Chapter six - Too Soon

I wake up to find I'm in bed. But Michael isn't in here and his side of the bed looks untouched. Does he actually feel bad? Or is he too petty to lose this fight? I guess I'll find out.

I throw my hair up into a messy bun, not really caring how I look as I go downstairs. Michael will probably kill me for walking around in this buy I couldn't care less right now. I just wanna go eat something.

As I exit the bedroom I can hear a clamor of voices and people rushing around. But why so early? What is Michael up to today? We took care of all of the wedding details so there shouldn't be anyone here for that, and it's much too loud to just be his brother.

I'm in such deep thought I don't realize theres someone coming up the stairs until it's too late. I walk right I to a hard chest. Michael.

"Oh, kitten. You're up. Good. I'll send people up to start getting you ready."

He sounded annoyed. It's barely 8 a.m. and hes already annoyed. Great!

"Ready for what..?"

I look up at him as a smirk plays across his lips. As if him being upset and annoyed didn't worry me, this definately does.

"I saw your notebook. I read every page. You're not getting away from this!"

He roughly grabs a hold of my arm as he screams into my face. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. His fingers dig deeper into my arm as he leads me back to the bedroom.

"We're getting married today so I can make sure you can't get away. You already signed the prenup - or rather - the lawyer thinks that you did. Your signature is too easy kitten. That's one of the many things I'll have to fix about you."

He throws me down on the bed and climbs up, hovering above my shaking figure. I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks.

I'm not ready to be married. But then again, I haven't been ready for quite a few things that have happened to me lately.

He leans down, roughly kissing and biting my neck. I refuse to react. I can't let him win. I can't show fear or pleasure. It'll make me look weak. I can't submit to him, not yet at least. I still have some fight left in me.

Once he's satisfied with the markings on my neck he stands beside the bed, smirking. He looks like he's enjoying my pain - that evil bastard.

"Clean yourself up princess. I'll send up a team to help you get ready. I'll see you in a few hours baby."

His tone softened so much in those few short sentences. That bipolar asshole! With that he softly kisses my lips and walks out, locking the door from the outside. I have no choice at this point. I will forever be his pet.

I lay in thought for a while before I'm brought back to reality by a beautiful middle aged woman with a shrill voice, urging me out of bed. She keeps referring to me as mrs. Spade. Its sickening that in just a few short hours, that will be my name. Katie Spade. It rolls of the tongue so sweetly, but it's a sickening sweetness.

Finally I get out of bed. The woman introduces herself as Georgia Mae. She says that Mr. Spade higher her to do my hair and makeup for the wedding. Georgia is a really close friend of Michael's parents and has known him since he was a child.

4 hours and plenty of childhood stories later my hair and makeup is finally done. And not a moment too soon. Two beautiful blonde girls burst into the room laughing. They're wearing the baby blue dresses I picked out. My guess is these are my bridesmaids. They introduce themselves as Lexi and Sydnie. Sydnie is just slightly shorter and is Chris's current girlfriend. Lexi is the taller of the two and is Michael and Chris's older sister. She would be the one taking over the company but she didn't want it so it was passed on to Michael.

Lexi goes to the closet and pulls out the bag holding my dress and unzipping it eagerly.

"Oh my God it's so pretty! My dress wasnt even half this beautiful! I'm jealous."

She laughs a little, reminiscing on her own wedding a few months back. She married an heir to a Duke in Scotland.  So shes not around much. But hearing of her baby brothers wedding,  she just had to be here.

I put on my dress and Lexi helps me make any finishing touches she deems necessary before both her and Sydnie squeal in unison. I look into a mirror and remember all of my Hope's and dreams of my dream wedding. So much for that load of crap. This is my life now. My life as the billionaire's play-thing....