day 35

I woke up due to a strong urge. The lighting was dim, but I didn't mind that very much.

I was stirred by an overwhelming sense of hunger, so I reached for the corpse of the nearby Red bear. After removing the bowie knife that was deeply lodged in the bear's forehead, I used raw strength to tear its head off. When I brutally ripped off the skin, flesh, and cervical vertebrae, the sound could be heard from afar.

Even though I didn't fully regain my consciousness yet, I reflexively munched on the Red bear's head that was in my hand.

Ability [Lord of the Mountain's Piercing Roar] learned

Ability [Intimidating Glare] learned

Ability [All Elemental Resistance] learned

After I forcibly ground the hard hair with my teeth, ate the cranium and the brain, after I'd finished eating the head in a few seconds, my brain started working a little, or enough for me to judge that the Red bear's pelt was important, so I took the bowie knife, that seemed smaller for some reason, and carefully peeled it off.

I got the feeling that the Red bear had gotten smaller since I fainted, however my head wasn't working properly, so I didn't think too deeply about it.

I just felt that the Red Bear's pelt was important, I did it for no other reason.

My left hand from the elbow down was gone, however, this much could be fixed by my abilities so there was no need to worry.

Using my [Metamorphosis] ability, I was able to make slender finger-like projections for my lost left arm from the elbow down and picked up the pelt using it.

Though I had some difficulties with using the small knife and prosthetic fingers, I was able to finish skinning off the pelt from the bear. After that, I started eating the flesh of the now naked bear.

Feeling an intense sense of starvation, I single-mindedly devoured its flesh and blood until nothing remained.

Ability [Lord of the Mountain's Stout Hide] learned.

Ability [Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles] learned.

Ability [Consecutive Raging Strikes] learned.

Ability [Tyranny of the Beast King] learned.

Ability [ The [Demigod of Fire]'s Divine Protection] learned.

Ability [Complete Fire Resistance] learned.

Each time I chewed on the meat brought out its flavor more and more, it was truly the best meat I have ever had, I drank the thick blood that almost tasted like aged wine, I could feel the vitality that had filled Red bear's organs while eating them, then I devoured its crunchy bones until I had exhausted its bone marrow, just like the minerals from a mine. After I completely devoured the existence that was once the Red bear, my head finally became clear and started working properly.

Then, I looked down at my body.

My body's color remained black, however, in addition to the large quantities of blood covering it, I noticed some unfamiliar red lines that seemed to have a kind of religious significance — I wonder if it can be called a tattoo? — all over my body. In addition, after examining my body, it became clear that I was not a hobgoblin anymore but a completely different species, my arms seemed even thicker than the torso of an adult male and my abs had developed into a six-pack.

Moreover, my hair, I was sure it hadn't been this long. Although my hair grew when I evolved into a hobgoblin, it had barely reached my shoulders, however, now my hair reached the lower end of my shoulder blades and, aside from growing longer, it had also turned gray.

Lastly, two sharp horns grew out from my forehead. When I touched them, they felt extremely sharp and tough. If I charged like a bull, I'm sure that I would be able to stab the target. While I was checking out my new body, I remembered the message I heard before I lost consciousness.

Yeah, it seems I have turned into an [ Ogre ].

Yeah, I heard it say ogre, moreover, it was not a [Variant], rather, something that's even more unusual called a [Rare Species].

Well, if a hobgoblin kills a creature as strong as the Red bear, then they'll definitely be able to undergo [ Evolution (Rank Up) ], it can't be helped that I became a [ Rare Species ] though. I convinced myself that it wasn't that bad of a thing.

In the same manner as when I evolved to a hobgoblin from a goblin, when I evolved into an [ Ogre - Rare Species ], all of my abilities had been enhanced and my body was filled with a temporary feeling of omnipotence. However, I decided to leave the verifying of the enhancements for another time. I think it's about time for me to head back. The others are probably worried since I haven't returned yet.

