Chapter Six

Fiona didn't even think about hiding her wealth, she didn't even know why she should. You can throw a rock and it will hit a second generation rich kid in this world. It was easy to get rich, half of the planets are still getting developed, making it extremely easy. She was just one of many on the network, showing off her wealth.

Her followers already knew, since she was a newcomer and her first stream was Days Ago, which you had to be rich, famous or rich and famous to play. They just didn't think she would be this rich, she rented Kite's Rosa Hotel. The whole hotel, for SEVEN whole days.

Someone did digging and they figure it was probably 2 million starcoins (which was the common currency), or nearing 24 million in 1F country currency. Then, she decided that she wanted to raffle off the rooms and they all decided who cares about her money throwing ways. Like she says, throw a rock in downtown and knock down a rich person. (She may have said that in her second steam. They have GIFs of it...She has GIFs!)

They had to be a day away, a follower and must be respectful when going. Her first morning, technically second day, was spent getting ready for the raffle and actually doing it. The moment she announced it, her post quickly got attention.

Her followers broke the ten million mark when she did it. It was amazing and hilarious how the followers acted. There was some hate which she completely ignored or blocked if it was overboard.

When she started the raffle, she may have purposefully grabbed Maximum's ticket. She had over 162 rooms to fill. When it comes to room arrangements, it will be up to their luck if they get a average room or suite. It took up until five for everything to be sort, booking tickets for them and their families was easy. It was cheap compared to her times.... at least until her converter said that everything costed a little over a million in A planet currency. She put it in 7F and it pained her physically.

On the third day, her first winner came and it was a husky man who had his little tribe with him. He was Maximum and he got a duplex suite. His room limit was ten people, so she wasn't too surprised by it. She excitedly greeted him and got introduce to his granddad, omega dad, his three little sisters and four of his best friends.

It was like a tidal wave afterwards, she greeted people in groups of ten to two, very few were one person. Most people didn't bring little kids, she was surprised. Those that did, they were over ten and seemed okay. By six o'clock, the hotel was filled and the workers were preparing for the dinner she had planned yesterday.

Everything went smoothly and she got to have fun, talking with various people.


On the second day, everyone was busy enjoying themselves while she planned another event. The game her father had made was originally inspired by Fiona and her middle school story that she wanted to write. How the story never mentioned it was beyond her understanding.

Maybe it would have made Fiona and her dad too human to be the cannon fodder. Who wanted to know that the online bully in a story was more than just a small villain. The thing that pushed the little omega forward was made from the love of a father and a little girl's dream of being a writer for games.

That the little villain had hopes and dreams, to find out that being a late bloomer was not as simple as the author made it out to be. Being a late bloomer had a deadline before it stopped being just a pity, instead it becomes a safety problem for others. YOU become a danger to society and suddenly everyone is ready for you to snap.

It would be hard to swallow the fact that the Main Character had killed off a father and a daughter who was legally a minor over a stupid game.

Fiona almost wanted to call her father, so he can ban anyone with the name 'Lil' Star'. But she didn't want to stumbled over the Main Character without knowing her name. She wanted to know who to avoid and forcing her to change her username would make it harder to do so.

This little fact of being the inspiration made it easy for Fiona to get a dozen copies of the game for her little fans. Now she can make them fight for it like little animals as she sits back and laugh freely. She give them a free trip, gift cards and now a chance to win a Pod and her game. She wants something from it.

At noon, because noon has always been a lucky time for her, she released a notification about the games. Her father's company also released a statement not even two minutes later, forwarding her post. By three o'clock, she was standing in front of crowd and her father's employees were controlling the crowd for her. Her accounts were all passed the thirty million marks and rising, she wanted to laugh.

She didn't think her father was watching her. Why did this become a official event? She wanted to have fun and waste money. She was so relieved that she dressed like a business woman for fun. She would have hired a makeup artist and bought a more fancy suit if he had told her beforehand. She ignored the fact that she had done this without a clue of how to go about.

"Welcome!" Her voice echoed in the event hall, reports snapped photos. "I am Fiona, the Official spokesperson for Days Ago. Today is a very special day as the company had a surprise for my randomly chosen followers."

Passerby1- ... Clueless is hot...

DarlingPrincess- Hmph, don't be getting ideas, mr.y'allhornyaf

Blackstone- who the fuck is she?

87363- I didn't think days ago had a spokesperson

SoBrokeIOweMoneyToMykid2- If I knew about I would have followed her, I live in 2F

"For the next three days, we will have a series of games and tasks for my followers or any of their companies to fight for a chance to get a copy of Days Ago and a Pod." She paused, allowing them to get worked up and then calm down. "We have more prizes, which will be posted up behind me on the screen."

She turned to point it out, a list of prizes showed up. The cost of everything was paid for by herself with her savings. The only thing she didn't pay for was the games, pods and hotel. The fact that this event didn't even take a tenth of her savings was a bittersweet feeling. (Not even a dent.)

"Everyone who will be staying here has a chance and everything will be based on your own hardwork." She tensed up when they started to get more excited. Clearing her throat, she continued on, her finger tapping silently against her podium.

"The first challenge will be a photo hunt, a list of things will be sent to you, exactly at 8 am tomorrow. There will be transport available to everyone, if you wish to go in groups for this one, we must be-be not-not-" she stuttered for a moment. Finally it dawn on her how many people are watching and if her stutter didn't come out, she will probably head towards a panic attack, "sorry, I'm stuttering."

It was.. a 'comfort' to her, having grown up with various people who didn't care and willing to wait for her or knew what she meant. She breathed in softly before letting it out, "we must be notified of your arrangements before eight o'clock tonight. All parents or guardians must be with their kid-kid- with their wards. If you need equipment or anything for this challenge, do not worry, we have people who will help you."

She spent time explaining the challenge and answered everything. She didn't see why she can't give them to prepare for it. Fiona was so glad how easily everything can be pulled off in the future.