Xing Lei & I'm not Child Anymore!

"Come in"

Saying this he adjusted his breath and comfortably leaned on the bed.

" Creak!!"

After the door opened, a woman cautiously entered the room, the girl looks 17-18 year's old, wearing blue color clothing with yellow flowers embedded on it, height 5 feet 6, with a slim and curvy body, good facial features, the body is slim and smart and voluptuous from the place it should be, although her facial features are not as good as Qi Youmei, but still beautiful enough, an Oval shaped face, thin eyebrows spread like rainbow, Almond like big eyes, jade nose, slim ruddy cheeks, thin lips, and sharp chin.

"Has seen Young Master!"

As the young woman walked in front of Xing Chen she bowed slightly (in respect) as she greeted him.

"Sister Qing, please rise don't do this every time, it doesn't feel good for me," Xing Chen said helplessly.

"Young Master, we are the servants of Xing Clan, so basic etiquette must be, and it's our honor to serve the Xing Clan." Li Qing smiled and said politely.

Shaking his head, Xing Chen said in a quiet serious manner: "It's ok to do it in front of outsiders but please don't do it when there is no outsider, you should understand that you are not the servants, instead you're all members of our Xing Clan just like a family."

"Many thanks Young Master, Li Qing will remember this from now on." Li Qing's heart touched by his words, and she gently replied in agreement.

"Ok, tell me what happened?" Xing Chen was satisfied with her answer and asked afterward.

"Young Master, Master Mu asked you to come to the dining room for lunch."

"Well, I don't plan to go there today, Sister Qing helps me bring my lunch over here." He replied.

Xing Chen is not in a mood to go outside now as he wants to learn more about the system.

"Young Master that might be not good, Master Mu said that you must come, as he wants to discuss something important to you." Li Qing Shook her head and said.

"This..., Ok let's go then" After a little bit of hesitation he agreed to go reluctantly.

Leaving his courtyard, After walking for ten minutes they arrived in the dining room which is near the imperial Kitchen of Xing Clan.

Imperial Kitchen of Xing Clan is a Three-floor grandiose building made of precious wood and jade, the entire imperial kitchen covers the area of three thousand square meters, although the area is big but only 1/3 area is used by building while on the remaining area of both sides of the kitchen, open flower gardens are artificially developed.

The Dinning room where Xing Chen is going is specially built for Xing Clan members to dine, while on the ground floor of the kitchen building is main kitchen where food is cooked and remaining floors are used by guards and servants for dining.

Arriving in front of a rectangular wooden house, surrounded by flowers and trees, Xing Chem pushed the wooden door and directly entered.

Li Qing Didn't enter the dining hall because without permission she can not enter otherwise will be expelled from Xing Clan, so she stood outside waiting patiently for him.

On the other hand, after Xing Chen entered the dining room, no rather a dining hall, entire hall is spacious and clean, there are three grand rectangular dining tables in the entire room, especially the one in middle is grandest and luxurious with twenty-four chairs and the remaining two dining tables are on the right and left side of it, on the ceiling of hall a giant crystal Chandelier hanging with silver chains looks beautiful, the atmosphere is cozy and warm inside.

On the middle table, food is served and steam is flowing out of dishes, On the first and second chairs from the right, two people are sitting there respectively.

As Xing Chen entered the room he saw two of them sitting, the person sitting on the first chair, has a fair complexion, and handsome facial features with scholarly looks, who isn't is Xing Mu, What surprised him was the person sitting next to him.

Isn't that he didn't know him, instead he knows him very well, the person looks similar to Xing Mu just different from Xing Mu's who has scholarly looks and thin figure, this person has grandiose physique, wearing black clothes with bare shoulders, showing exploding muscles, healthy wheat color, short black hairs, thick eyebrows, with indifferent eyes and prestigious aura, looks quite majestic.

"I have Seen Uncle Mu and Uncle Lei" As he walked near the table he smiled and greeted both of them.

The person obviously is Xing Lei, younger brother of Xing Mu and except for his uncle, he is instructor and protector of Xing Chen.

"Xiao Chen Come and Sit" Xing Mu Smiled indifferently and said.

"Well, brat you left today without informing me." Xing Lei raised his eyebrows and said.

His voice is heavy and majestic.

Xing Chen first nodded towards Xing Mu and sat down on the first chair on the left side and then looked towards Xing Lei and said in a helpless tone: "Uncle Lei I am not a child anymore if I let you protect me every time it'll only hinder my growth that's why I asked Uncle Mu not to tell you, moreover I just went to the village market, and it's impossible for anyone to hurt me let alone I'm not that useless and can defend myself."

"Good boy! have your father's attitude!" Xing Lei surprised first and then smiled and complimented him.

"Ok, both of you first eat and then talk." Xing Mu stopped them from talking and let them pay attention to food in front of them.

