Expanding The Horizon!

After thanking Sister Rou once again, Xing Chen left the registration counter.

"Brat is registration completed?"

When he returned, Xing Lei asked knowingly.

"Yes," Showing jade token Xing Chen replied.

"Oh, so what name did you choose?" Xing Lei asked interestingly.

"Silver!" he replied calmly.

Xing Lei stunned for a while, looked at him strangely and asked: "Your this boy, what kind of name is it?"

He felt this name is odd enough, even if he should choose a felicitous name, it should be dominating or cool like, Star Emperor, Golden overlord, Flying swordmaster, or even Handsome swordmaster, what's the deal with this 'Silver' name?

Xing Chen looked at him and pointed at the silver mask on his face and said: "Uncle because I wore a silver mask, so I thought it's good to directly name myself as silver and although it feels odd, but I think it's much cooler than those big boastful names..."

Xing Lei looked at him speechlessly, shook his head as he waved his right arm, and said reluctantly: "Do what you want, also since you got your fighting token, let's go inside the arena."

"Um," he responded.

After that, both of them left the registration hall.

Arriving at the entrance of the arena gate, they were stopped by a guard, who asked them to show their arena tickets.

"Here," Xing Chen moved forward and showed the jade token he just got to the guard.

"Unexpectedly sir is an arena warrior! Sir, please hand it to me for a moment, so I can confirm the authenticity of the token." When the guard saw the fighting token he was surprised and his tone becomes more respectful.

"Please" Xing Chen handed the token to the guard politely.

"Many thanks!" the guard was flattered by his humble tone and held the token from his hand.

Afterward, he carefully examines the token, confirmed that the token is real, he cautiously returned the token to Xing Chen and respectfully explained: "Sir, your token is real, also you should be a new fighter here, therefore please proceed towards the left entrance of the arena gate, after you walk for a while you'll see a huge hall room, that hall room is specifically built for entertaining the arena fighters, when your name and token no. is called you can enter the arena for fight, also sir you can bring a person with you for free inside the arena."

Saying this he glanced at Xing Lei who was standing next to Xing Chen.

"Um, many thanks for explaining, here is a small token of respect from me." Saying this Xing Chen handed a golden coin to the guard.

"Sir many thanks but I don't dare to accept it." the guard said, but his gaze didn't leave the gold coin throughout the time.

Obviously, he wanted to accept but because Xing Chen is a distinguished fighter in their arena he didn't dare to accept fearing someone said that he accepted the bribes and complain to their captain.

But a gold coin is not a small temptation for him, must know he's just an ordinary guard here and his monthly salary is only ten gold coins because he just recently entered the 'Qi refining Stage' he needs to buy a bottle of 'Qi Gathering pill' although he collected enough money and could buy the qi gathering pill bottle, but after that his remaining money will be less than several silvers and dozen bronze coins, an extra gold coin will help him and his family cross a month freely without worry.

Seeing his hesitation and hope for gold coin, Xing Chen forcefully held his hand and thumped the gold coin, and left with Xing Lei.

After Xing Chen left, the guard returned to his sense, looked at the disappearing silhouettes he slightly bowed in gratitude.

As for why Xing Chen gave a gold coin to the guard, because not only the guard talked to them in a respectful tone even he also told him where should they go next, although it was his duty, Xing Chen, through his powerful sixth sense could feel that that guy is an honest fellow, so he gave him a gold coin.

Naturally, if it was someone else or even that guard asks Xing Chen to give him a tip he'll not do so even complain to the management of the arena.

Nevertheless, after they walked for a while they arrived in front of a hall room which that guard mentioned before to them, without further ado they entered the room.

The entire hall room is spacious and luxuriously built with precious stones and woods, the entire hall is crowded with hundreds of warriors wearing all kinds of costumes and masks, even Xing Chen saw many people wearing an almost identical dress, silver mask, and black gown like them.

Naturally, but those costumes don't have the same function as their masks or gown which could hide their aura and unable to let others peep at them with their spiritual sense.

Without stopping, both of them walked further and soon found an empty wooden table and sat down.

