
3 weeks later

Ryu's POV

"Good job, you learned hand to hand combat fast. You must be getting them from the past Ryus." said Kishimoto

I've been training non stop these past three weeks with both augmentation, strength and fighting. I got the hang of augmentation and my favorite thing about it was that I was fast as lightning. When I run I can either slow down time to do things more stealthy or more accurate but I still run fast while slowing down time. Or I can just go so fast that I leave a trail behind, like one of those scenes in movies where the superhero would break the ground underneath them before taking off.

"Thanks." I replied

"Hey, Kurt is calling us." said Lydia

We exit the training ground and headed over to the control room where Kurt was waiting for us in the middle of the room.

"Ah, you three I have a mission for you." said Kurt

"Huh? A mission?" I started to get anxious

"Yes, it's a simple mission." said Kurt, "You'll be deployed to earth 75-ab, time is around midnight and the date is unknown to them but we know it as somewhere in the spring."

We all nodded.

"You should know the rules and the protocol. Got it?" asked Kurt

"Understood." I replied

We headed over to the transport room and we each stood on separate circles called transportation pods. The lights became brighter and I slipped into this thing called hyper space which teleports you to your destination. After about 10 seconds of flying through it, we landed onto the earth and I looked around and it looked like we were overlooking some kind of city.

"I see that this must be some kind of medievalist time." I said

"Yes, it is." replied Lydia, "Let's go invisible."

We turned invisible and started patrolling some areas, passing by civilians, guards who had weird looking guns or swords, merchants and all different types of people.

But when we got to this remote part of the city I saw two girls there about preteen around 14-15 years of age. One of them was wearing a pink dress, had pink hair and had a huge metal bag slung over her shoulder. The other girl was wearing all purple, purple hair with glasses and she had, huge fucking scissor.

'Why the fuck do you need to carry a fucking scissor around?'

Then I saw another girl come but she looked like a soldier because of her attire and she had a moving doll.

'This earth is hella weird.'

The girl with the doll starts yelling at the two other girls and then the doll fucking turned into a huge dog monster with fucking human legs and arms.

'This can't get any worse can it?'

They started fighting, and the girl with the pink hair used her bag and it turned into a giant gun.

"Oi, we're leaving." said Kishimoto through my earpiece

"We can't just leave, we need to stop them." I replied

"Hey, our protocols are to never engage or interact with other people who don't know about us." said Lydia, "And plus apparently they're heroes but the purple girl is destined to die."

"Who the fuck is destined to die?" I asked

I saw the purple girl fight the girl while the dog monster grabbed the pink girl. She screamed in pain and she shot her gun forcing the dog to let her go. Then I heard a shout from the soldier girl and the dog started turning red, making it grow bigger and uglier.

The purple girl then ran to help the pink girl but I saw the soldier girl about to shoot a gun out of her mouth.

"Shit I'm sorry." I said

I quickly slowed down the time a bit and ran to the purple girl and blocked the bullet with one of my swords. I was no longer invisible and the three girls and the monster looked at me in shock and confusion.

"Who are you?" asked the girl in pink behind me

"No one special." I replied

"Goddammit Ryu!" groaned Lydia through my earpiece

"Are you a night raider as well? I'll take you down as well!" yelled the soldier girl

I didn't want to fight so I grabbed the two girls and ran far away from the fray. I dropped them off further into the forest and they both looked confused but the pink one looked mad.

"Ryu!" yelled Lydia from behind

I got up and turned around and saw them become visible again.

"You broke the protocol and now we either have to kill them or erase their memories." said Lydia

"Who are you?" asked the girl with the purple hair

"Lydia I know I broke the protocol but we can't just watch both of them die." I said

"That's not something we're supposed to be doing." said Kishimoto

"Not only that now Demon is probably going to have a lead on where you are now." said Lydia

"What would the other Ryus do? Would they stand and watch?" I asked

Lydia sighed and rubbed her forehead. But then I heard something rustle above and when I looked up, I saw a female figure with a katana in the air falling down straight towards me. I ducked to my left and she hit the ground where I was standing before. Then an armored knight with a spear attacked me trying to stab me with his spear but I backed up and fell back with my group.

"Things got fucking worse." said Lydia

More figures started coming out of the trees, one girl with yellow hair had cat-like features and was wearing a tube top which was really unnecessary. Two guys came out, one with brown hair holding a sword, another had gloves with thin strings coming out of it. Another woman came out and she had a metal arm and an eye patch.

"What now?" I asked

"We leave." said Kishimoto

The three of us jumped up but the armored knight jumped with us but Kishimoto grabbed his leg and threw him back towards the ground. The pink hair girl shot her big ass gun and a laser almost hit me but I dodged it just in time to avoid getting hit. We landed far away from them and we began to get ready to teleport back to the MVA.

"You explain our situation. No not our situation, your situation." said Lydia

I nodded but once I nodded I saw a black mist circle around my legs.

