
Ryu's POV

"We're going to fight on 4 fronts." said Kurt

I was in a room with a bunch of MVA agent officers.

"The brave knights of earth prime will defend the capital, but since it's a floating city it's wide open for air attack. So they'll lower it to the ground where there'll be 100,000 knights." said Kurt, "The heroes who gathered will protect the very secret mountain where Demon needs to infiltrate in order to control earth prime."

He then switched to another place on the earth.

"We're going to have MVA agents here, the agents will protect the high council." said Kurt

"How many agents are there?" I asked

"200 agents." replied Kurt

"What about the fourth front?" asked an officer

"MVA dominions, all of those who have powers will fight defending the MVA orbital stations with our air force." said Kurt

I felt icky about this.

"I don't like it as much as you don't." said Thunder

"Wouldn't that be slaughter?" asked Lydia

Kurt and the officers looked at us, making me freak out a bit.

"I don't think it's wise." said Lydia

"What do you suggest?" asked Kurt

"Well if you ask me..." I trailed off

'Think, think.'

"When facing a lot of people, Demon would do things depending on her mood." I said, "If she's in a good mood she would enjoy her time, if not she'll kill everyone."

Kurt nodded in agreement.

"So let's fight at 5 fronts." I said

"5 fronts?" questioned Lydia

"I'll somehow bring Demon to a remote earth." I said

"How would you do that?" asked Kurt

I pulled out the gun that injects chips into the flesh.

"I'll somehow manage to inject her with this." I said, "Once I do you must transport us to a remote earth."

Kurt nodded and added that to the plan but then I heard a distant explosion.

"Huh what was that?" I questioned

No one else seemed to hear it except for Lydia.

"I heard it." said Lydia

Lydia and I ran through the hallway until we got to the training room and just saw the spiky white hair kid who explodes shit arguing with the small frail green hair kid.

"Is he always mad?" I asked

"I guess." replied Lydia

"Hey you two!" yelled the white hair kid

He pointed at us and approached us.

"How strong am I?! I'm the best in the multiverse right?!" he yelled

Lydia looked at me and I just smiled awkwardly so Lydia scrolled through her watch.

"What's your name?" she asked

"Bakugou." he replied

"No, you're ranked 56th in the multiverse." said Lydia

"WHAT?!" he screamed

"Who's number one again?" I asked

"The bald guy." replied Lydia

"Ah right." I replied

Bakugou was getting really pissed as he was dragged back by his friends.

"I'll kill you!" he yelled, "I'll kill you, you bitch!"

"Oi what did you call me?!" yelled Lydia

"Oi oi calm down." I said

"I'll be the number one hero in the entire universe, everyone will know my name!" he yelled

"Oi shitbag you can't be number one if you're such a fucking hot head!" yelled Lydia

"What did you call me?! I'll kill you! You don't even having a ranking!" he yelled

"Oi I'll kill you before you even have the chance to lay your hand on me!" yelled Lydia

"Those two are so noisy I can't sleep." said Thunder

But then some kind of pink powder appeared causing Bakugou to fall asleep.

"Well well looks like he went to sleep pretty fast." said Thunder

I took a sniff and immediately gagged a bit.

"What the, what is this smell?" asked Ryu

"It's my quirk, it's coming out of my body." said a woman with black hair wearing some white tights with weird looking accessories.

"Sorry but this smells like old women." said Ryu

"I'm not old! How dare you offend me by my age!" yelled the woman

"Eh?" I questioned

But then Bakugou woke up and he got even more mad.

"Don't interfere old lady!" yelled Bakugou

"Who the hell do you think you're calling old?!" yelled the lady

"Shut up! I'll kill you after I kill her!" yelled Bakugou

But Bakugou blasted towards Lydia with his explosions.

"DIE!" he yelled

But Lydia just punched his face and he went flying across the room.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked a bit worried

"Yes it was!" yelled Lydia

Lydia grabbed my cloak and dragged me out.

