
1 week later

"Hey mom I'm going to head out to get some groceries!" I called out from the living room

"Okay be safe!" she yelled back

I left the house and drove around to places getting some food for my mom. But while I was driving around I saw a glasses store so I parked the car and went in.

"Hello sir how may I help you?" he asked

"Can you take off these lenses and put on some fake ones?" I asked

Without question he nodded and handed me my glasses. I put them on and drove off back home.

I began unloading my car and when I opened the door I saw two pairs of shoes that didn't belong to us.

"Mom?" I called out

I entered the living but I saw two people sitting on the couch and I nearly dropped the groceries I was holding.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" I asked

Lydia and Kishimoto were sitting in my couch drinking some tea.

"Ryu you made friends, this is a start! I'm so proud of you!" excitedly said my mom

"Wait mom they're-"

"Thank you for being friends with Ryu. He never had friends before so I thank you for coming." my mom cuts me

"Oh it's nothing." chuckled Kishimoto

"I'll grab some bread and snacks for you." said my mom

She takes my groceries leaving me dumbfounded.

"How the hell did you find me here?" I asked

"We're MVA you can't hide from us unless you're Demon." said Kishimoto

"What do you want?" I asked

"Why did you leave?" asked Lydia

"I don't want to be a part of this. So I left." I replied

"Is it because of me?" she asked

"Well that's part of the reason but not entirely." I replied, "Plus I have feeling for her."

"How can you still have feelings for her when she tortured you in such a cruel way?" asked Kishimoto

I didn't know how to answer that question.

"Maybe because she treated me well." I replied

"She killed so many Ryus." said Lydia

"Look I'm not like any of your 22 Ryus, I think they were careless when they tried to interpret Demon's plans." I said, "She showed me what happened the day earth prime Ryu was killed. He could have lived."

Lydia got mad and got up but Kishimoto grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Let's not have someone else get involved." whispered Kishimoto

I looked towards my mom who was busy cutting fruits for us.

"Look, I'm not returning back to the MVA." I said, "I'll write down her plans and that'll be it."

Lydia then suddenly grabs my hands and starts tearing up.

"Ryu I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But please come back, you'll be safe with us." she pleaded

"Hey hey, calm down. I'll be fine, don't worry about me too much." I said, "If I need help, I would like to contact you or the MVA which I don't know how to but you know."

She sighed and let go of my hands and wiped her tears away. My mom came in with some fruits and set them on the table.

"Let me know if you two need anything." said my mom

"Thank you!" exclaimed Kishimoto

I quickly wrote Demon's plans on a piece of paper and handed it to Lydia.

"Here, that's all I know." I said

"But you know that you're an augmenter right? Augmenters are immortal, the government here might find out." said Kishimoto

"I'm no longer an augmenter." I said

"Huh? How? Wait did she take away your augmentation?" asked Kishimoto

I nodded and both of them groaned.

"I'm sorry but this is it for me." I said, "But you two can come visit from time to time since my mom thinks that we're friends."

"Are we not?" asked Kishimoto

I thought about it and just smiled.

"I mean yea you are." I said


2 hours later

After we talked a bit more they left and I went into my room to play some games. I put on my fake glasses that I always wear now so that my mom doesn't get suspicious.

I checked my phone and saw that I still had like 6 hours to kill before going to sleep so I sighed and started grinding games.

But then it hit me, if Lydia and Ryu were here then Demon must have been here too looking after me.

"Ryu, someone is looking for you outside." called my mom

My heart started beating so fast it felt like it was going to pop. I slowly made my way to the front door but I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that it was just a mailman.

"A letter for you sir." he said

"Thank you sir." I replied

I went back to my room and the letter was from my school. I opened it and it said that there would be online class starting next week and school will reopen two to three months later.

"Geez, how much damage did they cause?" I questioned myself, "I mean the neighboring towns were probably also damaged as well."

I didn't know what to do since I've been playing games for about an hour so I decided to go for a run around the town. I grabbed my sweatpants, windbreaker and put on some sneakers and left the house with my phone and wallet. I put on my earbuds and started running around town.

Cardio wasn't really my thing, exercising in general wasn't my thing but I started to get into a habit of running ever since training in the MVA. I ran and ran for what felt like hours but I only ran for about 5 minutes and I was already tired.

I continued running around the town passing by houses, libraries, laundromats, schools, and other things. But then I got to this one playground where a bunch of little kids no older than middle school kids playing around. But someone caught my attention and it was a girl who stood out from the kids playing there.

