughter."- Mercury