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S.O.S. - Soul Imprint

What does it mean to be human? It means that we are created in the image of God for the glorious reality of being in permanent fellowship with Him...

In the next moment, the dark sky night lit up with a blinding flash of silver light. In a moment it seemed like it was the dominant one but was replaced suddenly. A green light erupted out with power and vigor expelling a silvery substance in the air a few miles away.

Dagon had to shield her eyes for fear that they would burn out. The green light was on another level as it erupted with a powerful gust of wind and heat. In a single breath, everything in a mile surrounding the suspended body turned to ash as the ground leveled in an instant.

What Eiríkr didn't understand was what he was seeing.

Was it even true or were his eyes playing tricks on him?