She looked like a mom but she was wearing a sports bra, some short khaki shorts, she had two belt straps on her left thigh, two arm sleeves that are used for basketball but it didn't look like the ones you use from basketball, and she had fingerless gloves but only one hand.

She had her back towards me but when she slightly turned around I immediately ran away like my life depended on it.

'Oh geez it's Demon.'

I kept running and running until I got far away from the playground. I didn't stop running until I smelled something while running past a deli.


I went into the deli and looked through the entire cigarette section behind the counter.

"Can I get the red Marlboro?" I asked

He nodded and I quickly put a lighter on the counter as he picked up the cigarette pack.


I quickly paid him $10 dollars and left the deli. I peeled off the wrapping, pulled out a stick and lit it. I inhaled the smoke and puffed it all out into the air and it relieved me from all my stress.

'Damn, no wonder why people smoke.'

"Do you have a lighter?" I heard a voice from behind

I wasn't really paying attention since I was looking at my phone but I took out my lighter and handed it to the person.

"Thanks Ryu."

I gasped and turned around and saw that it was Demon who was standing there lighting up her cigarette.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I have two reasons why I'm here." she replied

"Let me guess one of them, because Lydia and Kishimoto visited me today." I replied

She nodded and I sighed.

"Then what's the other reason?" I asked

She leaned against the wall and let out a puff of smoke.

"I'm pretty busy now so I might not be able to visit you often enough." she said

"I see." I replied

She suddenly grabs my hand.

"Let's go for a walk." she said

I was dragged into walking with her so I just followed her.

"I have a question." I said


"If you loved me, why did you have to torture me like that. Not only that you raped me." I said

"You enjoyed it though." she replied

My cheeks shot red so I looked away.

"But still, you didn't have to torture me like that." I said

"You broke a promise with me, that's something you deserved." she snapped, "Plus you're in hell so you would have regenerated those body parts."

"But I wasn't sent to hell." I implied

"Doesn't matter, anyone who's in hell can regenerate. Except me." she said, "I can regenerate any time."

"I see, well you better keep our promise as well." I said

She doesn't say anything as she takes a breath of her cigarette.

"Promise me!" I snapped

She glared at me and I backed up in fear.

"I told you that I'm too busy." she snapped, "Time isn't on my side."

"I don't want my mom dying." I said

"I'll think of something." she said, "Don't fucking raise your voice at me."

She grabbed my collar and pulled my face close to hers and her eyes were slowly turning black.

"Okay okay sorry sorry." I apologized

She let me go.

"But you got to stop being such a bitch." I mumbled

At first I didn't think she heard but then in a blink of an eye I was back in hell.

"What did you just call me?" she whispered into my ears

I started sweating, my heart racing in my chest.

"I-I-I uhhh-"

"Lost for words huh?" she whispered

I gulped in fear as she slowly started wrapping her arms around me.

"I-I take that b-back." I stuttered

"Oh do you now?" she asked

I firmly nodded and I was back on earth. I let out a sigh of relief and I took a puff from my cigarette but Demon snatched it out of my mouth and she also took my pack of cigarettes.

"Stop smoking, you're no longer an augmenter which means you could die from smoking too much of these." said Demon

'Ah shit I forgot about that.'

"I'm going to go now, I'll see you soon." said Demon

"Sure, I guess I'll be waiting." I said

She kissed my lips, catching me off guard and hugging me.

"I won't be gone for too long." she said

I nodded and she kissed me again but this time for some reason I kissed back as well. I slowly pulled away and she slowly disappeared with the black mist.

"Damn, now I'm going to miss her even more." I said to myself

I started jogging around and got back home after about an hour and 30.

"Running? What's got into you?" asked my mom

"I just wanted to kill some time. And when we go back to school we're having a physical test." I lied

"I see, you always want to be first." said my mom

I laughed and headed towards my room to shower

"Wait, why do you smell like cigarettes?" she asked

"Oh when I was running there were a bunch of junkies smoking and I ran through all the smoke." I lied

"Ah, be careful." said my mom

I went into the bathroom and started running the water as I took off my clothes. I sat on the tub and just let the water drench me as I thought about my life.

'She raped me, yet I still have feelings.'

I felt myself growing hard.

'Did I actually enjoy it?'

After drowning myself with water I climbed out of the tub and put on some comfortable clothes.

"Damn, maybe I did." I said to myself

I couldn't stop touching myself so I just turned on my desktop and started doing some studying but I just couldn't get it off my mind.

'Oh god how do I get rid of this feeling?'

I stopped studying and played some games, but it barely worked so I turned it off and went to sleep but all I thought was the time I was getting raped.
