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"Once a wise man said, 'Show me your garden and I shall show you who you are.' And in your case, you are not an exception." Rue said as she was looking at Kai who was in front of her with her arm stretched threatening to server Rue's head clean from her body.

"..." Kai couldn't believe that her attack was stopped midway.

It was humiliating for her to suffer such unpredictable battle outcomes in this primitive world. There should only be one person in this world that could threaten her existence and that person was Ailah.

She realized her mistake when it was too late. She now had to think of a good workout plan and implement it with her whole mind and body and maybe then, she would be able to emerge at the top.

"Are you shocked?" Rue asked after seeing the unbelievable face that was registered on Kai's face.

"Such high cultivation?! That should be impossible given your environmental surroundings and age. Am envious of your achievement and at the same time shocked." Kai replied after assessing the situation she was in.

This was something that everyone wasn't expecting to happen. How could a frail-looking teen stand on toes with such a capable being and not break even a sweat? She was confident or maybe she was just too arrogant. After Kai was thrown off course by the tremendous air punch, she didn't process things through and launched herself forward without much consideration. She looked down on the young-looking teen and passed her as a non-threatening individual. And now her mighty hand stopped in its path just an inch from its target.

Who would have thought that the once-powerful and mighty new arrivals that even the government was afraid of and dared not provoke because of their overall attack power, strength and overwhelming technology could actually be subdued and humiliated by a teenager in such a place and time?

"You reek of death," Rue said. "I suggest that you leave immediately."

"Mmhh! Such judgement?! I am disappointed but am not your equal, so watch your tongue kid." Kai responded with a determined look.

"Don't you dare look down on me. Just because I am a mere mortal doesn't mean am incapable of being your rival." Rue snorted as she was saying that.

"I am going to give you this chance to not interfere with my objective, and if you do, don't say that I didn't warn you." Kai looked at Max after saying that only to see him in a kind of a daze.

"I won't interfere with your objective and I will also ask the same of you, I will be merciless if you do and don't say I didn't warn you." Rue had a satisfying smile on her face while she turned to look at Max.

But just as everyone was focused on Max, a kick landed on Kai's back making her take several steps forward before stabilizing herself. And with a frown, she turned to look at her assailant only to see Vega with a satisfied smile on her face.


Thanos was not having a great time either. He has been struggling for the past couple of minutes that his face was pale and covered in sweat. His hand had a layer of skin that had melted off and a smell of roasted meat wafted and invade his nostrils. The smell further infuriated his bottled-up anger and he let out a hoarse roar.


"YOU DARE HUMILIATE ME? YOU MUST BE TIRED OF LIVING!" Thanos said as he looked at the Hypercar with murderous intentions clearly displayed on his face.

He raised his assault rifle and pressed the trigger with his burnt hand. He felt excruciating pain but had to endure it as all rational thoughts were quickly bombarded with his rage and anger whenever they crossed his mind.

Ta! ta! ta! ta! ta!

Ta! ta! ta! ta! ta!

He unleashed bullets on the Hypersport in front of him that caught the attention of all those who were able to witness this rare reaction that people thought that he has gone completely mad. Before this, he was shouting screams of agony and great pain. But now his gaze was murderous to whoever looked at him.

After the first magazine was loaded out completely, he changed it with a new and loaded magazine and was ready to start his streak of shooting again but stopped and took in the situation.

Though he has fired a full magazine on the Hypersport, not even a crack or a dent was seen to be registered on the car. If his thought process was still with him at that time that he started shooting, he would have already known that what he was doing was in vain and a waste of resources on his side. He looked around to only see different faces displaying different emotions all directed at him.




Such an embarrassment!!!!

"GET OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A REAL MAN! BASTARD!" Thanos roared further infuriated by the looks that the police officers around were giving him.


A trail of blood appeared on the corners of his mouth and landed on the tarmac while others staining his combat suit in the process.

"Being angry only hurt the liver." A soothing feminine voice resonated from inside the car and made its way to the ears of everyone present.




Hearing this everyone was shocked. After all the events that have taken place yet, a woman just sat comfortably in her car just watching. And that sound, so glorifying like a goddess spoke to them. Everyone around cursed Thanos to his tenth generation as they all felt like bending a knee and worship this unknown deity.

They all felt like rushing forward and tear the person that enraged such a being into pieces. With this reason alone, they could be on her good side. But something stopped them, it was the savage look that Thanos displayed.

"SHOW YOURSELF AND I PROMISE THAT I WILL ONLY CRIPPLE YOU FOR WASTING MY TIME." Thanos now lost all rational thought as he continuously roared with a hoarse voice.

"There's no alarm clock like embarrassment." The soothing voice came again and everybody was salivating just to catch a glimpse of the figure that resides inside the Hypersport.

"NO HOPELESS CASE IS TRULY WITHOUT HOPE." Thanos replied with a roar.

"I'm not supposed to be the one that's caught with his pants down." Aya's voice struck out again making everyone around comfortable and bore much respect and admiration towards their newfound goddess.

At this juncture, even I had to force my body to turn around which this time it went along without much resistance and find its source.


I also wanted to find the source of the sound and when I saw that it was the Hypersport, I was bashed beyond words.

'How is she doing that? She is only an AI'

[Pfft! Who said that she is an AI?']

'What thee... I'm getting crazy.'

[Stop belittling yourself in my presence human. Around you, are capable life forms from different worlds across the multiverse. I suggest you watch and capture everything. This will give you a head start on their understanding.]


While I was still in my thought process for what was going on inside my own body and mind. A voice resonated in front making me focus on that.

"Step out of it, Thanos. There is 0% of any life form inside that sports car."

What shocked me was that the speaker was Kai. She had a vicious look on her face and a murderous aura escaped from her body threatening to consume the ones close to her.

Just a moment ago Vega launched a kick which left Kai with some pain as she was unaware of such an action. She was clearly in the open which made the kick more lethal. She was about to launch a counter-attack but the soothing voice resonated from the car. It made her drop her current thoughts of revenge and measure the voice by just listening. But what came back was just that the voice seemed powerless and at the same time soothing, captivating and welcoming.

She knew that what was happening wasn't logical so she lifted her right foot a few inches from the ground and then putting it down again while saying in a low voice.


A smooth vibration took place right after she stepped down. It started to expand at a first-rate that shocked Rue when she sensed the changes on the ground as she could communicate with the heavens and earth. It was not threatening so she chooses to just watch and see how Kai can utilize such a skill, maybe she could gain some knowledge from her.

"If it wasn't for him, you would be lifeless at this time." Kai said without even concealing her malicious intentions towards Vega. "And if you sneak attack at me in the future, I won't be so considerate and reasonable."

"Huh! Threatening her while am around. You caught death! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! You must be tired of living to be so bold." I said with a charming smile on my face.

I was happy that I had control over my body again. It made me appreciate life tenfold. It was just so amazing to normal again.

I didn't have the missile in my hands and forgot about the dangers it brought as I was rid of it.

"You!!" Kai turned around and said just one word before being rendered speechless by what caught her eyes.