I picked up the halberd that might be reusable if repaired, then I noticed something when I was about to leave the impromptu shelter I made using the trees yesterday. After the fight, my clothes were heavily damaged, nevertheless, they still covered the parts that needed to be hidden. However, as a side effect of when my body grew in size, the clothes that I was wearing had all been torn to shreds.

Basically, I am currently naked.

My member was swinging around between my legs, it was so amazing that I couldn't tear my gaze away from it for a while. I thought "what should I do about this?" for a few seconds, then I solved the problem by taking the Red bear's pelt, which I had already skinned, and wrapped it around my waist to cover myself.

I see, that's why I skinned the Red Bear's pelt, because I had a premonition that such a situation would occur. I strapped the pelt around my waist, then I used a wind-blade to cut an opening in the impromptu shelter made from trees making my threads release with a "zuban" sound.

After I evolved, the power of the wind-blade dramatically increased, to the point that even if I held back it would still be a one-hit kill.

Judging by the position of the sun, I'm guessing it's around two o'clock now. It seems I slept for a pretty long time, I should hurry back to the mine.

On the way back I collected my backpack and field pack which were lying in the vicinity, after that I recovered as much as possible of the iron pieces that were once estocs and bowie knives to recycle them.

The Triple Horned horse's leg that I placed in my backpack got stolen, I think that I should be content that the other materials such as the demon spider's crust remained though, losing only the leg is much better than having the other materials and the backpack getting damaged.

Because I'd gotten bigger, and used some of my movement-related abilities, I arrived at the base quickly, where they were noticeably wary and afraid of me.

Yeah, if an unknown ogre suddenly appeared, this is what'd happen, I thought with a wry smile. Then they got even more frightened. Ah, seeing that, I thought that I probably have a violent face now after evolving into an ogre, I'm sure of it.

I think that it would be something like this:

Goblin → Ugly Hobgoblin → Human-like Ogre → an overly muscular berserker

I'm sure it's Something like this.

By the way, there's no concrete proof, but I'm probably over two meters tall right now. Compared to the wary goblins in front of me, there was a huge difference in size, I'm completely looking down at them. They'd get in my blind spot if they got too close, I'd completely lose sight of them.

Soon after, Gobumi-chan came out from the mine and realized that it was me. Just like that, the rest of the wariness vanished from the goblins. Gobumi-chan who identified me in an instant, had her facial expression turned into that of relief then anger, and with all of her might kicked me.

It didn't hurt at all, though I acted like I was in pain. However the one who truly felt pain was Gobumi-chan, so I casually used a healing spell on her to ease any discomfort. As soon as her pain subsided, Gobumi-chan made me do seiza.

T/N: Seiza means an upright kneeling position that is traditionally used in Japan in meditation and as part of the preparation in martial arts.]

She was really worried, saying things like "What were you doing?", "How did you turn into an Ogre?". Of course she also asked me about my left arm. Well, this is natural.

Noticing her eyes tearing up a little, I couldn't even refute her. when I said "sorry for making you worry", Gobukichi-kun and Redhead arrived after hearing the commotion.

Of course, they were surprised. So surprised they couldn't even stop their mouths from hanging open.

Well, of course they would if they were worried because I didn't return for the first day and then came back as an ogre on the third one.

Once the key members such as Gobue-chan, Hobusei-san, Hobusato-san and Gobujii came over, I started explaining what I'd been doing to them. I chased the other goblins away saying that I will tell them later.

Well, when I thought that I should return soon after hunting for some time alone I found a Red bear. I wanted to test my strength,and my instinct urged me on - actually it was mainly due to my appetite - , so I attacked it.

After that, the fight that started in the evening continued through the night, and it concluded only when the sun started to rise yesterday morning.

After that I couldn't move because I got heavily damaged in the battle, so I erected a barrier - impromptu shelter - using my threads and slept in an attempt to recover my strength.

