
Chapter 18

"Shh... Shh... She's waking up! All of you go away." I heard a very familiar voice, but I couldn't place who it was.

"Lareina. Come one, open your eyes." There that voice was again. The voice made my heart constrict, and a warmth spread all throughout my body. My eyes started to feel less heavy, and soon I won the battle, and they fluttered open. I looked to the right of me where I heard the voice come from. I was met with beautiful galaxy eyes that made me remember everything. I felt a smile form, and I saw one grace her face as well.

"Hey there." I croaked out. She grabbed a cup and brought it to me.

"Drink this. Hannah made it especially for you to get rid of any side effects you may have from being in a comatose state." I nodded and drank all of it. Soon my sore throat and stiff muscles were gone.

"Wow, that shit did the job! Oops, sorry... That was so loud!" I covered my mouth, and I looked over to Noor to see her laughing. Her laugh was a melody.

"So... How long was I out for?" She stood up and bent over me, kissing my forehead.

"Far too long. It was only five days, but it felt like an eternity." She whined out like an adolescent child. I chuckled, amused at her antics.

"I thought it was only like three days." She looked at me and squeezed my hand.

"Yeah, it is. You just had to take your sweet time and scare me half to death. I thought for a second I had lost you." I looked at her and pushed myself up so I could kiss her.

"Well, I'm here now. Very much alive. Unless this is some sort of heaven, but then again, it always feels like heaven on earth with you." She smiled and shook her head.

"I see you came back cheesier than ever." I shrugged.

"What can I say? I ate a lot of it and drank a lot of wine while in my dream state." She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Still a smart ass, I see. Well, how do you feel?" I looked down at my hands and kind of moved them, inspecting them. I went to get up out of bed but was stopped by Noor.

"Here, let me help you." I rolled my eyes but let her help me up. She took me to the bathroom and what I saw in the mirror was nothing like I had ever seen before. I gasped and looked at Noor, then back at myself in the mirror. I was stretching and touching my face all over and my hair.

"What. The. In. The. Holy. Fuck." I look back at Noor again.

"I didn't think I would change this much." I hold up a piece of my hair and shake it at her.

"My hair is snow white. Literally, It's damn near translucent." I then held my eyelids open wide.

"Do you see this? Do you see this?! My eyes are fucking black all around, but they look like galaxies as well. Is this a fae thing? No... It can't be because your parents' eyes don't look like galaxies." I turned back to the mirror. "Oh my god." I spun back to look at her. "Am I a demon?" I gasped out. She just chuckled.

"Lareina... My love. Just breath. Everything is okay. You have more dark fae prevalent in you. Nothing to be concerned about." I gaped at her, then narrowed my eyes. Waving my hands around me.

"Nothing to be concerned about? Noor, I look like a demon. Look at my eyes; they look like the thing of nightmares. Not white, nothing... Just pitch black. The only color is the plethora of colors swirling around in my eyes." She closed the distance between us and grabbed each side of my face. Looking at me with a soft look in her eyes.

"You are absolutely stunning. Your eyes may seem scary to humans, but in our world, they are unique. Truly one of a kind. You were breathtaking before, and you're breathtaking now." She gave me a small kiss on the forehead, then to both of my cheeks, she made her way to my nose, and then lastly gave me a small kiss on the lips. That kiss gave me all the reassurance I needed. I took a deep breath and nuzzled into her neck. Wait! I gasped and flew myself back a bit, putting space between her and me.

"Holy shit Noor! I'm tall now!" I squealed out, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, you grew a few inches or so. Still not as tall as me... But you're closer." I smirked.

"You're only taller by like 3-4 inches now." I scoffed out, feeling arrogant. Soon the door opened, and in walked, what I could only compare to as a friendly green giant. He smiled down at me, and this made my ego deflate as I felt very small. I just waved up at him shyly.

"I see you're already walking. Good to see all motor control is up to code. Go ahead and sit down; let me just run some cognitive tests, and then I'll send you on your way, my queen." I still cringed a little at being called that.

"Okay, doc." I jumped and landed on the bed.

He did that weird follow the light shit with my eyes... I always hated that shit because then I just see splotches in a vision. He asked me what day it was. Of course, my smart ass sassed back, asking how in the hell I would know that. I believe my answer back was something like, "Don't ask questions I don't have answers for." He asked what my name was, about my life, and then finally he released me from the hospital.

"Oh my god!!! That took forever!!" I exclaimed, throwing my head back and groaning. I grabbed onto Noor's arm and snuggled into her, pulling her closer as we kept walking.

"Noor! Uhhh!! I am starving. Can we please eat now?" She looked down at me. Only slightly might I remind you. As you know, I am taller now.

"Yes, of course, we can love. In fact, we are having a full dinner table tonight. Everyone wants to see you after your transformation. Everyone was extremely worried about you, and believe it, or not even Jasper was very concerned." I looked at her wide-eyed.

"Wow. Well, okay then. I just want to shower and change really quickly. Give me just 30 minutes, and then we can go have our dinner." She looked at me, studying me intently. Taking in every feature as if she was trying to remember every little detail about me.

"I love you, Lareina. I truly do. I'll see you in 30 minutes." She gave me a small kiss, then turned away from me, walking down the hall. I was so stunned, and in a daze, I didn't get a chance to tell her I loved her too. I'll have to do that immediately once I see her.