"What's that?" I asked

I tried moving but I couldn't move, Lydia tried touching the black mist but she jerked away in pain.

"Shit, it's Demon." said Lydia

I started getting frantic, trying to move but I couldn't as the black mist started circling higher.

"Ryu get out!" yelled Kishimoto

"I can't move!" I yelled back

Lydia tried taking the black mist out by using water but nothing happened. I was engulfed by the black mist and now I was in total darkness. I was scared, it wasn't just dark, there was an eerie feeling around me. After about a few seconds being in it the black mist started circling around my head and started making its way down, taking me away from darkness. I looked around and I was in a forest filled with short dead trees, dead grass, everything was dead here.

"Where am I?"

I began to use my watch but it wasn't really working. But then I heard soft footsteps behind me so I drew one of my swords and turned around but I saw nothing. I started feeling scared and I tried steadying myself but my hand was shaking a lot and it was hard to control myself.

"I've found you." someone whispered into my ear from behind.

I swung my sword around but no one was there.

"Where are you?" I stuttered, "P-please, just leave me alone."

Then the same black mist appeared 6 feet away from me and once the black mist disappeared there stood the same female who tried to kill me at school, Demon.

"Sorry, I just can't." she replied

Now, fear just completely took over me, my entire body was shaking a lot that I couldn't stand up straight. She had a loose ponytail but her tail was somewhere up high rather than low near her neck with bangs that covered her forehead and two long pieces of hair coming out from both sides of her face. She too looked Asian, the same type of eyes as Lydia but a perfect nose, not too small and not too big. Her face in general was slim and she had a pretty pointy chin. She stood 5'9, which was my height and she looked older than me. She started approaching me and my body just wouldn't move at all. It's as if I was hypnotized. She gently moved my sword to the side but I tried fighting back but I just couldn't move. She was so close to me, less than a foot away and I was just trembling and avoiding eye contact.

"You're different." said Demon

"S-sorry, I get that a lot." I stuttered

"I'm sure you do." she replied

I looked at my forearm watch and I tried pressing the SOS button but she grabbed the watch faster than I did and then started squeezing my arm. I yelped in pain as she slowly twisted it, forcing me to fall on one of my knees.

"Trying to call for help huh?" she asked

She smiled a menacing smile at me as she tore off the watch on my forearm. I gasped as she did it because Lydia told me it's impossible to detach anything that's attached to the leather tights.

"No one's going to help you now." she said

"P-please, I don't want this." I pleaded

She looked down at me and smiled.

"But I want this." she said

I looked away as I felt tears gather up in my eyes.

"W-why are y-you k-k-killing me? W-what did I d-do to you?" I asked in fear

She grabbed my hair and pulled me up.

"It's not about what you did. It's just for the fun." said Demon

She punched my chest and I was sent flying, breaking through the dead trees, crashing onto the ground multiple times until my back finally hit a boulder. I tried getting away but before I could even get up from the ground Demon was already on top of me. I swung my sword at her but she merely grabbed it and yanked it out of my grip. She then grabbed my throat and lifted me up off of my feet.

"S-stop, it hurts." I pleaded

She just laughed and squeezed tighter.


I started gathering my mind together and electrocuted her arm but she merely just gripped tighter.

"Weak and pathetic." she smirked

'How strong is she?'

I couldn't breathe, I tried prying her hand off of my throat but her grip was too firm. My legs were shaking underneath me and I tried to shake my way out but I couldn't.

"P-please, stop." my voice barely came out as a whisper, "I'm b-begging you."

But to my surprise she let go and I fell onto my knees and started coughing as I tried breathing.

"You're an interesting one." she said

She kneeled in front of me as I continued to struggle to breathe.

"W-why aren't you killing me?" I asked

"Why do you want me to?" she asked

"No no no, it's just out of curiosity." I put my hands in front of me to signal that I didn't want to die.

"You're thinking because if I killed other Ryus, I would kill you?" she asked

"I thought that was a given." I replied

She grabbed my hair and pulled me in, her eyes glaring at me.

"Of course I'll kill you." she hissed

My eyes were welling up with tears.

"But I won't because you're different." said Demon

I was confused as to how that's a reason why she's not killing me.

"You want to know the reason behind everything people do." she said

"Well, that's true..." I replied

"You must be wondering why I killed every other Ryu." she said

"Yea, but you just said that you wanted to kill me for fun."

She smiled, making me shiver.

"I can sense fear in anyone, I use that as an advantage so that's why I said that. To get you scared easily." she said

I looked away but I nodded.

"I just want to explain to you why I'm doing this." she said

I nodded and looked back at her.

"Isn't this going to be a long story?" I asked

"It will be, but don't worry we won't waste any time." she replied

She grabbed my face and she leaned her face close to mine and her eyes suddenly turned completely black. I gasped but I felt my eyes start to expand and I began to fall into some kind of portal.