"Hey hey calm down." I said

But Lydia kept dragging me away.

"That kid pissed me off." growled Lydia

"Of course he did." I agreed so that I don't get in trouble

She dragged me to the cafeteria where she sat on a table with me on the other side.

"Why did you drag me here?" I asked

"Cause there's no one here." she replied

I sighed, got up and grabbed two bottles of Coca Cola, my favorite drink and handed one to her.

"The fuck is this shit?" asked Lydia

"It's my favorite drink." I said

She frowned at it but took a sip and her facial expression soothed and continued drinking. Seeing her calm down I took out a cigarette and started smoking but Lydia grabbed it and snatched it away.

"Don't smoke in front of me." she snapped

"I thought she calmed down." said Thunder

'I thought so too.'

"Looks like she's sad from Kishimoto's death." said Thunder

'I'm still sad as well.'

"I know you are." said Thunder

I got up and left Lydia and started smoking while looking out a window. We were flying back to earth prime which would take about 2 hours since everything is still rebooting from something.

"I could feel the power of the Phoenix increasing." said Thunder

"How, is she here?" I asked

"No, but her power is getting stronger." said Thunder

"I'll kill her for sure." I said

Thunder stayed silent until I heard him clear his throat.

"You still love her though." he said

I looked down and sighed.

"I do, I really do." I said

"I loved Phoenix, he was like a brother to me." said Thunder, "That's why I wanted to ask you something."


"Are you willing to kill her?" asked Thunder

'I thought about it but every time more than half of me didn't want to.'

"I see." said Thunder

'Sorry, I can't save the world like this.'

"No, I agree with you." replied Thunder

'What do you mean by agree?'

"I don't want to continue fighting with Phoenix, I didn't want to fight him in the first place." replied Thunder, "I want to convince him just as much as you want to convince Demon."

I inhaled the gas and exhaled letting out the smoke.

'Looks like we have some talking to do as well.'

"I guess we do." replied Thunder

I used my lightning bolts to incinerate the cigarette.

"Ryu." called out Lydia

I looked over and she tossed me a wrapped hamburger.

"Eat it." she said

"Thanks." I said

But then every hero we gathered barged into the cafeteria just as Lydia was about to eat.

"Ah shit, here we go again." said Thunder

Lydia crushed her hamburger once she saw Bakugou. But then kids no older than 11 years old came running at me and overwhelmed me.

"What's your quirk, electricity?! That's so lame!" yelled one of the kids

My eye twitched in annoyance, but Lydia suddenly grabbed one of the kid's head and lifted him up.

"Listen here you little shit head..." growled Lydia

"Let's get them!" yelled the kids

"These kids have powers." said Thunder

"Great..." I groaned

They started doing whatever powers they have at us but I slowed down time and just moved out of the way and stood behind the group of kids.

Once they stopped attacking, the smoke died down and they all gasped in surprise and started looking around.

"Behind you." I said

They all turned around in shock.

"You need to aim better." I said

"Get me out of here." sighed Lydia

I held onto her shoulder but shook my head.

"Oi, get me out of here." she growled

I geeked from her glare but then an alarm rang.

"Alls hand to deck." said a voice over the loudspeaker

Without hesitation I quickly ate the burger in less than a second and ran.

"Oi you forgot about me!" yelled Lydia

I quickly ran back and grabbed and sped away towards the control room. But I stopped when I saw something outside the window.

"Wait, what's that?" I asked

I was looking at a bunch of asteroids but these looked like something exploded from the center, making the asteroids fly outwards.

"Destroyed planets, must be Demon's work." said Thunder

"Why would she do this?" I asked

Thunder stayed silent but then I saw MVA agents running towards us.

"The fleet's under attack!" yelled one agent

I looked out and I saw small dots in the distance but I couldn't tell since it was too dark in space.

"What are those things?" I questioned

"Hell demons." replied Thunder

"All personnel, take your stations protect the fleet." said the voice

I saw multiple jet fighters fly out of multiple ships towards the demons.

