Chapter 66


n. Vision, apparition, manifestation.

Artemis' POV

It seems that my life was a rollercoaster and there was no calm and peace of mind. As I relaxed in my mate's arm with post coital bliss and drifted off, darkness slowly clouded my mind and I slipped away into oblivion.

For a while, I just drifted in the abyss, relaxing and letting the waves carry me away. But it didn't last long.

The world around me began shifting and morphing into a different scene and I felt myself being jerked forward and thrust into unfamiliar surroundings.

The first thing I noticed was that it was day time, the sun shining brightly in the cloudless sky. The trees of the forest were a beautiful shade of light green and the soil beneath my feet was warm and damp.

It was beautiful but the uneasy churning of my gut was warning me something horrible was going to happen.