
Ryu's POV

"I want to see your powers, show me what you got." said Demon

I nodded and blasted towards her and punched her causing a huge impact, dust and ashes flew around.

"Too slow." said Demon from behind

I turned around in surprise and she kicked me, sending me away.

'What the, she's fast.'

I decided to go stealthy and I slowed down time and ran to her but for some reason she was still fucking fast and she moved out of the way and back kicked me in the ribs, launching me away again.

"You can slow down time pretty well, but you need to be able to slow down time a bit more." said Demon

I used my augmentation. I used the lightning to teleport me around her to confuse her but once I was about to punch her from behind she turned around and blocked my punch with one arm and the impact was tremendous that the ground beneath me shook and cracked.

Demon threw my arm up and hits my chest with minimum effort and it still knocked me a few yards away.

"Dammit." I groaned

I got up and looked at Demon.

"You never truly used 100% of your powers right?" I asked

"Well yes a bit." she replied

"Show me maybe a bit more from what you're doing right now." I said

"This isn't even 1 percent of my power." she replied

I stood there dumbfounded.

"Then what is?" I asked

She smiled and all of a sudden she was right in front of me. She was so fast that she left multiple afterimages behind her that stayed there for about a good minute.

"Holy shit." I gasped

And suddenly I was in the air with her.


She then kicked me and I fell down to hell, creating a huge ditch.

"Shit." I groaned

"This isn't 5% of my full powers." she said

She walked towards the ditch but then I began noticing multiple Demons as if she summoned multiple clones of herself. I began to get punched, kicked and kneed by the air and I could see that none of the Demons were moving at all.

She then summoned a whole army of monsters out of the ground but she snapped her fingers and they all disappeared again except for one. She then looked at the monster and the monster started to scream in pain as I heard bones crunching on the inside.

"What the." I gasped in shock

I tried getting up but I couldn't from the pain.

"I can turn myself into anything and anyone I want to." said Demon

She turned into Kishimoto catching me off guard and she turned back to her own self. She then turned into a tall, skinny monster with huge white eyes, long fingers and long sharp teeth.

I kind of stumbled back in fear and she quickly turned back to her old self. She approached me and helped me stand up from the pain.

"Using my full power isn't necessary." said Demon

"But I have a question."

"What is it?" she asked as she all of a sudden carried me bridal style

I could feel my cheeks heating up but I continued to ask.

"Your augmentation is fire, but how are you able to hold two augmentations?" I asked

"It was a risk I had to take, at first it didn't fit me but after training I was able to control it." replied Demon as she carried me back to the castle

"Oh, then how did you kill Lucifer?" I asked

"I outplayed him, he was a tough opponent to take down." said Demon, "But he fell for one of my traps which risked my life but I lived."

"So Lucifer's power in you isn't augmentation?" I asked

"Augmentations are only for elements." said Demon, "That's why there's only a couple of augmenters."

"How many are there?" I asked

"There's 4, most augmentations actually have two elements in them. Like water and ice, earth and vegetations, lightning and air, fire and lava." replied Demon

"So, what would you say your strongest power is?" I asked

"Forcing two planets to crash into each other." said Demon

"You can do that? I mean that was part of Lucifer's powers?" I asked

She simply nodded and I was in shock.

"Doesn't Lucifer have some kind of telekinesis powers as well?" I asked

"Yes I do." she replied

"Whoa." I replied, "You're like a goddess."

She smiled and entered the castle.

"It takes a lot of training." said Demon

"I see." I replied

"You have a lot of potential as well." said Demon

"Oh can you erase other people's memories?" I asked

"I tend not to cause this power is something that's hard to control especially since I need real humans to use." replied Demon

"Well, you do have humans outside." I replied as we entered our room.

"The people in hell are different from those who are still alive." said Demon

She slowly lowered me and I stood up and sat on the window frame looking at hell, I looked up and saw a portal which people come through.

"You believe that it's right for the people who are in hell to be punished?" I asked

"Yes." I said

"Are the Ryus here?" I asked

Demon nodded and she led me outside, across a bridge and into the actual torturing hell. I watched as people were being burnt alive, some were even being eaten alive.

"If they die here, where do they go?" I asked

"They either regenerate their bodies or fall back here." said Demon

"So they're immortal." I added


"I see and they're stuck here forever." I said

She nodded.

"Are you the only one who can let someone go?" I asked

She nodded and then stopped. I looked in front of her and there was a Ryu there being tortured, getting ripped apart by monsters that had a head of a ram. The Ryu turned and looked at me and gasped, his eyes turning big.

"Which Ryu is he?" I asked

"Prime." replied Demon

"What are you doing here with her?!" yelled Ryu, "You're not supposed to be with her!"

I sighed and just asked Demon if we could leave.

"No don't go you have to kill her!" he yelled

"How can he say that so easily to a friend?" I asked

"He's like that, that's why you're different." said Demon

"Ah." I replied


1 week later

Ryu's POV

We've been through a lot of missions lately and my bond with her grew pretty strong over the past week.

Right now we were on a world that was on the brink of annihilation by some army of 50 meter giant human looking monsters being controlled by a boy who can turn into one of those human looking monsters.

"Damn, how are we going to do this?" I asked

Demon pointed at the sea port and I saw a group of people down there working to get some kind of plane working.

"You want us to go to them?" I asked

"We can know what's actually happening." said Demon

I nodded and we both jumped and landed in front of the hangar, scaring the people there.

"Who are you?" asked a woman with an eye patch wearing goggles.

"We saw one bigger looking giant than the other big ones, is that the person controlling it?" I asked

Normally I do the talking since Demon is very quiet around other people.

