
Chapter 31

It has been a week. A whole week since she went into a coma. She still hasn't woken up, not even a twitch, and I am honestly losing my mind. I heard the door open and saw Nina walk in. She gave me a sad look.

"Lareina… You need to take care of yourself." I turned away from her and just focused on Noor. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to find my sister looking at Noor too. "You know she wouldn't want you to be doing this to yourself." I sighed out.

"I know…" I whispered out in a small voice. "I just can't leave her…" I looked up at Nina. "I just can't." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. My sister bent down and kissed the top of my forehead bringing me in closer to her.

"I'm right here sis. Everyone is here for you and for Noor. Just go take a shower and eat something light, okay?" I was very conflicted. I was having a battle within myself. "If you can't do it for yourself, or for me, then at least do it for Noor." I squeezed my sister's hand and stood up from the chair I haven't really moved from in days. I got up and kissed Noor's forehead.

"I'll be back soon, my love." I whispered out hoping Noor could hear my voice still. I looked back up at Nina. "Don't leave her side, please. Not even for a second." She nodded at me and took the seat where I was once sitting.

"I won't. Not even for a second. Now go." I made my way out of the room begrudgingly. Still the battle within myself to stay or go was waging.

I got to our room and felt the whole inside of my heart grow. I could smell her scent surrounding me and it was almost suffocating. Fuck, I missed her so much. I made my way to the bathroom and took a long hot shower. It helped relax my tense muscles and I felt a bit more refreshed. However, I still felt like I was missing this huge part of me, and I was. I was missing the other half of my soul.

I decided to put on one of Noor's shirts and I climbed into bed. I settled in on her side of the bed and breathed in her scent embedded in her pillow and the sheets surrounding me. As much as it made my heart ache, it also brought me comfort. I envisioned her waking up soon and us living this long and happy laugh. Soon, my daydreams turned into real dreams.

I stirred out of my sleep by a knock at the door. I looked around the room and found it to be mostly dark. The fading light from the sun barely filters in through the window. Shit, I need to get back to Noor. I scrambled out of the bed and threw on some of Noor's sweatpants. I know what you're thinking, Noor owns sweatpants? Yes, she does. I was just as shocked as you are. I rushed to the door to see who was on the other side. Who I found made me gulp.

"Lareina…" Noor's mom whispered out my name. Coming face to face with her parents was gut wrenching. I've been avoiding them. "We know you've been avoiding us." Welp… She's not wrong.

"I'm sorry. I just…" I trailed off trying to find the words. Why are words so hard? "I feel as if you both may hate me now. I know you both blame me, hell I blame myself for what happened. If I would have just been a better mate…" I was looking down at the ground shaking my head at myself.

"We'll stop you right there. Look up at us, please." I followed Noor's dad's instructions. "We don't blame you for what happened and you shouldn't blame yourself either. Noor was doing what any mate would, protecting their beloved. You would have done the same, no?" I nodded. I would have taken the sword for her in a heartbeat. I wish I would have. "Exactly. Would you want her to blame herself for what happened." I felt defeated.

"No, I wouldn't. I'm sorry for avoiding you both." Noor's mom gave me a small, warm smile.

"It's understandable, dear. Now come on, let's eat together." She grabbed my hand and didn't let go as we made our way to the dining room. It felt comforting. It was a mother's love and comfort she was giving and it felt wholesome. I wish I had my mom here, but I'm glad I at least have Nina and these wonderful people who are now my family too.

We ate a very simple meal. It was just grilled chicken, rice, and broccoli. I didn't eat everything on my plate, but enough. At least enough to my own standard. All I could think about was getting back to Noor. That is the only place in this entire universe I wanted to be. I pushed my plate slightly away from me and looked toward Noor's parents.

"May I be excused?" Noor's mom gave me an amused look.

"Yes." I got up and was making my way out the door when I was stopped by Noor's mom. "And Lareina?" I looked back at her.

"Yeah?" She gave me a smile. "She'll come back, don't worry. She's very strong." I looked at her quizzically.

"How can you be so sure?" She had a confident look on her face.

"Call it mother's intuition." She had so much confidence in what she said and it gave me some hope.

