Chapter 20 Called me out

Sometimes we lie to ourselves... I'd like to think we do it often. It's a comforting feeling. At some point, we all want to feel as if we're in control of our lives. Sometimes you're and the rest of the time rarely. If I had known nearly four months ago that my life would turn upside down... maybe just maybe, I would have preferred to stay at the plantations sleeping with swollen feet after each hard day's work. Maybe just maybe, I would not have been ripped off my innocence. I would not have personally known the evil within men... white men... specifically William. He had this look in his eyes that scared me. He also had this look in his eyes that left me wanting. If I said, I entirely hated him then that would render me a compulsive liar. I wanted to hate him, I wanted to be able to walk past him without feeling a pang of guilt.