Previously in kasuki no jinsei kizoku released a very destructive and unstoppable power that had the ability to turn everything he touched into dust besides it was out of control becoming a walking death machine...

Dreimer with some difficulty stands up and stares at kizoku as he approached slowly. Every step he made turned into dust everything that touched his purple aura. Dreimer pulls out of his layer a jar with a red substance and when he takes it he stops dusting from his abdomen, once recovered he throws himself into kizoku and gives him a fist in his face leaving him dazed

Dreimer smiling: that was for the meteorite *gives him another fist in his face* and this is for my sword

Kizoku: I... *shake his head twice and instantly gather in his hand a sphere of that purple aura* will end... with you

Drain smiling: I've endured the strongest god's blows and do you think a buildup of energy will hurt me? I see why you still don't take care of your people.

Kizoku throws the sphere at her to drain who dodges it without much effort but that sphere began chasing him with a remote-controlled rocket. He managed to dodge all attacks but after a few minutes he realized that the sphere would over time get bigger. Dreimer stops for a moment and takes her cape and extends it so she can catch the sphere with her

Dreimer: It's good that you're multipurpose *put the cape back on* you should get one that would look good on your hero attempt

Kizoku: closes... the mouth... Phenomenon

Dreimer manages to see ikki approaching the girls in the distance and once they arrive kizoku tries to hit to drain but he easily dodges it by taking him from his right arm knocking him down and crashing him to the ground. After kizoku kept trying to free his right arm he throws him away from the castle.

Ikki cat smiling: do you need backup?

Dreimer: I didn't like to say it because the battle isn't over yet but I think you'd beat it very easily

Ikki cat: I wouldn't be so sure of that though by the way where's your sword?

Dreimer: well *point your finger at a lot of dust on the ground* you get to see that

Ikki Cat: What am I supposed to see?

Dreimer smiling: look at my finger this beautiful truth

Ikki cat: I give that finger an eleven out of ten

Dreimer: in my mind I'll think you said eleven thousand out of ten but seriously talking that pile of dust on the ground is my sword

Ikki cat: *it gets close to the pile of dust and makes a blue flame appear on it* that skill is giving me some fear you know

Dreimer: I understand your concern but he must touch you with his aura so that you can be affected

Ikki with her blue flames turns the dust to the sword of dreimer. Haruna and koneki were lifting a large part of a wall while shiro and yui pulled someone below her

Haruna: *holding the wall* Take it out!... since my ovaries are going to burst

Koneki: *holding the wall* isn't that heavy

Haruna: *holding the wall* maybe... for you but I have limits...

Shiro: *gets under the wall and takes someone's body and slowly pulls it out* yui takes my leg and pulls me out of a loud tug

Yui: *gets close to shiro's legs* are you sure? Maybe I can hurt you or take your leg off.

Shiro: it'll be faster this way even if you try not to take it away from me please

Dreimer approaches the girls and a cut of his sword breaks the wall leaving it divided into small stones. Haruna and koneki throw that wall the other way while yui helps lift shiro off the ground. The body that was on that wall turned out to be that it was kugo who was unconscious, in the distance a person was seen covering himself in the dark and quickly left the castle and ran away from the situation

Haruna: thank you dreimer though it took you I think the old man can no longer tell her

Dreimer smiling: first of all you guys are very weak and that's fun to watch so I got a little distracted and second your quiet at least so there won't be someone who will stop me from hitting your spoiled

Ikki Cat: Now that you mention him better we cure him after making his disoriented son come to his senses

Koneki: What is the matter with kizoku?

Yui: is the prince in his rebel phase?

Haruna: Wow you making jokes I'm surprised but it's obvious he became a villain

Shiro: Do I reveal your entire malevolent plan with a long, traumatic monologue?

Haruna: I mean a kind of realistic villain shiro not all are that simple

Dreimer: at the moment I haven't determined what kind of threat it can become

Ikki Cat: we'll take care of that later for now let's focus on defeating it

Dreimer: I wouldn't rush as I don't know exactly where I sent it

Ikki cat: everything you ever throw will come back to you without knowing it

In the distance of a few house you could see the dust rising as kizoku walked towards the boys. Dreimer pulls out his sword but ikki stops him and throws himself towards the kizoku front. Dreimer kept his sword and crossed his arms

Dreimer: take that animal down!

Ikki cat: quiet I'll leave it on the ground in a couple of seconds

Dreimer: I'm actually telling kizoku as it has the most destructive power

Ikki cat: *sigh* does it cost you so much to support me?

Dreimer: I want to support the boy's potential for now

Kizoku upon arriving with ikki extends his left hand towards him while his purple aura grows slowly around him. Ikki sheds off her blue flames that sprout around her body, standing guard. Dreimer lifts the kugo body and leads it to a wall sitting there. The girls are made next to dreimer while ikki and kizoku approach to start a fight began their battle

Dreimer: let's go kizoku! Turn that little cat into cat sand!

Haruna smiling: ikki tears that pampered prince apart with your claws!

Ikki quickly throws hes heses he or she into kizoku and hits her face several blows, causing kizoku to be stunned. He then kicks kizoku all over his abdomen, taking the air out of him and leaving him even more dazed. He tries to take ikki's leg but he manages to dodge it quickly by standing next to kizoku and instantly grabs him by the head and then crashes it three times to the ground after releasing it he walks away a little bit from the

Dreimer: that's child abuse! Disqualify him!

Haruna smiling: that's ikki! Show him who the alpha is here!

