
Ryu's POV

I slowly gained consciousness and I saw that my hands were tied to something on the ceiling and I was hanging.

"Looks like you're awake." I heard a voice

I immediately recognized and my blood started boiling.

"You bitch! You broke our promise! Now my mom's dead because of you!" I yelled

Demon appeared in front of me and sighed.

"And I said that I was going to do something about it." she replied

I tried kicking her but I couldn't move.

"Don't worry about her so much." she said, "She'll live here forever but in pain."

"My mom is being tortured?!"

"Look for yourself." she said

She released me and led me outside to the hot and dark hell where a lot of people were getting tortured. I looked over to where she was pointing at and I gasped as I saw my mom ready to get tortured.

"Mom!" I yelled

I ran to her as she turned around and gasped.

"Ryu!" she yelled

But before I got close to her, she cried in pain as I heard her bones being crunched. I gasped in fear and tried helping her but Demon stood in front of me.

"Sorry but I can't let you save her." she said, "I mean I won't allow her to leave."

"You promised!" I yelled

"I never promised." she replied

She raised up one of her arms and slowly started to bawl her hand into a fist causing more bones to be broken.

"Stop!" I yelled as I tried running to her

"You move, I kill her entirely." she said

"What the hell do you want?!" I asked

"Join me." she said

I grit my teeth in anger and frustration. But then the ground trembled and I was sent flying up into the clouds. Then Lydia came out of thin air and grabbed me.

"Lydia?!" I gasped

We then teleported into hyperspace and now I was back in the MVA.

"What the hell are you doing?! My mom was done there!" I yelled

I tried pressing the buttons on the machine but Kishimoto pulled me away.

"Stop, we'll save your mom later! For now stay here!" he yelled

"Shut up! I need to save her!" I yelled

I was so furious I felt the electricity course throughout my body until I unwillingly released a shock wave and Kishimoto yelped in pain.

Lydia's eyes widen in surprise and helps Kishomoto. I looked down at my shaky hands in fear and shock as his fingers emitted small lightning bolts.

"What the..." I whispered

"You have augmentation." said Lydia, "From the past Ryus."

"Yea, only wants me to fight her even more." I said

"Stop not now, we'll save your mom when the time is right." Lydia stopped me

"Time isn't on my side! She'll probably kill her right now!" I yelled

"She won't kill her, she wants you with her. She'll only use her more if you try to save her." said Lydia

I was so frustrated that I kicked a monitor and broke it.

"Fuck!" I shouted

"Ryu calm down, we have a plan but it's going to be a risky one." said Lydia

I sighed in frustration and started tearing up.

'I swear I'm going to save you.'

"Let's get you geared up." said Kishimoto

I didn't really have a choice so I nodded. I was now in the armory putting on new tights with new armor plating.

"You need a new sword." said Kishimoto

I nodded and began looking through the weaponry. But then I found a sword that had the same design as my old one but this one was just one set. I think the length of the blade and the handle is a bit longer, same width, same color.

I sheathed it into my scabbard and clipped it onto my back and put on the black silk cloak.

"So what's your plan?" I asked

"Well, it's a bit of a risk." said Lydia

"We're going to gather the strongest heroes from every earth." said Kishimoto

I raised an eyebrow.

"But Demon's a goddess, I don't think that's helpful." I said

"We'll see." said Lydia

"Do we have Kurt's permission?" I asked

Lydia and Kishimoto both nodded.

"Let's give it a try then." I sighed

We entered the transportation room and I stood on a circle and entered hyper space. After going through hyperspace for about 10 seconds we landed inside some kind of stadium with a bunch of people watching some kind of game.

"What a great way to enter." sarcastically said Kishimoto

"Huh who are they? Are they part of the academy?" I heard some voice over the loudspeaker.

"Excuse, please we would like to talk to your leader." called out Lydia

"Hey, you're interrupting our match!" yelled a guy in the field

He had white spiky hair and he looked pissed. He raised both of his arms with open hands and explosions of fire started coming out towards us. I quickly got in front of Lydia and Kishimoto, drew my sword and pointed it towards the incoming fire. Wind blew out and it pierced the fire and it split, barely avoiding us.

"What the? What was that?!" shouted the commentator

"This must be some kind of game." said Kishimoto

"Don't underestimate me!" yelled the white spiky hair kid

He blasted his way towards me, using explosions to boost himself.

"Kishimoto?" I asked

Without hesitation, he created a stone wall and the boy ran straight into it.

"Ouch." said Lydia

"We do not want to fight!" I yelled, "We just want to talk!"

Everyone watching started chattering and I saw some kind of old man who looked like a junkie approach us.

"What is it you want?" he asked

"All we want is to talk to whoever is the head of this place." I said

"You want to talk to All Might?"

"Huh? Oh, yea that'll be nice." I replied

But then I heard a loud boom and I saw something break into the stadium.

"Ah shit, Demon?" asked Kishimoto

"She never introduces herself like that." I replied

Then out of the dust and smoke, a huge buff man with yellow hair, a huge smile wearing some kind of blue tights with the colors yellow, white and red.

"I am All Might! What is it you seek?" he asked

His voice was unusually loud but everyone in the stadium cheered.

"Ah great." I sighed

"All we need to do is talk." said Lydia

"If you beat me then I'll let you talk!" he boomed

Kishimoto and Lydia backed up and pushed me forward.

"Go get him, don't take too long." said Lydia

I sighed and nodded.

"Let the fight begin!" yelled the commentator