
Ryu's POV

I slowly woke up and I noticed that I was in the dark torture chambers tied to a chair with only my underwear on. I tried using my augmentation but for some reason it wouldn't work.

"Don't even try." I heard Demon behind me

I stopped struggling and gasped.

"Your torture session is going to be the worst thing you'll ever experience." she said

"I won't tell anyone, please let me go. I promise I'll keep this between us two." I begged

But then she appeared in front of me and she grabbed my head and her eyes turned red and I was thrown into an illusion.

"For three days you will experience excruciating pain." her voice called from everywhere

I was placed in the middle of a road in a town with my gear and everything on but I recognized the place, it was my neighborhood. I saw my house in front of me but I cautiously walked towards it and opened the front door and my mom was kneeling in front of the fire facing me.

"Mom." I called out

She opened her eyes and looked at me and smiled.

"You're back home." she said

I was scared to approach her but then she started crying but she was crying out blood. I backed away in fear and then she screamed and there was a huge explosion and I was in hell but I watched as my mom was being tortured by the monsters.

"No mom!" I called back

But I was brought back to the house and there she was again but this time hands came out from the ground and grabbed my mom and started dragging her into the ground.

"Mom no!" I yelled

I reached for her hand and when I did I was in hell again holding onto her head. I screamed and dropped the head and it fell into a pit of lava. When the head fell into the lava she screamed and her entire body reappeared.

"No stop this please! Demon please, I'll do anything please stop this!" I screamed in sadness and fear

She didn't respond and I was back in my house with her in front of me. I screamed in fear and sadness while clutching my head in pain.


3 days later

I was back to reality, for three days I watched my mom being dragged into hell in different ways. But not a single second passed in the real world and now I had a huge headache and I couldn't focus. I was drooling and my eyes were rolled back and I couldn't feel anything.

Demon let go of my head and it dropped and I began coughing and shaking like I was having a seizure.

"I'm surprised your mental status is still intact." said Demon

I started gaining focus and I heard some kind of metal moving and when I looked up I saw that Demon was removing her tights. I couldn't stay focused for long periods of time so I just hung my head and closed my eyes so that I could regain my focus.

"This is now your physical torture." she said

I couldn't focus but I was starting to get scared as she grabbed my hair and forced me to look up. She then stabbed my eye and I screamed in pain and she started cutting my eye out. I screamed as I felt pain throughout my eye, I struggled against my restraints as I started crying from my other eye. She then pulled out my eye and I felt some kind of string at the back of my eyes rip and now I lost vision on my left eye.

But it wasn't over as she stabbed my other eye and now I was blind, I couldn't see anything. She cut my eye out and the string ripped and now I was completely blind. I was crying blood and I felt the blood drip on my chest and my thighs.

"It's not over." she said

I heard metal clanking together and I felt sudden pain as she ripped off the fingernail on my thumb. I screamed in pain and she grabbed my pointer finger. I tried jerking and squirming away but she firmly holds onto it.

"Stop fucking squirming." she growled

She pulls out the fingernail on my pointer finger and I screamed in pain and squirmed even more.

"You have 18 more to go." said Demon

"18?! Please stop this I won't tell anyone I promise!" I pleaded

She ignores me and continues to rip off my fingernails and my toenails.

After she finished I heard more metal clanking against each other and she grabbed my fingers and she cut off my thumb and I cried in pain.

"Please stop!" I cried

She ignored me and moved to my pointer finger and she cut off my finger, I could feel blood splatter against the floor and hitting against my leg.

"Demon I'm sorry for breaking the rules please forgive me." I cried

She sighed and grabbed my jaw. Then I felt a needle go through the top of my lips and I felt a string follow through with the needle.

'She's stitching my lips together!'

I tried moving my head away but her grip was too strong and she continued stitching my lips together until they were completely stitched and I couldn't open my mouth.

"Now you're fucking quiet." growled Demon

She continued to cut off my fingers and my toes and I kept squirming around in pain.

"You think we're done right? Not even close." she said

I heard metal clanking and I felt a hot sharp metal pierce my back. I jerked around in pain as she cut down my spine and opened up my skin.

"Now, your face." she said

She grabbed my hair and started skinning my neck and worked her way to my cheeks but then I heard a loud boom and a hush of wind blew against me.

"Ryu!" I heard a familiar voice

I felt someone hold onto me and I felt a gush of wind against my skin, no my skin was no longer there, it was just my muscles.

"Ryu, oh shit we'll get you fixed." said another familiar female voice

But I began to feel weak and I began to lose my mind so I passed out.


I felt something bright hit my eyes and I opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling. I gasped and suddenly sat up and checked my eyes. They were back, my fingers and my toes, my skin and my lips were fine.

"Whoa, are you okay?" asked a voice next to me

I gasped but immediately calmed down when I noticed that it was Lydia and Kishimoto sitting next to me.

"You guys saved me?" I asked

"Yea but you need to rest. You were unrecognizable when we found you." said Lydia

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think she was like that-"

"We understand Ryu." replied Lydia

"I know her plans, everything she's going to do." I said

"We'll discuss that later." said another voice

I noticed Kurt entering the room and he sighed.

"But first you need to face some consequences." said Kurt

I nodded and laid back down.

"What did she do to you?" asked Lydia

"During the torture? Or everything in general?" I asked

"Torture." replied Lydia

"She first made me watch my mom die and go to hell for three days but not a single second passed in the real world." I said, "Then she raped me and-"

"She what?!" yelled Lydia

I jerked away in fear but Kishimoto grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

"Why would she do that?" asked Lydia, "She's an actual devil."

"Well, we're dating but-"

"Huh?!" both Kishimoto and Lydia yelled

I jerked away in surprise and they both looked at me wide eyes, Kurt just had his mouth wide open.

"What? We're dating but I don't know what we are now." I said

Lydia looked terrible while Kishimoto and Kurt kept eyeing Lydia.

"Why do you two keep eyeing Lydia?" I asked

"Cause I've liked you since we met!" yelled Lydia

I now sat there with my mouth dropped open.

"You what?" I quietly asked

"I like you." repeated Lydia

"Why are you saying this now? My emotions for Demon are still there even after the torture." I said

"Why her?" she asked

But before I could answer the sirens started blaring and Kurt looked shocked.

"All hands to deck, Demon is on earth prime!" yelled a man over the loudspeaker

"Ryu, Lydia and Kishimoto get ready!" yelled Kurt

"We'll talk later." said Lydia

She tosses me my tights and my swords so I quickly put them on and used the machine to put on my armor plates. I attached my sword to my back and put on my black silk cloak.

"Does earth prime have some kind of spell?" I asked

"I don't know." replied Kishimoto, "Why?"

"There's this spell Demon needs to break in order to gain control of earth prime and destroy every single earth there is." I said

"That's her plan?" gasped Kishimoto

"Yea." I said as we ran out of my room towards the transport pod

"We need to get over there and stop her." said Lydia