Chapter one - The Deal

My name is Katie Mason. I'm just an average 17 year old. Minus the fact that my dad runs the second most dangerous gang on the planet, the Vypers. The only one more dangerous than us are the Spades. Lord knows they're only more dangerous and feared because of their ties with the mafia. Their leader is barely 25 for god's sake!

Michael Spade. Most dangerous man alive. Also the hottest and richest eligeable bachelor alive, as of four years ago. He thinks he's all that, but my family will never fall at his feet.

My father has been trying to negotiate terms with him after my father "accidentally" shot one of his men point blank. So the spades were trying to take over the Vypers for quite some time but we couldn't take another hit. So my father is making his best attempt to stay civil and come to a suitable agreement with Mr. Spade.

My reason for being here is still a little fuzzy, but my dad told me to put on something nice and rush over to his office. So I threw on a white sundress and a pair of baby pink sandals and headed over as soon as I could. But I've been waiting outside his office for what seems like an eternity. And I would try to listen in on negotiations but my father recently got the office soundproofed. UGH!

"Katie.. Hunny... come in here please."

My dad pokes his head out the door, looking too nervous for his own good. But I stand and enter his office anyways. I'm cautious not to avert my eyes from the ground.

"Katie. Mr. Spade and I have come to an agreement. But I need you to promise me that you'll do what's best for our family."

My dad seems way too tense. I could hear a twinge of guilt in his voice as well.

"Yeah of course. Whatever it is, I'll do it."

My father nods as he stands, motioning toward Mr. Spade.

"Katie, Mr. Spade has agreed to stop attacks on us, and he also agreed to help us in the future if anything were to happen... but what he wants in return is your hand. Sort of like a merger."

It feels like I was just punched in the stomach. My breath hitches in my throat as I stumble back, leaning against the wall for support.

"No. I-i can't. I'm only 17 for god's sake! Marriage hasn't even been a thought in my mind! I know I said I would do anything for my family, but leaving it crosses the line. You're insane. Both of you!"

Yelling at my father is always a bad idea. I just couldn't help it.

"Katie Lynne Mason you'll do as you're told! Mr. Spade and I have already signed an agreement. Your things will be moved to Mr. Spades home tonight. But as of right now you are no longer a Vyper. I really hate to do this to you Kater-bug, but I have to do what's best for myself."

He nods toward Mr. Spade as he walks to the door.

"I'll leave the two of you to get acquainted before you go."

With that he walks out of the room. It feels like the temperature drops 20° as he closes the door. It's only me and the asshole I'm betrothed to. I take one quick glance up at him as he opens his mouth to say something.

"Come here kitten."

I could tell by the sound of his voice that he meant business, but I was frozen in shock.

I closed my eyes only long enough to take a breath but before I could open them I felt his hot breath on my ear and I could feel his fingers like daggers in my side.

"When I tell you to do something you do it. Do you understand that kitten?"

I could hear the venom in his voice as he whispered those words.


"You will address me as sir when speaking. Am I clear?"

"Yes.. sir..."

I can feel his evil grin as he pulls me closer to him, moving one hand to the back of my neck. I feel a bit of a pinch and everything starts to fade away.

"Good girl."

That was the last thing I heard before everything was black.