Chapter 18 Called it different

Elliot had showed me his room at the Cunningham commune. He shared it with someone else but because today was a 'special' night; they offered to give the wedded couple space. I say this with so much bitterness but I know Elliot does not deserve this. He deserves better, he has been nothing but honest and kind to me.

"Are you afraid?" He asked because I was just seated stiff on his bed fiddling my hands.

"Yes... a tad bit."

"Don't be, I will be very gentle. Although I have never been with a woman before. I'm very excited."

William was right, wasn't he always?

"You can remove your clothes and get in the blankets." He said. I did not understand, William always made sure I was wet first by touching my breasts, kissing me and so many other things. I removed my dress and undergarments letting them fall to the floor. I felt self conscious but I didn't seem to care much about what he thought. I was more self conscious with Will but as we did it more and more.. I thought less of it.