WebNovelX FORCE11.30%

Threat Level: Midnight

A dirty silver Hypersport was transversing on a wide side walk on a moderately low speed. And everyone that saw it was left amazed by the action.

No one thought of it as they always knew that the side walk was meant for pedestrians. But in a time like this where the roads were filled with cars which blocked every place possible for a vehicle to pass through, the side walk seemed wide enough.

The few people that saw it were left amazed 'cause of the fact that it blended well with it's surroundings.

The car was so quiet that no one would notice if it passed a few metres away from them. And also, no head or taillights were on indicating that the one driving the car didn't want to gather much attention to themselves.

Inside the Hypersport, Rue was seen watching the occurrences that have taken place in Los Angeles.

On the other side seat, a box chocolate was half open and Rue just kept stuffing her mouth while watching the windscreen.

"Bring up the current map of the area and all old maps... And also pinpoint our current location with Maxwell's last location on all the maps." Rue told Aya after going through all the footages and news on the internet concerning the current situation.

"Ooh! You want to pinpoint his possible location... that's good thinking." Aya praised her one and only human friend Rue.

"Even if we can't be there for him now, at least let's know of his whereabouts." Rue said with a straight face probably thinking of what course of action to take.

But then she froze as she stared at the screen infront of her.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I see real experience has made you more mature that how you were in the last twenty four hours." Aya still commented on Rue's growth not even noticing that Rue was deep thinking about something.

"Stop the car." Rue said out of the blue and with a jerk the car was forcefully stopped. "Clear the screen and make the windowpanes transparent."

In the next instance, the holograms vanished in mid air and all the windows become transparent that one was able to look through and at least see something though it was still dark outside.

"This isn't the way home Aya... Where were you taking me?" Rue asked as she realized that the streets that they have been passing through were all not familiar.

"Eerr... I am trying to choose the best way for us to maneuver without much incidents." Aya answered after thinking of an excuse.

"You know for a being of your status, you are so crappy in lying. Now I demand an answer Aya, and not just any answer. I want the truth... Now tell me is there something I should know about?" Rue asked Aya after noticing the odd behaviour that Aya had carried with her the whole time.

"So... I wanted to hold off on this for as long as I could, but at a certain time I knew that I would have had to tell you..." Aya replied with hesitation.

"Out with it Aya. You know that I can handle anything... Just tell me." It was Rue's conviction that if she doesn't push the buttons, nothing will come out of Aya's mouth until she thinks that it was the right time.

"It's your parents.., they were taken a couple of hours ago." Aya finally blurted it out.

"TAKEN...!? TAKEN BY WHOM? AND HOW WERE THEY EVEN TAKEN WITHOUT ME KNOWING OF IT?!" Rue now was so pissed beyond measure.

"Drive, Aya... And I want to know everything. Who took them? Where were they taken to and who was so bold to do the bidding?"

"I already have the necessary information." Aya responded fast.

"And remember, Aya... Family... Family is all that we've got in this life. They are the ones that make us want to live on to the next dawn... We live and die with them, in health and in sickness. And if anything happens to them, I won't forgive you Aya." Rue warned her friend as the Hypersport was now at a frightening speed and headed towards a blockade that was set up with light armoured military vehicles.


Now since the first few shots to be fired, Los Angeles began a new phase, a phase where it was a do or die.

At least every part of L.A now had the sounds of heavy gunfire and the constant whirring sound of military choppers that were still roaming around.

The soldiers that were on the ground had to fire back and look for places that could conceal them from the civilians. And the general public at large mobilized the situation to their advantage as they used the cars on the roads and the nearest buildings for cover.

On the other side the soldiers still needed to concentrate on a 360° as the citizens that were shooting on them were scattered everywhere.

Up on the air, the military helicopters had formed up their own domain and just watched as the gunfight on the streets put their comrades at a disadvantage.

But their was nothing they could do about it as it was already out of hand for the things that they have done. And if they could just drop some General or Napalm Bombs, they would be helping their brothers a great deal. But they couldn't.

On the open air near L.A, a large group of military choppers were flying at a high speed heading in the eye of the violence.

On each side of these helicopters, was the name, 'Tyranical Tower,' painted in a domineering font and color.

The helicopters in this group were divided into three sections. And even their formation indicated that they were here for business and not leisure.

The outer ring of the formation was mostly dominated by Mangusta A129-R. The Mangusta used light composite materials to enable faster speeds and also it was able to deploy missiles capable of striking multiple targets at once.

On the middle section was dominated by the NH90, a variant of the Tactical Transport Helicopter for army use. This variant specializes air-to-air combat, while also equipped with an excellent targeting system for both airborne and ground targets. And furthermore it was also equipped with an auto-fire 30mm cannon that fired uranium depleted rounds.

And on the innermost part of the formation, three heavy military grade helos took that part as their own. They were a Seahawk SH-60, a Sea Stallion CH-53F and a Super Puma AS332.

So when someone who knows them just takes a glance up, they would turn and run as nobody would ever think that someone in the world had with them that kind of an army. And just from the noise that they produced, was enough to wake someone who was sleeping.

And if someone was wondering about the small cluster of helos from the Tower, they would be disappointed to know that the current force only consisted of about a quarter of all the assets the Tower had a hold on.

"Commander, we have a large number of concealed objects a few miles ahead of us." One of their surveillance guys picked up the disturbance and reported back to their Commander.

"Mmmh!.. That's a piece of news. Proceed as planned, do not fire unless fired upon." The woman answered with a smile on her face.

"Understood." The guy beside her answered as he looked at his tablet with amusement.


In the Tactical Operation Center a call was addressed to the Generals that were on the big tent.

"Generals, their is activity near your location. The satellite is picking up enormous heat signatures in the air." A General from Joint Base Lewis-McChord warned them.

Just as the call ended and the Generals were looking for answers to confirm the claims, a warning alarm started to inform the occupants in tented area that there was danger in their midst and that they should prepare for defensive scenarios.

Every soldier regardless of rank run out to see what was about to happen to their compound.

Though the TOC had generators running in which they supplied power, the rest of L.A was covered in total darkness and that the small settlement stand out from afar.

And as they started to gather outside, the first glimpse of a missile was seen as it detached itself from whatever black body that was. And then the second, and a third. Until the sky was riddled with missiles heading to the soldiers temporary camp.

Fear impulses kicked in as they started to run for their lives.

At this time, everything stopped. It was as if time itself stopped. The gunfights between the civilians and the soldiers died down in an instance as everyone turned to look at the scene that resembled a meteor shower.

But all of a sudden sounds of heavy artillery were heard and they drowned the sounds of the missile that were threatening to swallow everything on their path.