Evolution! Wild Spirit Ginseng!

Looking at the data, Xing Chen began to calculate the worth of these metal ores according to Fantasy points with gold coin ratio.

A Kilogram of Spirit bronze is sold for twenty Gold coins and could be exchanged for 60 Fantasy points.

On the other hand, a kilogram of Spirit Silver is sold at the price of fifty Gold coins and exchanged for 110 Fantasy points per kilogram.

Lastly, Scarlet Ling Metal ore which is the highest level of ore he has and is sold for five hundred Gold coins per kilogram and could be exchanged for more than 2000 Fantasy points. Which is not bad at all.

But if we compare their ratio with Flower Budding Grass it's much worse and not comparable at all.

A single stalk of Flower budding grass is worth one gold coin, and he can exchange 12 Fantasy points.

A hundred stalks worth of hundred gold coins can be exchanged for 1200 Fantasy points.

It's almost four times the Fantasy point of Scarlet Ling Metal at the same quantity of gold coins.

Shook his head, Xing Chen stop thinking about this and began to lock items for exchanging Fantasy points.

This system function is wonderful, he doesn't need to exchange items one by one, instead, he can lock numerous items in one go and exchange it for fantasy points.

Naturally, except for exchanging locked items for fantasy points Xing Chen also can lock the other items into a favorite list which can prevent them from being lost or accidentally exchanged for Fantasy points.

The first thing he locked for exchanging fantasy points is those hundred stalks of Flower Budding Grass, followed by ten bottles of Body tempering pills, Pure vital pills, and Qi gathering pills.

He didn't lock Ginseng and Spirit mushrooms at all, as he plans to use Fantasy points on ginseng and mushrooms to upgrade or evolve them in the future.

As for metal ores, he only locked Spirit Bronze metal and Spirit Silver metal ore for exchange.

Lastly, he also locked the Broken Rusted Sword relic as well as the Nameless jade bottle which is totally useless for him.

Although there was also a Phoenix Locket made up of spirit bronze in these relics, but he didn't plan to exchange it for points. Because he wants to experiment on it.

As for the remaining relics, he didn't plan to exchange them for fantasy points.

The points he'll get after exchanging them not only pitiful but also worthless as compared to their actual value.

Soon all the items are locked by him and Xing Chen pressed the Selected button on the bottom of the transparent blue panel.

Afterward, two more options are suddenly popped out on the screen which are 'Add To Favorite List' Or 'Exchange'.

Xing Chen of course pressed the 'Exchange' button without any hesitation.

"Ding! Master whether to exchange selected items for 4745 Fantasy Points?"


"Ding! Congratulations Master to get 4745 Fantasy Points."

"Ding! The total amount of Master's Fantasy Points are 4755."

The cold electronic sound of the system resounded in his mind several times, which for him is an intoxicating sound.

"Humm! Huff!"

Taking a deep breath, Xing Chen calmed his excited mood.

More than four thousand points are not a small amount for him, must know yesterday he had only a hundred points and after exchanging some of the ordinary items he also gets some points which only helped him to upgrade two ginseng to a hundred years and that's all.

But now he all of a sudden got more than four thousand points, no almost five thousand points.

Rubbing his hand slightly, Xing Chen touched his chin with his right hand and began to think about what should he do with so many points.

In the end, he decided to evolve one of two ginseng he upgraded not long before.

Except for upgrade, there are also two more options in the Fantasy Evolution function, which is Evolution and Mutation separately.

To evolve ordinary wild ginseng you need 100 Fantasy Points which is not much for him now.

Soon as he selected the Evolution option, a light flashed past and a new panel popped out, the interior is a virtual three-dimensional room which is a little bit similar to the upgrade room but the altar is much more magnificent, and multicoloured runes surrounded the altar, looks ethereal and mystical.

After looking at the fascinating altar for a while, Xing Chen came back to his sense and selected one of the two, hundred years old ginseng from the side option and the next second yellowish colored ginseng appeared on the ethereal altar.

Because the remaining scene of this three-dimensional room is similar to the upgrade one, so except for the change in altar everything is similar, so he pressed the evolution button without further ado.

"Ding! Do you want to evolve Wild Ginseng?"


"Ding! It'll consume 100 Fantasy points to evolve the Wild Ginseng whether to continue?"

"Of course Yes!" he replied.

As he replied, on the altar, the Wild ginseng is covered by a multicolored mist, and less than ten seconds later a multicolored light flashed from the altar, and all the mist receded and in front of Xing Chen, presented a Smooth crystal-like milky skin colored Ginseng surrounded by white mist and the size of ginseng increase a time from its beforehand size.

Seeing the Ginseng Xing Chen's eyes constricted a bit, after the evolution of ordinary wild ginseng, it's almost changed completely, the body size grew bigger, almost a time bigger than before, the yellowish body changed into a crystal-like milky white body, the roots become thicker and smoother than before and the number of roots also increased and a white colored mist surrounded the ginseng.

Just as he was examining the ginseng the cold and detached voice of the system resounded in his mind.

"Ding! Evolution is succeeded and 'Wild Ginseng' is evolved into 'Wild Spirit Ginseng'.