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'Don't move.' Vega suddenly said. I was speechless by the look on her face that my mind started racing.

For someone like me, I have to think of the pros and cons of every action I take.

'They said that they will shoot you if you move out of the bed.' Vega says while tears streaking down on my chest.

'Who are they?'

'What are you talking about?'

I asked her question after question without giving her the chance to explain.


Outside the two-story loft, several special forces soldiers had already evacuated a two-block radius and were now surrounding the building keeping the civilians at bay.

'Bravo 6, keep an open eye and take the shot if you must. We can't screw this up.'

'I repeat, disable only.' Bravo 1 says over the comms.

'Aye, sir.' Came in the reply, a soothing voice over the comms.

Holding the Angel of Death in her arms and keeping a vigilant eye on her target. Leah knew who he is and what he's capable of from the briefings they had every week.

'Shit happens.' She muttered softly.


'I am sorry.., you are a good kind-hearted person but I had to do it for the sake of my daughter.' She continues shedding tears while I lay there speechless. After saying that, my mind was already formulating an escape plan.

I knew from our brief conversation that the government is already pinned on my location. With that, they already have a team outside and...


I curse in my mind. And a possibility of a sniper who is watching me on the scope already.

She said they didn't have to open fire if I turn myself in. They need me alive. That was my conclusion.


'Bravo team this is control over. Go for green, I repeat, green light. Over.'

'1 to control copy. Bravo team in position. Making entry.'

'Bravo 2 with me. Bravo 4 cover the back. Bravo 3 and 5 take the front. And if push comes to shove, defend.'


So my name is Maxwell and I have been on the run from the government for the past year and a half. And is my story.