Kizoku manages to get up quickly and gives two fists in the face to ikki who quickly manages to block them with his arms. Kizoku continued to punch ikki and manages to kick ikki in the face followed by a fist dropping him on the ground. Ikki gets up with a smile and stands guard again while kizoku throws a sphere of power at ikki that manages to hit him in the abdomen. Ikki covers her right fist with her blue flames and punches kizoku in the face leaving part of her face somewhat burnt but slowly regenerating. Ikki gives kizoku two fists in a row followed by several knees she gave her all over her abdomen and face. Kizoku spat out large amounts of blood and was somewhat disoriented. Ikki covers her right leg with her flames and kicks her in the head by sending him to the ground quickly

Dreimer: you're using the advantages of being heavenly! Judge disqualify him!

Haruna smiling: give him the final blow!

Ikki lifts kizoku and gives him several fists in the chest followed by a knee to the head leaving kizoku even more disoriented after a few second kizoku tries to hit ikki but he stops his arm and stars him consecutively against the ground. Ikki drops kizoku's arm and leaves him badly wounded on the ground. Instantly his purple aura completely disappears leaving him unconscious on the ground

Ikki cat: well it was something entertaining but you have to keep training to be able to stand up to me

Dreimer: what's the use of having power if you don't use it

Haruna smiling: that's my kitty! He's the best!

Ikki cat: well I'm done so let's fix everything before I want the rematch

Dreimer: ikki wait a minute!

Ikki Cat: Now what's going on?

Dreimer: *Take the body of kugo and drag it to ikki's feet while making them point to the girls so they can also approach them* I don't want to be under the castle when you fix it

Ikki cat: good point

Dreimer: ok we're already in a safe zone

Ikki closes her eyes and a large blue flame covers her body and with a round of applause her blue flames spread all over the island leaving her as before and people who had died in the village or were injured were consumed in the flames of ikki and some of the people still standing approached the boys while the wounds of kugo and kizoku were healed in a few moments

Haruna: *he crosses his arms* he had more style when it was destroyed but it's good that we gave them back his home

Nervous Shiro: *Look that some who were dead were gone* hear ikki do you also have the power to revive people by chance?

Ikki cat: I'll answer that when we get home

Yui: I think after all this I'll lie on my bed for a long time

Koneki smiling: oh come on! we could do a girls' night to celebrate this achievement

Dreimer: the idea of those mountains is good should remember that they are still human in development

Haruna smiling: hahaha I like to know that I have ikki and dreimer in my life for jokes like this

Koneki confused: if that's... wait, mountains? For what? Or who are you referring to with that?

Ikki cat smiling: I love her innocence little flame

Koneki smiling: I may still not know what those two said, but I'm glad to know I already have my nickname.

Kugo manages to regain consciousness and after observing around he sees that his son was well by his side. Seeing him quickly hugs him very loudly as he laughs with happiness causing kizoku to wake up something sore

Kugo smiling: *crying* less bad... that you're all right, my son

Kizoku sore: Father, you're breaking something! But I'm glad to know you're already in a position

Kugo: *stop hugging him while she wipes away her tears* I'm sorry but son we're going to have to do something with that eye

Kizoku: what's in my eye?

Yui: *take a small mirror out of your pocket and give it to kizoku* well you'll have to look for yourself

Kizoku: *take it and look at the eye* oh... I think that's going to be permanent.

Dreimer: you can still live with her even if you don't touch her too much

Haruna: oh maybe we can give you a job in a circus like an overnatural creature with the devil's red eye

Dreimer: at last someone who makes a profit from anything *extends his hand to haruna* let me shake hands with business people

Haruna smiling: *Take the hand of dreimer and give it a squeeze* it will be a pleasure to collaborate with you gentleman

Ikki cat: that's enough both but speaking inserio kizoku there's a way that eye is a benefit

Kugo: *it's coming up to the castle* let's talk about it inside please don't want the inhabitants to worry too much about this besides that it's better to confirm something

The boys followed kugo to the castle while the villagers returned to their routine and tried to accommodate certain things in the square. When they enter they can see that some guards were badly wounded and others were trying to help each other. Kugo gets the guards out of the big hall and go to the village doctor. Ikki and dreimer cover the windows and gather the others in a circle in the center of the were hall

Ikki Cat: All right *its blue flames completely cover it and it goes back to its normal form* What did you want to confirm?

Kugo: it was dreimer who gave you my message, wasn't it?

Dreimer: I say again that I was already here before that

Kugo: I believe you since your impersonator managed to survive ikki's sprocket and managed to leave that monster as a distraction for his escape

Ikki: a chameleon in the whole word, even if we'd gotten over it, what did I need?

Kugo: Before leaving he said that my son had the key to overcome the power of a god

Ikki: oh it was that... Shit

Kizoku: What did you mean I have that power?

Ikki: it's a long story and it's probably a consequence of using my powers in humans

Dreimer: you could tell us the short version please

Ikki: kizoku has in his body the power of calamity that now that he got that red eye managed to make it manifest

Nervous Kizoku: let's see how did I do that? And why was the power of calamity in my body?

Kugo: *sipira* quiet son ikki only did me a favor in the past that... I end up sealing your destiny

Haruna: in the end we'll need the long version of the story so as not to drive the little one crazy

Kugo: it would also be nice if you knew what you really are

Ikki: well since you agree with that I'll start

Dreimer: Wait a feline moment as it will be long this *gets two pieces of pizza out of your layer* who is hungry?

Dreimer began to pass his cape with the others and they when they put their hand in it managed to get a slice of pizza out after sitting on the floor while they ate. Ikki quickly finishes her slice of pizza to go on to tell what was going on with kizoku

Ikki: well a long time ago when I had just created this island. I didn't have the ability to use much of my power as a god as my chains wouldn't allow me so I found a small space of land to rest and gradually I can expand it enough to make a place of physical training.

Kizoku: so you're the one who created the whole island?