Above the table, there is also paced a tea kettle and jade cups.

Xing Chen curiously opened the lid of teapot, he wanted to see what kind of precious tea is served here, but soon he disappointed, because the tea inside the pot was ordinary brown spirit tea which is sold at the price of ten gold coins per kilogram even in their village let alone in this big city it would be sold for less than six or seven gold coins.

Seeing his disappointing looks, Xing lei grinned and said: "Brat, do you think that this tea is inexpensive, although it's true for you and me, but it's not the case for these fighters." Saying this he pointed towards the fighters sitting a bit far away from drinking tea and chatting with each other.

Xing Chen also carefully looked at them and found out that they are really enjoying the tea as if it's a precious tea rather than the ordinary one.

Seeing his surprised look, Xing Lei cracked into a smile and continues to say in a serious tone: "Actually different from us who has money and everyday life essential items, these fighters has to fight every day and goes through many life and death fights just to get a small amount of money, for them let alone hundreds of gold coins even if it's only ten or twenty gold coins is a big amount„

"Naturally I also know Xiao Chen you also worked hard to earn money by killing the beast and wondering in mountain range in search of herbs and other things but that's another story, because you were trained from a young age and available everything for your necessity in the clan so, for this reason, you can grow so quickly, and these people from the start don't have any support from their elders everything they have or obtained relayed by their own efforts, See as now they are drinking tea worth ten gold coins for them it's not only rare enjoyment but also worth bragging in front of others, you might not believe, but it's true, just before you gave a gold coin to that guard, it wasn't small amount for him so that's why he wasn't willing to accept your money, naturally it can also be some other reason too." he explained as his gaze full of profoundness.

Listening to him Xing Chen shocked and silently looked at the fighters who are laughing and enjoying tea with a big smile on their faces, he felt as if a new world is opened in front of him, just like Xing lei said, although he also worked hard to earn money, but it was under the protection of his elders, even if he went alone in the Qinglong forest he knows that his uncle was secretly protecting him so he wasn't worried throughout the time these years.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Chen looked back at Xing Lei and said solemnly: "Uncle I understand what you want to say, from today I won't completely rely on clan or others and do my best to overcome all kinds of difficulties."

Listening to his answer Xing Lei nodded then shook his head, Xing Chen who was looking at him confused by his action and asked in a weak tone: "Uncle did I said wrong?"

Xing Lei stared at him for a moment and said again: "What you said is right and wrong both, I'm happy you could understand the meaning but you didn't understand completely what I wanted to say, first of all, it's good you could understand that what you want to obtain must have that strength and must do real hard work to obtain it then no matter whether it is some kind of treasure or even a heart of a person„

"Secondly the meaning of hard work I said is not limited to your strength or in simple means not only you must be hard-working but also intelligent, what you can not obtain by the strength you can try to get it by your intelligence, only being strong is not the right way you also must be intelligent.„

"Thirdly, if you have a clan and help of your elders or having your own influence then you should not discard those cards in hand instead utilize them to their maximum value, they are your biggest backing and you should feel proud, and it is also calculated as your strength, so what you can't obtain by your strength alone then rely on the strength on your clan or influence.„

"Lastly, you must remember a solitary person no matter how much powerful he becomes, he'll still lose if he faced an influence who has powerhouse similar to his realm and even if he won he has to pay a huge price, so don't underestimate the strength of an influence, if you can form your own influence in future then it's not impossible for you to fight an entire world by the power of your influence, A solitary powerhouse is just like an elephant although he could squash the ants or animals smaller than him but you must remember even if that gigantic elephant annoyed the group of ants he still has to die by the collective cohesiveness and unity of those ants." after saying this he looked at Xing Chen's expressions who was carefully listening to him.

On the other hand, after listening to the explanation of Xing Lei, Xing Chen fell into deep thoughts, he's not a child, so he knows that uncle lei explained him this topic such explicitly definitely has some deep meaning, this time in the trial he not only wants to train his fighting style but also expand his horizon as well as thinking capabilities.