Then, a while ago when I opened my eyes I realized that I had Ranked Up into an ogre. Moreover, it was a [ Rare Species ]. Most of my equipment became unusable, but I got the Red bear's pelt as a trophy, so it wasn't that much of a loss.

Well, I was just thankful to be alive.

After telling them that much, I noticed the stupid expressions that Hobusei-san, Hobusato-san and Gobujii were showing with their jaws hanging open as if they dislocated.

What is it Gobujii? Eh? Did I kill the Red bear you say? That's what I was saying, While saying that I patted the fur wrapped around my waist to draw their attention to it.

Hmm? What is it Hobusei-san? Hoh, so there's a considerably strong, almost peerless - in this forest - bear-type monster species called [ Hind Bear ] living in this forest, However, it's generally grey in color and can only go up to three meters long.

Additionally, among those bears there are [ Variants ] whose fur is red in color. Those [ Variants ] are unable to wield magic like a mage, but they do have a high intelligence and the ability to breathe fire, moreover, they are in a different league compared to common Hind bears in physical capabilities such as physical strength and sense of smell.

So in short, because it was the strongest among the Hind bears in this forest, it was also the strongest in the entire forest.

Therefore that [ Hind Bear - Variant ], in other words the Red bear was called the [ Lord of the Mountain ] and it has enough strength to easily kill and eat an ogre.

I see. I doubt I'll be able to meet another one, given its rarity in this world.

"Ouch, Stop hitting my head Hobusato-san." Though it really doesn't hurt. "Eh? You want to take a better look at the fur? It can't be helped". As I showed it to her, she said that it was definitely the real thing.

Well, the fact that even after I Ranked Up into an ogre I acquired a considerable number of abilities from eating it, and that there were even two named [Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles] and [Lord of the Mountain's Stout Hide], means it's probably true.

Also, Gobujii said that I who became an ogre in such a short amount of time stopped being 'abnormal' and became an 'impossible existence'. Although I retorted "it's pointless to mull over it now", they replied "at least be aware of what you've done, don't make it sound like it's an easy feat".

It's unreasonable.

We talked about various things for an hour before ending the meeting.

Well, as expected the current situation is not good since I'm as exposed as a newborn. I wanted to get some new clothes quickly. I feel embarrassed, as expected, I can't remain calm in a state with only the pelt covering my waist. Also, the stares of the goblins in the surroundings are a little unnerving.

I decided to go to my workshop, then I noticed Gobumi-chan and Redhead following me. "What are you, my parents?", I felt like saying that, but I refrained. I let them do as they please since there isn't any problems with it, I went and greeted the rest of the girls for now. I wanted to check if anything had happened in my absence.

They were really afraid. They were all screaming at me from the sudden meeting. Then I quickly drove away the goblins who started gathering to check the commotion.

The girls almost started crying when they saw me, however, I told them what happened then used my flames and threads to prove that it's me, with that they finally recognized me. I could still notice them shivering a little from fear, but I was content that they finally showed smiles. I felt like saying "Good job!" since they all looked so cute.

Nevertheless, I thought "stop pinching my legs, you two - Redhead and Gubomi-chan - ", it hurts a little bit. Well, skin can't be trained. However, I just thought of it as a punishment for making them worry about me, afterwards we talked about various things.

I asked Blacksmith-san to repair the halberd that got heavily damaged. She scolded me saying "You've really done well making it so tattered".

In addition, it seems that she made a knife using a [Spirit Stone] alloy, so she asked me to come check it out later. "And, if it's okay with you, I would like to try and create a new weapon for you", I nodded immediately as soon as she asked me this.

I found it cute seeing her getting happy after she heard my answer, smiling with beet-red cheeks. It made me involuntarily pat her head. So as not to hurt her I tried my best to control my strength. Still, I think it was nice seeing her blissful smile when I patted her. As expected, a woman's smile is nice.

For some reason the two pinched me even harder. Why?

