
Seeing her slim figure disappeared from his line of sight, Xing Chen took back his gaze and looked at two wooden boxes, next second with the wave of his hand both boxes are taken into system storage.

"System recycles these flower budding grass." Xing Chen said.

"Ding! Congratulations master for getting 24000 Fantasy Evolution Points after recycling."

"Ding! Total Fantasy points of Master are 27655 Points."

After Xing Chen gave instructions, two system promotes resounded in his mind.

Listening to the sweet yet cold voice of system, Xing Chen felt comfortable and his heart filled with happiness.

That's more than 27000 Points! With so many points he can evolve and mutate hundreds of items.

Naturally, he didn't plan to consume these points for now.

These points are just the start although he's happy but not satisfied, now he's aiming for millions of points, if before he could not find a way to earn these points now with the evolution function it's not impossible to earn a lot of points.

He must as soon as possible upgrade the system to get real benefits.

Since he's going to leave tomorrow with his uncle, Xing Chen plans to take a break for today and not to exercise anymore.

So for the entire day, Xing Chen laid on his bed and read some books from system and slept at night.

The system has its data storage which still contains all kind of data Bei Xuan stored in it, from all types of novels, books, personal experimental data of all kinds of gadgets and items he created, to all kinds of cultivation techniques and skills he collected and his foster father gave him.

Now, these things become Xing Chen's possession.

What is only regretful is that those treasures bei Xuan saved and items he created throughout his life vanished, when he asked system discontentedly, system answered him that those things obliterated during transmigration.

In the end, he could only shake his head in distress.

As for So-called those experimental data as well as cultivation methods and skills he hasn't touched them until now.

But he likes to read those novels and book with precious knowledge, there are tens of thousands of books in the system's database, even if he read a book per day it might take several thousand years to read all those books, from this we can infer how many book data is stored in system.

After reading till late at night Xing Chen was somewhat tired and slept finally.


"Tweet! Tweet!"

The next day early morning, as the birds chirped and make noise, Xing Chen also awoke from his wonderful sleep, stood up from his bed, and stretched his arms.

After washing his face and taking a quick bath, Xing Chen changed his white clothes and wore a black gown instead.

Leaving his room, Xing Chen appeared near Li Qing's room, knocked on the door but after several minutes no one comes out, so he left his courtyard and went to the dining hall.

When he entered the hall, Xing Mu and Xing Lei are also sitting there eating their breakfast, Xing Chen walked towards them, and greeted them, after that he also sat on his chair and begun to eat his breakfast.

There are not many items in breakfast, boiled eggs, milk, moon cakes as well as tea.

Naturally, the items used to make breakfast are obtained from wild beasts rather than ordinary animals.

After eating breakfast, Xing Chen wiped his face with a piece of cloth, then looked at them with an inquiring gaze.

Xing Mu and Xing Lei also understand what he wants to ask, both looked at each other, after getting the hint from Xing Mu, Xing Lei calmly looked at him and said.

"Xiao Chen, since we are done eating breakfast, we should also get ready for leaving, our horses are already prepared by big brother as for eating and drinking I already put the necessary item in my spatial ring if you want to bring anything else you can tell me now."

After getting his answer Xing Chen nodded his head, and said: "Well, I don't have anything to bring with me since uncle got everything we need."

"Then let's go! Horses are already standing outside the main door, it's time for us to leave and set on the journey." Saying this Xing Lei stood up from his seat and said.

"Yes!" Xing Chen replied and stood up from his seat too.

Soon three of them left the dining hall and arrived at the main door.

"Has seen Young master and two masters!"

When they arrived at the main door, the guards who were standing there saw them and saluted in respectful manners.

In response, they also nodded their heads slightly.

When Xing Chen was nodding towards them, he subconsciously glanced outside the door and saw Li Qing, who was standing next to the steeds while looking at him cautiously.

Seeing Li Qing, Xing Chen lifted the corner of his lips and smiled, strode towards her.

He was worried that he won't be able to see her before leaving but he hasn't thought that she'll be waiting for him outside the main door.

"Sister Qing, I thought that you won't come to say goodbye?" Xing Chen raided his brows and said smilingly.

"Young master since you're leaving for the trip, how can I be absent as your personal maid." Li Qing'er smiled as she gracefully bowed to him and said.

"Thanks for coming, if you were absent, I would feel very bad."

"'Chuckles!' Young master stop joking, if I was absent today you might hire a new maid and expel me."

"How could I be joking, also I never thought to expel you ever from my life, so dispel these outrageous thoughts from your mind, understood!" Xing Chen frowned and said in a quite serious tone.

After hearing his answer, Li Qinger's tender body trembled and a warm current passed through her heart, she hasn't thought that in his heart she has such a high position, for a while, she stared at him with gentle looks.

"Understood! Many thanks, young master for caring so much for me, now even if young master wants to dispel me I won't leave you forever and serve you until death apart us." Li Qing said in a firm tone.

"Um! But Don't be so serious also don't mention death or serving something like that every time it makes me uncomfortable." Xing Chen patted her shoulder and warned her.

"What young master said is!" She nodded her head in agreement.

While they were talking with each other, Xing Mu and Xing Lei stood afar and didn't interrupt them instead also listened to what they are talking about, looked at each other, and chuckled.

After saw that both of them were done talking, Xing Lei walked towards them, and patted Xing Chen's shoulder, and said: "Ok boy stop talking, and let's go!"

"Well!" Xing Chen turned his head and nodded.

"Ok, it's time to leave, you should also take care, also strive to breakthrough 'Vital Qi Realm' before I return." Xing Chen said to her once again.

"Ok, brat stop talking and hurry up!" Xing Lei saw him talking again, reprimanded him as he leaped, and sat on his horse.

"Coming!" Saying this he also leaped on the back of his horse.

"Uncle Mu! Goodbye! You also take care and don't let Sister Qing do all the work!" Xing Chen said to Xing Mu as he waved his hands towards them.

"Boy! you also take care, and also felt relieved I won't ask her to do work..." Xing Mu also waved his hands and smiled indifferently.

"Hah!" Xing Chen nodded his head, pulled the reins of his horse, and followed Xing Lei who already begun to advance forward.

Starting with their advancement, the journey begins!