"I should go." I said

"No you can't, the fleet is powered by battery if you release your bolts here it can disable the fleet." said Lydia

"Wouldn't it just power the fleet?" I asked

"No it's the other way around, your lightning bolts are so powerful that it could literally be an emp blast." said Lydia

The ship violently shook.

"We're being breached!" said Lydia

I ran to the hangar decks with Lydia and saw multiple scary looking demons entering the hangars. MVA agents began shooting at the demons but there was too many demons and they were nearly going to be overrun.

"Lydia get the heroes, but make sure the bald guy stays out of it cause one punch will destroy this entire ship." I said

"One punch from you can destroy an entire state or two." said Lydia

"Uhh same goes for you." I said

"Well we know how to control so be careful." said Lydia, "I'll call off all the jet fighters."

I nodded so she ran off so I quickly stopped time and killed all the demons.

"You guys okay?" I asked

"Thanks to you." replied an agent

I looked over to the closed hull breach and saw jet fighters take on the demons.

"I need to get out there." I said

I blasted out through the force field which prevents air from escaping, it's like an invisible force field but it's there.

'What the, I can breathe?'

"All augmenters can breathe in water and space." replied Thunder

'Then why did Lydia try to drown Demon?'

"Beats me." said Thunder

I flew around gathering all the demons' attention.

'There I'll lead them far away.'

All the demons looked at me and flew after me.

'How many are there?'

"1,000." replied Thunder

I flew fast enough for the demons to catch up with me.

'How much further do I have to go?'

"Further." replied Thunder

I flew further away as the army of flying demons started spitting fire at me. But then I saw something bigger in front of me, burning in flames.

'That's a dragon isn't it?'

"Yea." replied Thunder

'Let me know when I can release a shock wave.'

I dodged the dragon just as it was about to bite me.

'Quick question is Demon controlling them?'

"Possibly, but I don't feel the presence of the phoenix anywhere." replied Thunder

But then some demons began firing some kind of laser at me. One hit me but it just tickled a lot, it didn't hurt at all.

'What kind of lasers are they.'

"If you remember, the pickle alien looking guy from a planet." said Thunder

'Yea I remember him, wait were you awake back then?'

"No I have your memories as well." said Thunder

'Makes sense.'

"Anyways, I'm not going to give you any strength so when I tell you to you can blast it with everything you got." said Thunder

'Got it.'

I looked behind me and watched as all of them were gaining on me.

"30 seconds." said Thunder

I flew a bit faster and watched the dragon gain on me.

'The last time I saw you, you were a pretty nice dragon.'

The dragon was glaring at me and it opened its mouth, trying to eat me.

'Sorry that I have to do this.'

"10 seconds." said Thunder

I began gathering every lightning bolt in my body, lightning began forming out of me.


I suddenly stopped and blasted every lightning bolt I had in my body. A sphere of lightning bolts grew bigger, destroying everything and turning them into dust.

"Ryu that was a bit too much." said Thunder, "Go and stop the remaining explosion."

Lydia's POV

I drowned the last demon as it collapsed dead.

"All hands, brace for impact!" yelled the voice

I looked out through the hangar deck and I gasped as I saw a huge force of lightning bolts.

"What's happening?!" yelled the midget with grape hair

"This is way out of our league..." whispered the with the split white and red hair

But then I saw Ryu appear out of nowhere in front of me.

"Sorry, I went a bit overboard." he said

He raised up an arm and the lightning disappeared.

"I think I got all of them." said Ryu

He just took out a cigarette and started smoking like it was nothing.

"What's the casualty rate?" I asked

I lost thought since I was more impressed by his ability to control lightning now.


I immediately focused again as Ryu waved his hand in front of me but he suddenly electrocuted me a bit causing me to yelp.

"Ah there you are I thought-"

I was pissed that he electrocuted me so I glared at him cutting him off.

"My bad." he said