Ikki smiling: before it was only a small part of land that after adapting to the idea that my powers were limited became an island where the fruits were abundant

Kugo: son what ikki is about to tell is the truth behind our home and its story long before even I existed

Ikki: after several months of training I was no wondering that a human body was floating in the sea and the waves were attracting him to my island. When he finally reached the body, he couldn't know if I should help him or let him go his way with the tide, so not being able to avoid my curiosity, I followed him to see where he might take me.

Yui: but why did you decide to follow him if you could stop him?

Ikki: that would be ideal, but I hadn't set out on the task of getting to investigate everything the tide ever brought to the island. I was always on the side of the island and had not delved further into it so I followed it to see that I could find

Confused Kizoku: but what does it have to do with you chasing a dying body with me?

Ikki: the one I was chasing was you kizoku

Confused Kizoku: *look at ikki* you'd better give me more details before you give me a stroke

Shiro smiling: well with the beating now I think he should have given you one or two spills

Confused Kizoku: Which beating are you talking about?

Nervous Koneki: *it covers shiro* heheje's mouth she was just talking about one of our don't pay attention to her

Haruna: *cross her arms* well I love hearing stories so let's go back to her we were left in that you were chasing the corpse of kizoku and after that?

Ikki: after several minutes following him his body was taken out of the water thanks to kugo who at the time was a very strong and muscular teenager and now he is just an old man. I hid in the trees because I didn't know there was anyone else besides me on my island and less than there were humans on it

Kugo: It may be an old thing, but I still remember seeing the boy and someone who'd gotten into the bushes.

Ikki smiling: let's say if old bearded. Well I continued my curiosity and ended them following them and I realized that on my island there was a small town that was installed in the center of it. At first don't let me see for the inhabitants and I went straight to where they took kizoku to know how they could help him

Kugo: when I find kizoku I take you to where the village leader who at the time was a very wise old man carrying the spear you now use my son

Kizoku confused: let's see then, aren't you my real father and the spear I use is from someone old?

Ikki: kizoku then you'll see that all your questions will be solved thanks to the story

Dreimer: I've really got lost in the facts but I keep saying you're missing more raw plot and characters from that story of yours but follow it that maybe it'll get better over time

Kugo: Heheje I have the same demonic swordsman thought. Well, the leader told me that your body had fallen into a coma from which you wouldn't know if you'd wake up from it. After that I left you at the leader's house and went to help in the village as there were few of us in the

Ikki: the leader tried to wake you up but since it had no result I leave you in one of the beds that I had in his house

Kizoku confused: *take a deep breath and scratch your head a little* I'm still lost with all this besides seriously did nothing to really wake up

Haruna: that you could expect me to do that guy, hit you with a branch?

Yui: hahaha if it were your case I think I'd put it in you to see if you react

Haruna annoyed: bitch please stop barking at me that now is no time to pay attention to you

Yui: of course I'm the one who has a lack of attention

Shiro: *sigh* Do you share a massive hatred for each other? Because seriously I can't think of a logical reason why they're treating themselves like this.

Koneki: maybe they just have a hard time realizing that they're both too stubborn and that makes them very similar

Angry Haruna: *Look at koneki* to see plastic breasts I like you very much but don't overd pass her and I are not the same

Yui angry: *look at koneki* at last you make it clear I'm a lady and you're an attempt at a

Angry Haruna: *she walks up and stands in front of yui* that doesn't follow your stupid principles, you don't mean she's not a real lady.

Yui annoys: *look at haruna* I'd love to apologize but I'd be denying reality

Kizoku smiling: great hahaha this if it got interesting I bet you to haruna in this cat battle

Dreimer: *take a can of popcorn out of its cloak* I'll bet yui for a change

Kugo: hahaha I think a single cat can't stop two beautiful goddesses, can it? Hahahaha I'll bet Miss Haruna has more determination in combat

Ikki: guys please we can't do this after clarifying the doubts with kizoku besides I bet yui so that this is balanced

Confused Koneki: *it's a little close to shiro* we've lost track of the conversation, didn't we?

Shiro: they can still get stressed for a while, don't you think?

Ikki: well speaking seriously is I ask you two to calm down and then let them fix this problem ok

Haruna: *sighs and feels* good but only because I don't lower myself to the level of this bitch besides it's better not to end up against a cat god

Yui smiling: *feel* thank you very much for controlling your cute, dirty pet ikki you were already taking a while

Dreimer: *Save the popcorn in its cool cape* I was already excited to win the bet you take away the fun out of life

Ikki: I said there will be your time for you to see them in action but let's go back to the good story after a good while kugo went fishing near the shore of the island and that's when I introduced myself to him in a certain way because he still didn't know how to act in front of humans

Kugo smiling: hahaha I still remember the solo came up and once I turned to see him he said "meau" after that invite him to go to the island since I thought he was someone else in need

Dreimer: I confirm that since I've seen you do that constantly with any new person you see

Ikki smiling: wow *sigh* well that would be a nice encounter but what happened is that before I got to town I did a check in case I had guns followed by a threat "if you get to damage a single part of town I assure you I won't hesitate to kill you"

Kugo: you suddenly showed up next to me that made me feel very unprotected besides when we met it was you who insisted on going to town so I would take you so that you would already let me fish in peace

Ikki smiling: hahaha forgives but how else would I have caught your attention?

Kugo: you could just come over and say hello or don't you think that's more convenient?

Koneki smiling: heheing in a way is very tender that you both still remember how you met

Dreimer: let's keep it up because that way we'll never end up oh I also confirm what kugo says in another option

Ikki: I know it *sigh* well when I entered the village I had a great welcome and thanks to the inhabitants who were at that time I was able to get a little more used to interacting with humans. When the leader came out to welcome me he brought with him a very peculiar spear and after speaking for a few hours the leader showed me to kizoku who was in a kind of very rare coma back then and there I used my healing powers throughout kizoku's body

Kugo smiling: hahaha I can still remember what his reaction was like to see someone know how to use that kind of energy like ikki

Kizoku: but if you somehow cured me, why didn't I wake up instantly? Or why didn't you take my coma?

