New Life

While everything was dark i suddenly hear a voice (*hello host, my name is eve i am here to help you during your time in this game created by god,for now before you reincarnate or transmigrate i just wanted to tell you that because you died before you were supposed to because of god your family was given good luck and they lived comfortable lives your sister even named her first child after you because she thought you were the best big brother. Now that i've told you this i'm going to explaining your situation first, you are going to be reborn as a baby but instead of having your parents in this life you are going to be put outside a orphanage as a baby, you will awaken your powers at the age of four like other people in this world as to not attract attention to yourself. You can change how you will look in the future now. Oh I almost forgot to mention it but because your power will be suppressed so as to not attract attention to yourself you could possibly lose contontroll when it awakens.*)

I was initially shocked to hear a voice in what seemed like endless darkness but once i heard what she was talking about i began to pay attention, 'i see well that's good that they had a good life and thank god i wont have parents in this life because i wouldn't be able to show the love a child would show to their parents. For my looks I can look like Meliodas but taller when i get older. As for me losing how are we going to stop it or can we stop it?'

(*I can stop it after a few seconds but this is only because I'm preparing for it now if it happens suddenly in the future I won't be able to help you*) Eve sounded very serious when she said that part. (*And now that you have decided your looks decided you can now get into the new world*) and she said that part in an excited voice.

After she said that i saw a bright light so i closed my eyes and when i opened them i was in front of a big door or it could just be me being small because i'm a baby now. It seemed like i was in a basket in a blanket, when the door opened and a woman that looked to be in her forties saw me, she was saying something but i couldn't understand her as i felt really tired now and i just fell asleep.

{timeskip four years}

It's been four years since I was reincarnated I have kept the same name as it was on a piece of paper in the basket I was found in and i got to say being a baby sucks, you can't do anything at all but once i started crawling around things got more fun because i would try to hid from the other kids in the orphanage and the owner of the place it was a fun game to pass the time they won most of the but it was still fun.

Once I could talk and walk I actually realised I was talking japanese i asked Eve about it and apparently I can understand and talk any languages which is handy. I have been doing small quests like helping the other kids build a jigsaw puzzle, build lego or change the tv station although these never gave more than ten shop points (SP).

Although I don't have any of Meliodas's abilities yet, I have been getting his memories and when I get the abilities I should know how to use them properly.

Soon i will awaken my powers which i chose and though i do not see the other kids at the orphanage as real family i still care for them so before i awaken my powers and go berserk i will go out to the mountain behind the orphanage and hopefully no one will be there, eve has also made a countdown to when i am going to awaken my powers so i know when to leave.

[1 hour and 3 minutes to awaken powers]

'Alright I will leave now because I don't know how fast I will be so I have plenty of time to get to the mountain' I think as I walk out of the orphanage.

"Jayce where are you going?"says the owner of the orphanage but everyone just calls her grandma.

I sigh and turn around "nowhere i was just going to walk for a bit before dinner, i will be back before dinner i promise ok."

"Ok, just be back before dinner or you will get no dinner ok" she says in a stern but kind voice.

"I will be back later" I say as I am running away on the mountain. It wasn't a tall mountain but it was good enough for those few seconds I needed.

Once I got at least half the height of the mountain I got tired and sat down. 'Eve how long until I awaken my powers?'

(*you have half an hour until you unlock your powers. Jayce what are you going to do in this world? Although i think i know i just want to hear what your plans are.*) even when she was saying eve was saying that you can tell she is really nice.

'My plans for the future are simple. I will try to stick to the plot so i know what is going to happen in the future, i think i will also make it so midoriya can use his arms and i will also remind him that he has legs.' I tell Eve and laugh at the last part of my sentence.

(*I suppose that makes sense but even if you don't do anything just presence here will change things so most although most things will be the same some things will change, like someone will get replaced in 1A by you.*)

'I suppose but i havent changed anything major and besides if I'm going to replace anyone in 1A it's going to be mineta' I think to myself and tell eve at the same time.

After thirty minutes of talking to Eve it's finally time to awaken my powers.

(*alright your powers are going to awaken soon and it will probably hurt or feel uncomfortable because you will be growing extra hearts, when that's finished you will go berserk like what happened to meliodas after being trapped in the goddess crystal but i will bring you back after a few seconds ok?*) she informs me sounding worried.

"Thank for informing me eve hopefully the pain isn't to bad, but i guess i will have to get used to pain some point, i know im putting stress on you eve but please bring me back fast i don't like the idea of not being in control of my body, plus i don't want to get to the city and destroy stuff i don't have money to pay for that." I say and laugh a little.

(*don't worry jayce i will try my best to get you back in control before you destroy anything in the city*) just as she finished saying that the countdown reaches zero.


It's late at night where I am so that's why I ended the chapter like that although I will realise this as five tomorrow.