Chapter 24


The strong, pungent smell of hospital disinfectant invaded my nostrils, causing my nose to scrunch up. My eyes slowly fluttered open, immediately squinting into slits as a bright, harsh light filled the room. The room was eerily silent apart from my heavy, ragged breathing and the quiet beeping from the monitor. I glanced around the empty room, taking in the white washed walls and bouquet of large flowers that stood on the side table. I shut my eyes briefly, trying to remember what exactly had happened that I ended up here.

The door suddenly creaked open and my eyes snapped open. A doctor walked in, a brick-like expression on his face. I immediately shrunk back into my bed as he came to a robotic stop at the end of my bed. His eyes were a grey colour, like concrete as he stared at me. His black hair was gelled back neatly, not a single strand out of place.