Nine Turns Body Refining Art & System's Suggestion!

"Sister Qing, then I'll be going to my room, also I'm tired today and wants to rest, so I'm not going to eat dinner tonight." After arriving at his courtyard Xing Chen turned his head and said to Li Qing.

"As you wish Young master!" Li Qing bowed slightly and replied.

As he walked into the courtyard and entered his room, before entering the room he nodded to her and closed the door.

After entering the room, Xing Chen comfortably sat on the bed and leaned back.

Thinking about his grandfather's words, he's quite puzzled, it's ok if he only says about the trial, but he still wants him to reach the completion of Nine turns body refining art within three months which is an almost impossible task, even he himself said before that if he wants to reach the culmination, it'll take at least one more year even with his monstrous talent.

So what's the reason behind his message, which is difficult for him to comprehend.

Must know 'Nine Turns Body Refining Art' is passed down from generations to generations in their Xing Clan, and only core members or clan's men with purer bloodline has the qualification to learn this Body refining art, and after so many years passed by, in Xing Clan, there are not many people who have reached

the seventh layer of this body refining art, even his grandfather only reached the Eighth turns in his life, in his father's generation only his father entered the ninth turn and said to be the one of the most talented person throughout the clan's history.

And now in his generation, only he reached the half-Completion which is the fifth turn, and soon he'll be going to enter the sixth turn, at the age of sixteen.

Nine Turns Body Refining Art is not as simple as it seems, after entering the first turn you'll reach the peak of 'Mortal Shedding Realm' and if you want to enter the second turn then you need to use a special kind of medicine solution to repress the achieved realm till you return to 'Foundation Laying Realm' and recultivate to Mortal shedding realm peak, then every turn you'll return to basic, third, fourth, fifth, until ninth turns.

To Enter each turn, it'll become more and more difficult, from first turns it'll become twice as difficult as the first turn and from second turn to third turn it'll become six times more difficult and so on, so even a person with extraordinary talent, he may unable to pass through from the third turn to the fourth turn, which is sufficient to show it's the difficulty.

Naturally, after going through so many hardships and regress of realm, again and again, you'll obtain benefits that are impossible for normal cultivators to get, firstly your physique will be many times powerful than the cultivator of the same realm, secondly no matter it's stamina, resilience, or even pure strength it'll be much more than the genius cultivators of same realm, but these are not the biggest benefits.

The biggest benefit is the perfect and solid foundation as well as the combat power, which is very beneficial for the higher realm, as the realm grew it's difficult for a cultivator to battle crossing the realm even it's difficult to get any advantage in the same stage of similar realm, so after reaching the fourth and above turns of Nine turns body refining art the combat powers will increase exceptionally, and it's not difficult to challenge a realm higher than own person, as for lower three turns it's difficult to be defeated in the same realm, as for more the sold foundation of a cultivator is less the detours need to take and encounter fewer bottlenecks.

With all these benefits it's difficult for a cultivator to be not tempted, but this type of body refining art needs a lot of time and accumulation of many rare resources and even with the wealth of Xing Clan it's difficult to support several or dozen people till ninth turn.


After thinking for an hour, Xing Chen unable to guess his grandfather's intention, so he laid on his bed listlessly.

Suddenly, a thought emerged in his mind and his eyes shown brilliantly.

Xing Chen smirked and said while rubbing his hands: "System, you're so powerful can't you help me with this problem?"

"Ding! Master, it's not difficult to help you with this small problem."

Xing Chen hasn't held any hope but after listening to systems cold and charming voice he becomes excited.

"Really!!! Then help me, what are waiting for?" He said as he excitedly jumped from his bed.

"Ding! Master, Please Calm down first!"

"Ok! Ok, you tell me first!"

"Ding! Master, As long as you can upgrade system to first level from zero/base level then not only all the present functions of system will upgrade, but you'll unlock some more function and those new features can definitely help you out and only after you upgrade system to first level you can officially start getting benefits from system, so I suggest master to upgrade the system as soon as possible."

Hearing systems reply Xing Chen's excited mode slowed down and his face turned into a bitter one.

'Upgrade the system are you kidding!?' Xing Chen said in his heart.

According to what he learned from the system spirit (Ai) before, that if you want to upgrade the system to first level then you need one million fantasy points which is difficult as ascending Heaven.

One million Fantasy points, maybe it'll take several years for him to collect that many points.

"System are you sure? Don't you have any other method?"

"Ding! Master, don't be so discouraged, it's not that much difficult for you to earn a million points, so long as you upgrade, evolve or mutate some good thing it's not difficult for you to get several million points in one go, moreover after you'll upgrade system to first level you'll also obtain a 'Mystery Gift Pack' which is absolutely worth more than millions of Fantasy points." System said in a bewitching and seducing tone.

Under Systems persuasion and seduction, Xing Chen's eyes gleamed with brilliance, right! How can he forget that! If he uses those mutated and evolved items and sells them it's not difficult at all, moreover that 'Mystery Gift Pack' he is also looking forward to.

A hint of anticipation flashed past through his eyes.

Soon under his anticipation, the day passed and night came.

Although Xing Chen is not too sleepy and is not physically tired, but he's spiritually exhausted, so he decided to have a good sleep.