Chapter 20 The Cheater's Wife

As I closed the distance between us, it wasn't enough. I brought my hands up to his face and brought it down closer to mine and stood on my tip toes. And finally our lips connected.

It was pure bliss, to have his lips against mine. His plump, luscious lips moved wondrously against mine. All I could think about was having his lips on mine.

I felt his hands move to hold my waist. He gently pulled me closer to him, to close any distance between our bodies. I needed to move closer to him, feel more of him. I needed to show him that I loved him as well because I was unsure I would be able to say it to him.

I soon ran out of breath and pulled away. But Namjoon had other plans. He kissed around my entire face, not leaving one inch untouched while I caught my breath. I didn't want him to stop kissing me.

Once I got my breath back I whispered, "I had no idea kissing could be so addictive."

"It's only because your lips are so sweet," Namjoon said in between his kisses. "I could kiss you for the rest of my life and be happy about it."

I giggled and buried my head into Namjoon's chest. He wrapped his arms around pulled me into a hug.

"Don't say that," I said. "I just might believe you."

"You better believe me," Namjoon said. "Because I'm about to kiss you again."

Namjoon brought my face away from his chest and pressed his lips against mine hotly. This kiss wasn't like the last one we had. The last one was sweet and loving, this one was seductive and made my entire body tingle, especially between my legs.

I felt Namjoon's tongue swipe against my lips. I jumped and separated from him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"My tongue? It's called a French kiss. It's hot," Namjoon said.

"It feels weird, to me," I said. "How would you know about it?"

"I've made out with girls before, Ana. Just because I've never had a one-night stand doesn't mean I haven't made out with anyone. Trust me, Little Detective, I know what I'm doing."

He pressed his lips against mine once more. This time he didn't waste time to slip his tongue past my lips. I gently coaxed his tongue with my own. He was right it was pretty hot. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

I gasped as Namjoon crouched down to wrap his arms around my thighs, and picked me up. He moved to sit on the couch, making me straddle his lap. His hands slipped from my waist to cup my ass. I placed my hands on his chest and danced my fingers across before moving them up into his hair. I weaved my fingers through the locks to pull his face closer to mine.

Namjoon was the one to separate from me this time. "Let's forget the movie and go to your bedroom," he murmured against my lips.

"Now's not the time, Namjoon," I breathed out and shook my head. "I'm not ready to sleep with you."

"I'm fine with that. But put those lips back on mine, Little Detective," Namjoon said in that tone that I only heard when he was working. "I'm going to kiss you until my lips bruise."

"I'll be fine with that." I laughed before I pulled him a searing kiss to his lips.


It was the next day and I walked into work. I was the first one in the office, not even Captain Butler was in yet.

I sat at my desk and remembered last night. Namjoon and I ended up having a heated make out session until a scream from the movie scared the both of us. Once we realized it was only the forgotten movie and not a real threat, we both broke into laughter. We then restarted the movie and cuddled while watching it.

But it wasn't the cuddling I was remembering, it was making out with Namjoon. I couldn't help but blush. I wonder if Namjoon was thinking about me?

I pulled out my phone and quickly sent a text to Namjoon saying, I hope that you had fun last night. I can't stop thinking about it. Have a good day.

I smiled like a maniac at my phone and waited for him to text me back.

"What's with the weird smile?" Richmond asked as he passed my desk.

"Just texting someone. I'm surprised you're here this early," I said.

"I was taking a woman home that I met last night," Richmond shrugged.

"What was her name?" I asked.

"Amy, Emmy, Izzy?" Richmond wondered aloud. "Something like that."

"Really, Richmond? Why don't you try actually dating instead of one night stands?" I asked.

"I offered to take you out, Barnes. But I guess you can't handle all this," Richmond said and gestured to his body.

"Not much to handle," I deadpanned.

"You hurt me, Barnes," Richmond said as he placed a hand on his heart. As he spoke, my phone vibrated in my hand. I looked down to see the text from Namjoon.

I'll think about your lips all day. Want to go out to eat, tonight?

I smiled and quickly answered a yes.

"Kid, we have a new body," Jones said as he quickly came into the office and grabbed some things from his desk. I followed him out to his car for him to drive us to the crime scene in an apartment on Gulliver Street. Gulliver Street apartments were high-end, expensive, and luxurious. They were the most sought-after apartments in the city. I would never be able to afford one of these apartments with my salary.

Once to the apartment building, we followed a police officer to the floor where the body was.

"This has to be one of those open and close cases," the officer said as he led us to the apartment. "CSI is looking over the body, but it's pretty obvious."

Other officers were in the hallway. They were busy interviewing some of the neighbors.

Jones and I entered the apartment, and looked around. A naked woman was on a blood-stained couch with stab wounds all over her body. A woman CSI stood next to her body as she looked for evidence.

"How many stab wounds are there?" I asked the CSI, standing over the body.

"From what I can count, fifteen," the CSI said. "But it's obvious who did this."

"Who?" Jones asked.

"The husband's mistress," the CSI said. "The husband is being taken in, but the mistress is in the wind."

"So what is everyone saying happened?" I asked.

"The mistress realized the husband wouldn't leave his wife for her. So she killed the wife in retaliation," the CSI said.

"Was there anyone who heard all of this conversation?" I asked.

"I'm not sure if anyone heard it. But that's what all the neighbors are saying," the CSI said. "Apparently it was a well-known rumor of the building."

"Detectives, the owner of the building is making his way here," an officer said. "Apparently he knows a lot about the people in the building."

"Send him up when he gets here," Jones said.

"Yes, sir," the officer said.

Jones and I talked to the other CSI about what they found, when the same officer from earlier rushed in.

"Um, detectives? The owner is here with . . . um, a friend," the officer said.