Ikki: because by then I could only cure externally not internally and if I tried to do it I could have made you retarded oh worse how to make your own organs eat each other

Haruna: so you only healed her body, but not her inside? So in the end you didn't do anything

Ikki: practically but that was because I didn't know the different types of diseases of humans although from there began the great adventures of kugo and I

Kugo: having ikki was like a miracle for all of us as we were able to get more resources and materials to make the people more and safe

Kizoku: How long did it take to finish with the new fixes?

Kugo smiling: for ikki did not pass the time but for me it was three years

Surprised Kizoku: What?! Three years?! Does that mean I was still in a coma for all that time?

Ikki: Unfortunately it was even though we kept coming up with a way to wake you up, but by the time the new year started, the leader had already reached his lifetime and we were busy with it. He called us both in his last moments to give the position of village leader to one of two

Haruna: *he takes off his cap* I think it was something inevitable truth hehehe... good my sincere respects to former leader *put his cap back on*

Ikki: but that day we both decided we weren't the ones to carry that so I decided to make one last attempt to wake up kizoku

Dreimer: the way this sounds, you used balanced treatment

Confused Shiro: Balanced deal? What's that?

Ikki: when mari died look for all kinds of method to recreate a life but with mari it never worked since I eliminate it without leaving a single residue... you just need to have one being who's dead and another who's almost in the last

Kugo: we checked your body and you didn't have a pulse so we put you on the floor of the room and put the leader's spear on your side

Kizoku: What exactly did they do to me?

Ikki: it's more to exchange a past life with someone since the leader died minutes before he digested who the new leader opened that little door so we could get your soul back and as kugo had a favorite villager in town it was only a matter of time before they both got together and she was the vessel so you could be reborn

Nervous Kizoku: so I'm someone else? Am I the former leader?

Ikki: your soul is the same but your body is your rebirth so your hair is yellow just like your eyes because thanks to the spear served as a bridge of transference that was the effect I leave on you

Kugo: your mother has always been my light and when ikki told me that we could reincarnate you in her womb as our biological son I couldn't refuse and after we both agreed we were able to save your soul and then we buried your old body next to the tomb of the previous leader

Ikki: the next day after the leader's death and having performed the reincarnation ritual you were part of your mother and as you can see you had a second chance

Confused Shiro: the next day? Is there a time limit to do the ritual?

Ikki: that door of life opens only for three days after the death of the being consents but we only need one day since kugo convinced Kenya in just one day as they were both engaged later much earlier

Haruna: "honey guess who will be parents at a young age" I can already imagine the news that way

Koneki: now that I think about it I would need more than a month to make such a decision

Kugo: Kenya and I had turned eighteen when ikki and I broke up with the village as we were the same age. We've been together ever since.

Kizoku smiling: well *sigh* at least I am cleared up by several existential doubts about my physical particularities but what does this story have to do with my powers of calamity?

Ikki: when your soul was passing to be part of your parents a cursed being sent by the demon king sabotaged the ritual and put the curse of calamity on you

Haruna: hey kizoku it's not to bother but good luck you have friend you keep attracting weird and bad things to your life

Koneki: it seems like a lot of ugly things happen to you a lot in your life, though how could something like this happen to you?

Ikki: Kizoku's soul must have gone to hell, which could make it easier for the demon king to pollute his soul with the curse, but we still don't know why he put it on kizoku?

Yui confused: ok first does that mean that kizoku before falling into a coma was a despicable being? And second, how did you know your soul had it?

Ikki: it has nothing to do with me acting wrong since the only requirement for a good soul to go to hell is that in life he has committed the act of having killed many people

Nervous Kizoku: killed a lot of people... *gets up off the ground and goes to the door* I think I'll go out for a while to think about all this and maybe I won't go crazy with permission

Haruna smiling: remember that you are no longer that person and that she can start at the best

Dreimer: answering the second question was I who while the child was in kenya's womb I was able to decipher it even though you could only manifest the power of the curse now and seeing it is very little

Ikki: look kizoku your strength is totally yours but that aura is not good that you get to use it since the consequence of that power is that the person who wears it ended up consumed by himself turning the user into a demon to the orders of the demon king

Nervous Kizoku: clear... no pressure... as always *comes out of the big room*

Dreimer: ikki believe me even I would ignore that warning and you also think it'll be a good idea to tell someone what was trying to kill us earlier?

Ikki: many people have tried to kill us and we are still alive kizoku will not be able to give us serious problems

Dreimer: *sigh* well you'll know what you're doing but I keep saying it's better to take those powers away before it's too late *it's coming to the living room door* so I should go home by now as I leave a pizza on the table

Ikki smiling: ok say hello to that pizza for me please

Dreimer: ok I'll see you later oh and make sure you call me when haruna and yui fight ok

Haruna smiling: I promise you'll be the first one we'll call

Kizoku and dreimer had left the big hall while ikki and kugo moved away from the girls a little bit as they quickly formed a circle of talks and spoke quietly. While ikki and kugo open the windows and pass all the guards towards the great hall

Haruna quietly: Hey, I don't know about you, but don't you think ikki may have revived mari for a long time?

Shiro quietly: he already said that I try everything and that nothing worked for him so I don't know what you rely on now to distrust

Haruna quietly: I listened to him too, but should we believe him?

Koneki quietly: I say we just have to confirm if he doesn't really get to see mari and also if he still wants to bring her back

Mari: *She approaches the middle of the girls circle and looks at them* girls I may not like to talk so much but I can hear them so if they have doubts why don't they do them to me?