"I hope you're right." She gave a tiny smirk.

"Mother's are always right. We'll see you later. Give our daughter a kiss and hug for us." I nodded and made my way to Noor.

I walked into Noor's room to find Nina sitting in the chair on her phone. I'm glad she didn't leave. I kind of wish she would have been more attentive, but oh well.

"How's she doing?" My sister and I switched spots.

"The doctor said her heartbeat is growing stronger, which is a good sign." This made me smile. I grabbed Noor's hand.

"Keep pushing, my love. Come back to me. Come back to us." Nina squeezed my shoulder before heading out of the room.

I continued holding Noor's hand as I lost myself in my thoughts. My mind swirled around all the events that have taken place in such a short time. How Noor and I haven't been together for a year yet and we've already gone through so much. I heard myself lightly chuckle.

"You know it is absolutely crazy how much we've gone through together in such a short time. I feel like I've known you my entire life. I am so lucky to have you as my soulmate and I hope you feel the same about me. I promise I am never leaving your side; I'll always be here. You mean the world to me and I love you more than the universe can make space for." I sighed out and squeezed Noor's hand.

"So, I guess I'll catch you up on everyone, as I always do. I finally ran into your mom and dad, well they basically cornered me in our room." I let out a small laugh. "I was scared shitless. I was afraid that they hated me and blamed me for what happened to you. They don't though and that makes me feel a lot better. We had a nice lunch together. I swear I ate, it may not have been a lot, but I did eat!" I felt myself smile.

"Hannah and Naiomi are a beautiful couple, so are my sister and Serenity. Absolutely adorable. Nina and I had a long deep conversation about our dad. She wasn't upset with how things ended and how I basically killed him. We both are just relying on the fact that he is free now and hopefully in a better place. I did have a dream when I fell asleep for a few minutes yesterday about him. He looked happy and healthy again. He gave me a hug and said goodbye. I'm wondering if it was actually him visiting me in my dreams." I felt my thoughts wander deeper into that subject. It really has me thinking.

"Oh! Kelvin, Zelda, and Jasper all met their mates! Also, this one might surprise you the most." I took a dramatic pause. "Rowan has a mate! This shocked the hell out of me! I haven't met them or anyone else's mate just yet, but from what I have heard they are all amazing and treat them well." This made me happy. They were all my family and amazing people. They deserve the best. "Well, I think that's about it." I was looking up trying to see if I could think of anything else but I came up blank.

"That's all, huh?" A small voice croaked out.

"God?" I looked up at the ceiling with a questioning look on my face. Where the hell did that voice come from? I heard a small laugh and snapped my eyes down to find Noor looking at me. I felt the whole world freeze. I soon snapped out of it and brought her into a big hug.

"Finally!" I took in a deep breath of her scent and I could feel tears make their way to my eyes. "I missed you so much." I snuggled deeper into her neck.

"I missed you too. Can you get me water?" I pulled back. I rushed over to pour some water for her and held it up to her mouth.

"Sorry, love." She shook her head.

"Don't be. I heard everything by the way. I was here the entire time. I tried so hard to come back to you sooner, but I just couldn't." I held her face and gave her a small kiss.

"I'm so glad you're back now. Never leave again okay?" She smiled back at me.

"Never." I gave her another kiss. Then I went outside to get the doctor.

The next hours were a blur. People filtered in and out. The doctor said she looked perfectly healthy, but wanted her to stay another night for observation. I didn't love this, but better safe than sorry. At least the bed is big enough for us to cuddle. It may be a squeeze, but oh well. I watched Noor talking and laughing with everyone. I just stood off to the side a bit leaning up against the wall admiring her. She must have felt me staring, because her eyes found mine. Like always the world around us melted away.

"I love you." She mouthed to me.

"I love you too." I mouthed back to her. Her face broke out into a huge smile and I matched her. She turned back to talk to people and I stayed admiring her.

I was in a daze. Honestly, ever since I've come to this place I feel like I've been in a daze, kind of like a dream state of sorts. This place has me in a constant state of Dwaal. That's it; that's what the name of our home will be. That will be the name of this entire place, at least to me. Dwaal.