When I told the two Sisters with the [Cook] job that I'll be hunting Hind bears later, they got fired up and said that they'll make a bear stew then. "To make a bear stew, we'll need to get this, this and that" and so I ordered my goblin servants to go out to gather them.

Lately I've been working these guys frequently, their Levels should be around 100, perhaps some of them will Rank Up to hobgoblins soon.

As expected, it's hard for the two to do all of the work by themselves, I wanted to at least help them in preparing the ingredients in the kitchen, so I appointed three female goblins of my generation from our logistical corps « Pleasure » to assist the two. I appointed females because I think that it's still impossible for them to interact with the males and it would be more dangerous, nevertheless, these girls are incredibly tough.

Even though they're not the same goblins that killed their friends and acquaintances, normally after what happened they would start to see all of the goblins as enemies, yet, when you look at these girls, you can see that they don't think like that. The mental strength and adaptability they possessed is remarkable, even though only a short period of time has passed since they started living here, they are already getting used to the goblins.

Really, these girls are amazing. Even if it is a miscalculation on my part, I'm still glad.

"You girls will become really good wives. Will it be okay if I made you two my wives?" I asked the two as a joke.

After saying that I was looking forward to tonight's dinner, I left.

When they faced me while blushing showing their blissful smiles, I found it really cute .

As soon as I left, I was struck in the back of the head by the other two with wooden swords.

It was unreasonable though, because it didn't hurt, I didn't bother stopping them.

Alchemist-san was concocting potions as usual and there was even a small container containing poison mixed among the other potions. Though it's not the type of poison that kills, it would only paralyze the body.

Well, this is unavoidable, I wryly smiled. Then softly whispered in her ear "How are you planning to use this poison?". Well, it seems to be only for self-protection.

Since she understood that just like there are all kinds of humans, someone like me existed in the clan of the goblins who attacked them, she didn't feel anything like wanting to mix poison in the food, however, she still made it because not having any measures is scary, that's how it was.

When I asked "Aren't there goblins that you hate enough to want to kill them?", she replied that there are many goblins that she hates to the point of wanting to kill them, however, she became capable of trusting me ever since what happened on 'that night'. Moreover, she can also trust Gobukichi-kun and some of the other goblins now.

At the same time, she told me that after becoming an ogre, I'm giving off an excessive feeling of power. She said that the feeling of power emitting from my body is amazing. As for my red tattoos, it seems like they were a little frightening.

"I can't help it though", I said as I extended both my hands and stretched out my prosthetic fingers toward her and jokingly picked her up, then I sensed icy glares coming from the two behind me.

Their glares were so strong I thought, "Oh crap, I'm going to get killed".

That being the case, I did the same to Gobumi-chan and Redhead to appease them. Then, I did the same thing to Blacksmith-san and the Sisters too.

My body aside, I felt mentally tired because I had to be careful not to break everyones' fragile bodies.

After that, I finally arrived at my workshop, I felt itchy wearing the pelt.

The Red bear pelt that I'm planning to use to make a new armor could not be processed yet, so I decided to leave it alone for now. In the meantime, I made shorts out of the Armored tanukis' hide that I had already tanned beforehand.

I don't really feel cold being an ogre and, since making trousers for my size would use up too much hide just to make temporary clothes, to save on materials I made shorts instead.

I think that any hide armor made out of the Red bear's hide will provide enough protection. However, it is the Red bear's hide and I endured great pains to get it after all. That's why I think that rather than making hide armor, it's better to make hard leather armor that has higher defense.

I nimbly finished making the shorts and put them on immediately. With this I can protect my dignity as a person. That was what I felt.

After that, I started processing the Red bear's hide, making it harder by boiling it. Tomorrow I'll not go hunting, rather, I'll prepare new equipment to go hunting with.

Though there's another reason why I won't go hunting, it's because I can't use any of the weapons we have at the moment, since I'm too big now.