Haruna quietly: fuck Casper girl version at last you show up

Yui quietly: let her douna but well, is it true that ikki did everything and nothing worked?

Mari: all you can do with life I try but as he said the factor he lacked is for my soul to be here but I'm just a little gram of life inside his rings so it's impossible even for the

Koneki quietly: but if you're still here in the rings maybe I can see an opportunity to achieve it

Shiro quietly: wait *raise your head and see that ikki is on the throne with kugo* ok we can talk normally but a question if you already did all kinds of ritual what prevents ikki from using her powers to revive you?

Mari: they are her chains because for a god to have those chains makes her powers absorbed by her making them stronger and very difficult to break but something that also limits it is that it is very dangerous to try to force a new life as a newer example is what happens with kizoku

Haruna: So you mean that ikki seeing the consequences of using those rituals, did she give up on trying?

Koneki: poor ikki seriously, don't you have any idea? or any other way to bring you back that ikki hasn't found yet?

Mari: I'd rather you get on with your life and fulfill your life purpose than stay on a futile quest

Haruna: hey I tell you from experience he still has you in his plans even if it's good it's very painful for the

Yui angry: *look stare at haruna* unfortunately you can't be gentle with these real themes

Haruna: just because you can't really look at this doesn't mean I'm the wrong party pooper.

Mari: *look at very serious yui* I'm not going to deny it but so little I'm going to let you guys treat you like this in front of my kitten it's enough to have to argue with dark

Shiro: hey I know it sounds really weird but I think ikki could give us a solution but there's a problem

Confused Koneki: what problem?

Yui: do you suggest that we tell him that the love of his life can only be seen and heard by us? Shiro would sound very devastating besides that he won't believe us.

Mari: *sigh* even if you tried to do so cannot girls because the goddesses before you made a heavenly covenant not to reveal my little existence to any being consent apart from the elemental goddesses under any circumstances

Haruna: great this is wonderful the poor kitty doesn't deserve something like this

Ikki and kugo approached a large window behind the throne and contemplated the beautiful view of the village but both look a little uncomfortable to talk so ikki tries to break the tenure by speaking first

Ikki smiling: you have a beautiful old bearded home

Kugo: it is the place that I raise with you that in turn also manages to find Kenya and be able to give it to my son once I can no longer do it... but I know you know the meaning of this place

Ikki: that's why I want even the impossible to be able to keep it with its beauty... but maybe the time to do that will come close

Kugo: are you talking about the other gods?

Ikki: *sigh* now that I release that power you know it's vital in battle

Kugo: I'm not going to let you use my son with a gun so you can take them down.

Ikki: kizoku is a last resort in the battle in case all this goes wrong and it's also the fate we both gave him... where it's done

Kugo: listen to me carefully ikki you ask me that if you are not strong enough to solve your problems with your people I must sacrifice mine and my own family I do not know if you know but I will refuse everything or that I can hurt them

Ikki: the heavenly killer is here which tells me that they won't hesitate much up there seeing their chance to kill me and take everything you consider home and destroy it completely if you pity

Kugo annoying: you manipulated the life of a person you didn't know about anything and who now you see that it can be useful to you come and tell me that ikki seriously you're listening to at least you're talking about my son the most precious thing I have in my life

Ikki annoying: *sipira*kugo... If we achieve this battle we can have the power to live in peace and harmony without underworld divisions, heavenly home, the earth would be one world and we wouldn't have to be in a stupid, meaningless war

Kugo annoyed: *he stands in front of ikki* I'll tell you once I prefer to defend my people until my last breath before you sacrifice my son's life as if it were nothing

Ikki annoyed: I too was taking care of him when he was little and now more than ever I must consent to what he can achieve with his strength

Kugo annoying: Kenya and I had already told you he is our responsibility and you no longer have anything to do for the people so I ask you to leave... go your way

Ikki annoying: well *get away from kugo by turning your back* it won't matter later what we want or not to do... the war will come and I just hope you and your people fight by my side

Kugo: Planet Earth is the place where my son can have a prosperous future so I won't tell him no when I protect him... but I make it clear now don't try to put your ideas on my son to follow you blindly

Ikki annoyed: I already remembered the reason I was wandering the world... I'm so sorry we have to look at each other in those ways but... I promise to continue with your condition as far as I can

Kugo: *sigh* and I promise I will help you in battle until my body can't move and I want you to understand that I don't do it for me. but for the

Ikki: see you later kugo and again I regret that my visits are this bittersweet... say hello to Kenya for me and tell him I understand now I know why he wanted me to get away from here

Ikki goes down the stairs of the throne and as she comes down she is watched an angry way by some of the guards who heard her conversation. The girls seeing that ikki was approaching get up from the ground and try to avoid any topic of conversation now. Ikki manages to notice that they were a little nervous but ignores him and from a snap of his right hand teleports them all back to the house leaving kugo with discouragement and concern for his son's life. When they got to the house quickly haruna sat on the couch and turned on the TV while shiro and yui went to their respective rooms

Haruna smiling: very well *take control and change the channels* novels not ah yes news I hope nothing weird happened while we were not

Cintia Reporter: Very good afternoon viewers today in news 69 we bring you the latest events that pass through our beloved city varei

Ikki: come on miss give me a lot of good news... wait said varei?

Koneki: obviously he said varei *sits on the couch and looks at the TV* is the name of our seemingly quiet city although I don't think anything very big happened

Cintia Reporter: thanks to the collaboration of our ground reporter Victor García Gonzales as it is the one who gave us some information about why our hero ikki toujou has not appeared today during other attacks in different areas

Ikki: great I'm going away for a few hours and you're already making a profit with my name and filling it with hate

Cintia Reporter: what has come to us is that ikki toujou was handling a threat that was on another planet and that her return will be very soon but in other news have been seen by the authorities multiple meetinghouses of drug addicts and wax distributors of the trading areas will a new addictive substance have been found? Or could it only be the beginning of a new stage of crisis in our community? Stay with us for more information we come back after these commercials

Haruna smiling: well it appears that there was no monster that threatened them so I no longer care about the other news *when I get up from the couch he pulls control of the TV on it and approaches the door* well I will go out for a while

Ikki: Are you planning on going back to that alley?