"Tell him that he's not allowed to bring anyone else in, this is a crime scene," I snapped. "I don't care who he is."

The officer paled, before he left the apartment. It didn't matter who it was, this was my crime scene, no one would be interfering with my work. He came back a few minutes later. He looked more scared than he was when he left.

"Um, Detective Barnes? I have a message for you from the building's owner," the officer said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"He said, 'Let me bring my friend, he's harmless. Or else last night won't happen again. Little Detective.' I don't know what he means by that," he said, with a blush on his face.

"Wait a minute, I think I know who it is," Jones said worriedly. "Let them both in."

The officer nodded and rushed out of the apartment. I whirled around to face Jones.

"Why did you let him allow him to bring in someone else?" I snapped. "This is a crime scene. Not some sideshow."

"I wasn't about to tell RM no, Kid," Jones hissed. "You may be sleeping with him, but I still have a family I need to worry about."

"I'm not sleeping with RM," I hissed.

"Then whatever is going on between you . . . two," Jones hissed again. He looked over my shoulder, with wide eyes.

"We are dating, that's all," I said. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I clenched up, because I didn't know who it was. "Who-"

"That's right," Namjoon said into my ear. He rested his head on my shoulder and held me close to him. "My little girlfriend."

"RM, I didn't know you owned this building," Jones said to him politely.

"I own all the apartment buildings on this street," Namjoon said. "And I happen to like getting to know all my tenants and I keep files on them."

"Is that legal?" I asked. Namjoon smirked down at me.

"Do you want to know the answer?" Namjoon asked.

"Forget it," I rolled my eyes. "So what do you know about the woman?" I pointed over to dead body only to look again. There was a man wearing a tuxedo that stood over her, who I didn't recognize. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Chim," Namjoon said. "He's in charge of running the apartments. I just own the building. He knows more about the tenants than I do. Which is surprising. Chim, get your ass over here!"

Chim looked up and smiled. He was really handsome, actually he was more pretty than handsome. He had black hair, with thin blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and thick lips. He was about the same height as Suga, if I remember the other man, correctly.

"Hi," he said when he walked up to us. "It's nice to meet you, Anastasia Barnes. RM has told me a lot about you."

"I hope it's been good," I said.

"Really good. Tell me, Anastasia, is what RM said, true?" Chim asked.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"That kissing you is like a drug," Chim whispered as he leaned in close to me.

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Chim leaned away from me with a wide smile. I turned to Namjoon and punched his stomach, lightly.

"You told him that?" I hissed to him.

"He asked what I was up to last night. And I'm honest with my men," Namjoon chuckled.

Jones coughed behind us. We all turned to him to see him. He stood there uncomfortably.

"Can you tell us what you know about the victim?" Jones asked.

"Oh, right," Chim said. "She was one of my mistresses."

I whirled around to face him. "What?" I asked.

"We were going to meet last night," Chim shrugged. "But at uh . . . nine fifteen or so, she texted me and told me that something came up. About ten minutes later I got a call from her. She was yelling at someone and I'm sure she wanted to make sure I heard what was going on. She was saying something about not wanting them in her home anymore. That they had their chance and now she wanted nothing to do with them."

"Could she have been talking to her husband?" I wondered.

"I know what her husband sounds like and whoever it was, it wasn't him," Chim said. "I couldn't hear correctly what he said, but it sounded something like, 'You'll pay.' and then the slamming of a door. That's when the call ended."

"I know the rumors about the both of them cheating. And it's true that the couple both had their affairs, but in the end, they returned to each other because they loved each other more than their affairs."

"So they both knew that they were cheating on each other?" I asked.

"Definitely," Chim nodded. "No matter what other rumors are going around the building."

"Chim why don't you stay here and talk with Detective Jones. I'll go have a talk with Detective Barnes," Namjoon said.

"Sure thing, hyung," Chim said with a smirk.

Namjoon lead me further into the apartment into the master bedroom. I looked around the room as Namjoon closed the door.

"So what can you tell me about the residents of this apartment? Anyone who hated the woman?" I asked.

"That's not why I brought you back here," Namjoon said. "So tonight for dinner, I was thinking we could go to that seafood restaurant near the docks. I heard it's really good. I don't really like seafood, but they have some other stuff there that I can have."

"Really, Namjoon? I have a job that needs to be done," I said. "Or did you not notice the dead body in the other room?"

"I noticed," Namjoon nodded. "But I just noticed a more beautiful woman that needs my attention."

I sighed and looked away from Namjoon. On the side of the room I noticed a pile of clothes. My eyes widened as I noticed the blood on them.

"I don't believe it," I whispered.

"Oh, believe it, Little Detective," Namjoon said. He took a hold of my waist and took a step towards me, so we were closer. "Now why don't you give me a little kiss?"

"I'm not talking about you, Namjoon," I snapped and pushed him away. I walked over to the bloody clothes. I took a pen from my pocket and used it to pick up the clothes. "I'm talking about these. How did they get here?"

"The killer maybe?" Namjoon asked. "Make it look like the mistress did it on a fit of rage?"

"I don't know," I said. "I should make sure CSI gets these bagged up." I stood up and turned back to Namjoon. "And I'm okay with the seafood place. Will you pick me up from work?"

"Anything for you, Little Detective," Namjoon said.

"I'm already looking forward to tonight," I said and walked past him. But I stopped next to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

I went to rush out of the room, but was stopped when Namjoon grabbed my arm. He pulled me back to his chest.

"You're not leaving this room without a real kiss from you," Namjoon said.

"Fine," I said. I stood on my tiptoes, to kiss his lips. Namjoon smiled into the kiss which made me smile in return. "Now I gotta get back to work."

"Bye, Little Detective," Namjoon said as I left the room.