"The one that looks like a bug is my friend Eren." said a boy with blonde hair, pretty fat nose

"Should we kill him?" asked Demon

"How are you going to do that?" asked an Asian girl with short black hair

Demon left and walked towards the incoming giants.

"How are you going to do that?" I asked

That's when her eyes became full on black and the titans stopped walking.

"How do you kill these giants?" asked Demon

"The back of their neck..." whispered a tall man with long sand color hair.

Every single giant began ripping off their nape and they began falling down and started decomposing. The giant insect looking thing was still moving towards us.

"What, why did all the titans do that?" asked the blonde guy

"Stay here, I'll handle this one." said Demon

Demon disappeared but came back in less than a second with a man with long hair, button down shirt, khakis and some leather shoes.

"Eren!" cried out the girl with short black hair

But Demon raised her sword about to kill him.

"Wait!" I stopped her

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Let's have them decide on what to do with him. We don't really have the right to make a decision whether or not he dies." I said

"Kill me if you want, free me." sighed the man with long hair

"Eren, please let's talk this out." said the woman with black hair

"What is there to talk about?" he asked

"Eren please, we're all at fault for this." said the blonde hair dude

"Eren stop this, we were wrong let's fix this." said another man who was big with short blonde hair

Demon suddenly looked towards the smoke and disappeared then reappeared with another man with blonde hair and a beard.

"Oi, you bastard." groaned a man with short black hair covered in bandages

"I guess we're done here." I said

Demon nodded and just before we were about to leave the girl with the eye patch stopped us.

"Who are you? You never answered that question."

"Just someone you won't ever see after this." I replied

The black mist transported us and we were now in a modern day city.

"Why are we here? It looks peaceful." I asked

She pointed at something out of the city and I noticed a giant purple centipede.

"Ew what the fuck." I said

But all of a sudden it stopped moving and from its tail it started disappearing into dust.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked

"Looks like they have a hero." said Demon

Some bald man wearing a yellow attire with a white cloak landed on the roof we were standing on.

"Who are you? Are you the one who summoned the giant bug?" he asked

"No, we'll be leaving." I said

But a machine with a human head landed next to the bald man.

"Sensei, who are they? Bad guys? I'll deal with them." said the cyborg

Demon nodded to me so I backed up. The cyborg charged at Demon so fast that I couldn't see him but once he was about to punch her his body just apart into pieces.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked myself

The cyborg wasn't dead but he was surprised. The bald man also charged at her but he was faster than the cyborg but Demon merely just caught his punch with one arm and the impact destroyed the building entirely so I jumped off the roof and landed on another roof.

"Damn." I said

Demon stood there as the bald man went against her. He was so fast that I couldn't catch up, even as I tried to slow down time. But Demon looked relaxed, like as if she wasn't trying at all.

The battle was causing a lot of destruction so I was busy saving the people who nearly got caught up in the battle.

The bald man started to get punched multiple times by the air and Demon blasted her way towards him and punched him so hard we went flying into the atmosphere.

"Holy shit the fight didn't even last 30 seconds." I mumbled

Demon nodded but before I was about to walk something fly right by me straight towards Demon but Demon simply dodged it.

"Let's leave, we're causing too much damage." I nodded

And we were transported back to hell.

"Demon can I continue training with you?" I asked

Demon nodded and we headed back to our training ground. I began using my augmentation a lot more, I even electrocuted the ground so that whoever was standing on it would be electrocuted but Demon just stood there and walked towards me.

"Lightning gives you power, use it." said Demon

I summoned lightning bolts onto my hand and blasted towards her and began throwing punches at her but she dodged all of them with ease. She then grabbed my throat and started electrocuting me and I screamed in pain and she threw me a few yards away.

"I thought I was, resistant to lightning." I said

"You should know how to control." she said, "Control allows everything to become stronger."

I drew both of my swords and ran towards her with lightning bolts on my two swords. I began slashing at her but this time I tried moving faster but it was still to no avail. So I struck the ground with both of my swords and three lightning bolts hit me and the impact nearly hit Demon but she backed up a bit and raised up an arm in a stop signal and the impact blew away from her.

"Can you at least show me 20 percent of your power?" I asked

Demon looked worried but nodded.

"If that's what you want." said Demon

I got ready and blasted towards her but then I was punched by the air multiple times, I was smashed onto the ground, thrown up into the air. I used the lightning bolts as teleportation but when I teleported to one spot something grabbed my legs from the dirt and I was hit by the air so many times, I couldn't count.

The ground shook and lava shot out from where I stood, I dodged to my side but more lava began to shoot out. But then the ground entirely broke under me so I jumped up and a lava monster appeared and roared at me and tried grabbing me.

I sliced the lava monster into pieces and it roared in pain and I beheaded it and ran to the Demon who raised up an arm and I stopped moving. I tried moving but my body wouldn't move on my command. She then threw me up into the air and slammed against the floor, so I quickly teleported behind her but then the ground shot out from underneath me and lava, stone and dirt began to cover me and the lava cooled down making it hard for me to move.

I tried blasting myself with lightning but Demon simply prevented it because she then squeezed her fists and the dirt and stone began to squeeze me tight making me scream in pain. She then approached me and gently placed two fingers on my forehead and her eyes turned black scaring me but nothing happened. But after a second after that I began to feel like I was burning on the inside. I screamed in pain, it felt like my organs were burning but the pain ceased as she removed her fingers from my foreheads.

"That's 20 percent." she said

She released me and I collapsed right onto her arms as she hugged me.

"But you did good." she said

"Thanks, teacher." I replied

She smiled and hugged me tighter.