Haruna: maybe but I assure you I'll be back by before dinner... I just need to go for one last time

Ikki: Well, if you don't come back soon, I'll eat your piece of roast meat from kugo Island.

Excited Haruna: wait a minute! * Look quickly at ikki* there will be that roast meat at dinner!

Ikki smiling: I'm a cat-worded lady so it was very obvious that we would eat it today

Koneki smiling: heheed I like to see the smile of haruna so bright gives it a more feminine touch

Ikki: Negotiate a few meats with kugo for tonight so arrive early if you want to try them

Haruna excited: ok I'll be back soon for my piece plus I know you can't live that long without seeing me by your side true kitty

Ikki: the same goes for you, miss, but be careful out there.

Haruna excited: I'll see you later!

Haruna with a smile leaves the house and walks through the neighborhood wax to return to the alley. Ikki and koneki were in the room talking about how they could roast the meats while it was dinnertime and after a while they go to the kitchen to make something with the meats. Outhiro left his room very excited and headed to the kitchen to pour himself two glasses of water from the key once he filled them with water grabs both glasses and takes them to the yui room

Shiro smiling: Hey yui, can I come in and talk to you a little bit? *tap the yui door three times with a glass* I have some water in case you're thirsty

Yui: I'm going to *get out of bed and open the door for him* I can tell why all of a sudden you want to do that?

Shiro smiling: well we'd better get better off as companions*when we walked into the room put the two glasses on a table near the bed* plus I was curious why your eyes shone and gave you a glimpse of the sea

Yui: believe me I'm the one who wants to know how that happened but I have no idea how to try again

Shiro: what do you think if you try to feel what's going on in one of these glasses there's nothing to lose truth

Yui: all right maybe I'll wake up something besides my shame *extend your hands to one of the glasses and close your eyes* hear you get to feel the glass and some movement in both directions

Shiro: that's because I'm moving it now but what if... *I take a sip of the glass of water*

Yui: it's too cold... And I can't move... it's like I'm trapped *open your eyes and see that the glass of water turned to ice* now makes more sense

Shiro: just touch the water with my lips did you? Or did my powers react to your concentration?

Yui dizzy: oh shit... *he leans on his bed and cleans the blood coming out of his nose* we'd better leave this "training" for today... I don't think my mind is ready to keep experimenting

Shiro smiling: but whatever this was for me to know how to control my ice *look at his hands and make up for them a fresh air* now I have a portable air conditioner

Nervous Koneki: c-girls? * knock on the door of the room three times* hey girls can I come in?

Dizzy Yui: of course you can *get out of bed and open the door to koneki* just try not to melt shiro

Koneki smiling: *go into the room* permission and I don't think I can melt it but I came to see if you want to go to the park for a while?

Shiro smiling: of course it will be entertaining to see how to use these hands on the field

Dizzy Yui: it will make me good fresh air right now

Koneki smiling: all right, let's go!

Yui and shiro get a little fixed in their rooms before leaving while koneki waited for them at the door. She seems a little nervous and worried about something but when shiro and yui approached her I quickly took both hands and takes them out of the house. Ikki was in her room when the girls came out and after taking off her shoes she threw hes heses into her bed

Dark annoying: shit... *it gets visible on ikki's shoulder* don't those fools ever plan to leave my house?

Ikki smiling: they're already got a place here so the house is also her home

Dark annoying: of course let them live for free as we move beyond our limits in battles and wear down our bodies more and more every day as they watch in the distance

Ikki: they're still inexperienced in battle but they turn out to be that much-needed help

Annoying Dark: SHUT! I just want to avoid doing the same thing... what happened to Roberto and your stupid way of making friends

Ikki annoyed: ok *sit in bed and stare at dark* you want me to remember the fact that it was both the fault that it all ended in a cruel and cold way that if we hadn't been in her life maybe she would have a life she always wanted


Ikki: I've told you many times *get out of bed and put your shoes back on* we're both to blame and I assure you I know very well how to prevent something like this from happening again

Dark very annoying: oh of course you obviously know how to fix it... turning me into a discarded garbage!* it's no longer visible*

Ikki: *sigh* well then let's go see andry to get a little distracted *get out of the room* hey girls! I'm going out, you want to... Come? *go through all the rooms and don't see the girls* great after talking to andry remind me to come before the night

Dark: I didn't think they'd take my comment seriously.

Ikki smiling: this is what I don't want dark... loneliness again but you'll see how beautiful it is to have company and more when it's feminine ha *snaps your fingers and teleports*

It appears in a very nice neighborhood with house rods and apartments of different colors around. Each place there had small gardens with small shrubs and flowers. Just as ikki was in front of the house that was big brown, its windows were like mirrors, the front door had a sign that said "leave packages on the carpet" there was also a gray trash can that was full of pizza boxes that on the packaging said "Leos". Ikki approached the house and knocked on the door three times

Ikki smiling: Mr. Andry! Here's your pizza!

Andry: maybe you can't read...

Ikki: I also ate the pizza on the way so I just came for the money

Andry smiling: *Open the door and see that it's ikki * hahaha what brings you to my humble home ikki?

Ikki: I wanted to see if you'd like to train a little with me to see how fast you've become?

Andry: let me manage a little bit and as something is that I just got up

Ikki: your quiet friend me as I greet your beautiful wife

Andry: wife? What are you talking about, ikki?

