Moving In

Ryu's POV

So, it's been about 2 months since Demon's sentence began. I haven't been able to visit her since I was busy helping out some of the earths with their government and how they shouldn't talk about this.

I'm in the academy right now where the kids, heroes and some of the other schools were.

"There, that's it." said Lydia

I yawned and took out a cigarette.

"Finally we're done." I said

I watched as the students began dispersing from the stadium.

"Oi you, Bakugou you better fix that attitude." snapped Lydia

Bakugou just scoffed but nodded in response, but then the three students who attacked me approached me and bowed down except for the girl.

"Please forgive our stupidity!" yelled the big guy

"Stop it." I said, "You don't have to bow."

They all stood up straight.

"Just behave, it's not like you're going to see me again." I said

I left and joined up with Lydia and Kishimoto

"We're done for now, let's go." I said

"Wait!" yelled the boy with green hair

He ran to us and bowed.

"Thank you so much for saving us." he said

"Oi oi stop bowing." I said

I pat his head and just smiled.

"But will you come back and visit?" he asked

"Depends, I don't really know." I said

And with that we left back into hyperspace and we were back at the MVA orbital station.

"We're finally done, let's get some rest." said Kishimoto

But I wanted to meet my mom really quickly.

"I'm going to meet my mom really quick." I said

Instead of using the teleportation device I could teleport anywhere just like Demon except mine is a white mist.

I was back in my house and my mom turned around and gasped.

"Hi mom." I said while smiling

"I didn't think you'll come today." she said

"Mom, I wanted to talk to you about something." I said

She nodded so I took a seat on a chair and sighed.

"Mom, I love Demon." I said

My mom looked at me as if I was crazy.

"But she raped you." said my mom

"But I still love her." I said

"How does that make sense?" asked my mom

"Same goes for you." I sighed, "You still love dad don't you."

My mom kind of relaxed and leaned back against the chair.

"You can say that." she replied

"Exactly, so I decided that I'm going to live with her." I said

"In hell?" asked my mom

I nodded and she sighed and looked at me then back at her hands.

"I understand, do what you want to do." she said while smiling, "Just promise me you'll visit."

I smiled and nodded.


1 hour later

I landed at the top of the tower in hell.

"Damn, it's been 3 months or less I think." I whispered to myself

"A bit over 2 months." said Thunder

I jumped down and entered the hell palace and made my way to Demon's room, I knocked on the door but no response so I opened it but she wasn't here.

"Where is she?" I asked

"Here, I could feel her downstairs." said Thunder

I thought of the room I wasn't supposed to go in so I ran to it and there she was burning all of her stuff.

"Hey." I called out

Demon just turned around and smiled.

"Took you long enough to come find me." said Demon

"You knew I was here?" I asked

"I could sense other people's presence." said Demon

"Oh right." I said

"It's been 2 months since you saw me." said Demon, "Why are you here?"

"Before I answer what are you doing?" I asked

"I've been burning all of my work the past few weeks but since there's so much I kind of gave up doing that for a while." she said

'Is she lying?'

"No she's not." replied Thunder

I smiled and began to help her with the stuff.

"So answer my question." said Demon

"Oh right well I thought about it, the multiverse are safe now so they don't really need me. So I decided to live here with you." I said

Demon stopped burning the papers and looked at me.

"You're crazy." she said

"I mean I am cause that's what I'm planning on doing." I said while smiling

"For 300 years?" she questioned

"For 300 years." I replied, "You can say that I'm moving in."

She then suddenly hugged me and began aggressively kissing me, catching me by surprise, but I began kissing her back.

'2 months of not kissing her soft lips feel so good.'

Our tongues began to dance around and saliva began to be exchanged in our mouths. But for some reason my body began to move on its own and I picked up Demon and had her sit on the table. She seemed surprised but we just kept making out until she broke away and smiled.

"I think we should get steamy." said Demon

My cheeks so red she chuckled and kissed my cheeks as we teleported into her room.

"Oi we're still in you." said Thunder

"Can't you leave?" I asked

Thunder sighed and I felt him leaving my body from my back until he was about the size of an eagle.

"Have some consideration for others." snapped Thunder

Phoenix also came out and shook his head before leaving the room with Thunder.

"I guess we have some privacy." I said while smiling