???: Good morning ikki! You haven't been visiting in a while!

Ikki smiling: *look at the house next door* hello Daniela, how'd it go?

That girl approached ikki she was a very beautiful girl, with long black hair, with dark brown eyes, she is of high stature, she had a yellow blouse, a white trousers and some brown sandals. He came to greet ikki but upon seeing andry smiled at him with a flirtatious look

Andry nervous: h-hello Dani, what brought you here?

Daniela smiling: turning away the fact that I live next door I just wanted to see how they were as it's weird to see ikki around at this hour

Andry nervous: well... Well... I'm just like yesterday, and you?

Daniela smiling: I'm fine but I see that again you've been sleeping very late you know you have to sleep more if you don't want to have health problems

Andry nervous: well I was distracted in a very good video game and I didn't know the time

Daniela: you could hear him celebrate for having passed the level

Andry: I'll keep that in mind next time, but now I'm going to go fix it *close the door*

Ikki: how much longer will Daniela have it like this? it's already like a year that they know each other

Daniela: Until he takes the lead in inviting me on a romantic date

Ikki: I don't think he'll do it any time soon, but I assure you he'll treat you with his queen.

Blushing Daniela: I have no doubt about that but it's more fun for him to take the first step

Andry quickly leaves the house in a black hoodie, wearing a dark blue hooded jacket, white sneakers, her hair was combed up and on the tips you could see that they had blue tint

Daniela smiling: you look great andry I see that if you can manage to see you

Andry: naturally I'd say something but it's better to leave you curious why I'm like this

Daniela: I don't understand it but you look very handsome in the same way

Ikki: I think those are ten points for her to fall in love with you

Andry: come on ikki Dani is just being polite she obviously won't think like that about me

Daniela: in fact I... now I have to go see the pieces of meat I leave in the kitchen

Daniela goes home very embarrassed while ikki smiles when she sees her. Andry approaches ikki and puts his hand on his shoulder. They teleported to the ikki training planet and were in a very clear and sep-filled area

Andry: *let go of ikki's shoulder* are we training here?

Ikki: you haven't come true in a while.

Andry: let's say yes but then you'll keep me up to date with the changes *make some leg stretches and get a lot of air *

Ikki: *Start doing basic stretches* are you sure you don't want to confirm the area where you'll run?

Andry: ikki I know you're very strong but you're not invincible so I don't need

Ikki: well friend let's start with something simple to warm up

Andry: who looks like the first one who falls unconscious loses

Ikki: deal made roadrunners will leave you worse than a cripple

Both are put on guard and stare at each other for a few seconds. Andry makes a small impulse to one side and disappears instantly. Ikki remains on guard and looks in several directions but is struck in the face quickly by pushing him hard. Ikki was able to block the attack with her arms. He closes his eyes while he breathes deep. Andry hits ikki consecutively in the abdomen with brutal speed. Ikki blocked all andry's punches but couldn't answer a counterattack. Andry stops hitting ikki and stands in front of the

Andry: It seems that the strongest kitten can't keep up with me?

Ikki smiling: *open your eyes* you know at first if it was so but I know how to beat you roadrunners

Ikki quickly approaches andry and kicks him twice in the abdomen followed by a fist in his face. He is pushed far away from ikki making his legs bury himself on the ground. Andry is a little dazed but pulls his legs off the ground and quickly runs towards ikki to kick him in the chest. Ikki stops with her right hand andry's kick and gives her a fist all over her knee leaving andry very sore and could barely put her foot on the ground

Ikki smiling: now who can't keep up?

Andry sore: Ahhh! if this is what you do without transforming then you're not as strong as everyone thinks

Ikki smiling: well roadrunner if you want to go on, I'm ready!

Andry holds his breath and instantly comes out of ikki's vision leaving only the earth rising. Andry runs around ikki locking him in a tornado and gave him several blows to the body consecutively. Ikki remained on guard holding all of andry's blows until she lost her guard and andry slams him relentlessly until he left him on the ground.

Andry smiling: *running in the tornado* how about that slow cat?

Ikki couldn't defend he himself from attacks and gradually lost consciousness. Andry stopped the attacks on ikki but kept running to keep the tornado going. Ikki spits some blood but stands. He looks to the left side of the tornado and approaches it quickly. Ikki throws hes hess hess hess himself off the ground with a kick and when he gets to the side of the tornado he drops andry with his foot. Andry fell to the ground and started rolling to slow down after trying to get back on his feet

Ikki exhausted: well... *jadeo* no more games...

Andry: *gets up from the ground* will you finally transform?

Tired Ikki: If you take the weights off your feet

Andry begins to remove black pads from his slippers by throwing them to the ground made a crater on the ground. Ikki covers heses his blue flame and disappears the flame leaving him with his ears and cattail causing his surroundings to begin to sprout several flowers of different types

Ikki cat: last correct words?

Andry smiling: I'll say hello to mari for you

Ikki cat smiling: I wanted to keep him in training but you crossed the line

Andry quickly throws himself towards ikki and kicks him in the face but didn't cause any scratches. Ikki tries to take andry's leg again but he quickly avoids it and gives him a fist in his abdomen. Ikki manages to block it in time and teleports behind andry to kick him in the back. But andry dodges it again taking the opportunity for ikki under his watch and kicks ikki several times in the chest by pushing him back a little bit. Ikki instantly throws a fist at andry that ends up easily skiing him by giving ikki another kick but in that instant ikki kicks him all over the abdomen. Andry walks away from ikki and puts his hand on his abdomen while stunned by the pain. Ikki quickly approaches andry being on the ground to hit him. But andry manages to dodge ikki's first blow rolling on the ground until ikki gives him an apocalypse all over andry's face by sending him flying. Ikki takes a big leap and in the air kicks andry in the abdomen quickly returning it to the ground creating a huge crater

Andry very hurt: I... I trusted more...*faints*

Ikki slowly goes down to the ground as she detransforms on landing she lets out a big sigh and takes andry's body. They both teleport back to earth when ikki arrives leaving him at Daniela's house. She was very happy to have him closer but was very angry with ikki for leaving him like this. Ikki says goodbye to her and walks through the streets of the neighborhood as she passes through the side of several normal people

Ikki: *walking* again I happened again...

Dark: look on the bright side the other time you literally left him almost lifeless and we had to spend two whole hours rebuilding his body so as not to lose it at all

Ikki: if it wasn't a nice way to waste my time

Dark: hey, it's not about putting pressure on you, your girls are running away from something.

Ikki: Now what are you talking about? * look ahead and see that shiro and yui chasing koneki and haruna* why are they chasing each other?

Dark: they're certainly somewhere causing problems

Ikki: let's hope not friend because I'm practically responsible for them

Toddler: *Walking next to his mother*mommy, why is that boy talking to himself?

Mother: son stay away from him and keep walking

Ikki: great the innocence of a child took away my mood

Dark smiling: hahaha a classic hahaha you get a lunatic down the street always cheers me up

Ikki runs quickly behind them and after a few minutes following them to the park where they met. When she arrives, she sees that haruna is wearing a gray jacket and a red cap. In front of her was koneki wearing pink dress and they both argued about something near the water fountain but she doesn't know what they're saying. Shiro and yui were in the fountain watching from a distance and you couldn't see the red shiro bun or the yui hair clip

Ikki: great now that she's done haruna and what are those two wearing?

Dark: I probably stole all that or one of his bums I mean friends gave him those clothes

Ikki: *teleports to the other side of the fountain and hides* I hope this doesn't get a stupid fight for a guy

Haruna annoyed: we haven't shared anything so far koneki! So you can't say no!

Koneki annoys: I know you won't listen to me but remember who joined us all and it's the one who saved us in a certain way

Haruna: I didn't have any drama when I left so I have no problem leaving for a few days

Shiro quietly: *He approaches ikki and hugs him in the back* spying on some girls is very rude although if you're a cat nothing would happen

Ikki quietly: if you wanted to give me a hug you just have to ask for it my icy queen

Shiro quietly: I'll keep it in mind but haruna wants to go live with some friends

Ikki gets up and quickly approaches them. Haruna looks at him for a few seconds but lowers his head quickly while koneki approaches him very worried and in that instant in the distance you could see a green smoke spreading around them

Haruna: oh... what brings you here, ikki?

Koneki: the answer is easy to make a wine to stop you from leaving with a couple of idiots

Ikki: Miss the best way to fix this is that you must both have a fight of goddesses

Haruna: It may be a little distracted, but what do you mean, kitty?

Ikki: the first to win in a fair battle will be the one who decides the loser's future

Haruna smiling: then if I beat the busty one I can leave without problems

Ikki: that's who I'll be the one to decide whether the battle ends or not

Koneki: if this is the only way to make you fall for me, I'm not going to hold back.

Haruna smiling: if your threats don't make me scared, so let's stop the stupid talk and fight

Ikki heads to the fountain and sits on the edge of it. Shiro and yui were somewhat surprised by ikki's decision but similarly sat next to him and behind them that green smoke kept spreading. Haruna quickly takes off her jacket and throws her to the ground and puts on a cowboy hat. Koneki stands guard and makes several fireballs appear around her. Haruna with a smile quickly throws herself at her and gives her a fist in her face. Koneki manages to cover with his arm and pushes haruna with one of his fireballs. Haruna makes electrical energy appear from her arms and feet covering her body with electricity. Koneki walks away from a little haruna and throws several fireballs at him instantly. Haruna dodges them at high speed and throws himself at koneki with a concentrated energy ball. Koneki desperately throws a kick unconsciously at haruna that sends her flying into a building around the park. Haruna was annoyed and with one hand raised a large piece of concrete and threw it at koneki. She looks at the piece and breathes deep then helps herself with several fireballs in smashing the big piece of concrete but lifts too much dust. Haruna takes advantage of this and attacks koneki in the back by kicking her in the back. Koneki takes a big leap out of the smoke screen while haruna does the same to follow her. Koneki concentrates a large fireball in his hands and quickly throws it at haruna. She fails to dodge it in time and falls to the ground by the fireball

Koneki annoys: *slowly descends to the ground* have you had enough haruna? Surrender!

Haruna sore: *rises from the ground* hahahaha... Surrender... Who do you think you're talking to, bitch...

Koneki: you're already too weak to stand

Haruna sore: *spit some blood to the ground*life has struck me worse than this

Haruna instantly throws herself towards koneki but she stops her with a fist all over her abdomen leaving her breathless. Haruna recoils a little and tries to breathe but koneki takes it by the head and gives him several fists in his face until he makes a stop moving. Koneki releases her and knocks her unconscious on the ground

Koneki: the fight's over for you, kitty?

Ikki: *the source one rises from the edge and teleports next to koneki* let's say yes but I think someone cheated

Koneki: trap? Are you saying I cheated?

Ikki: *crouchs down and starts curing haruna's body* wasn't talking about you koneki

Koneki: So even with a trap, couldn't he with me?

Ikki: it's not the other way she let herself win so that we wouldn't feel very sad about her departure *deep breath and green smoke started plouding him* high... This... couldn't happen... *you get dizzy from the smoke and the girls disappear for a short time*

Is Koneki really stronger than haruna? Will Andry be able to break down sound barriers with his speed? Will Ikki be in good condition to fight? Will your next obstacle put you in a dangerous situation? Was any of what ikki saw real?
