Previously in kasuki no jinsei the great council has sent one of its strongest lackeys and not only has it caused the group great problems it also proved to be someone with enough power to defeat ikki easily although can they stop him before he kills everyone?...

The park where the boys first met had become a battlefield there were shiro trying not to fall passed out while Ikki and katsugen kept face to face prepared to know who is the strongest of the two. Ikki takes a deep breath and makes her blue flames appear around her body while katsugen keeps guard with a defiant look and upon seeing ikki's heavenly flames smiles in a suspicious way at that instant ikki teleports behind him and manages to give him several blows to the back consecutively followed by a kick covered in his blue flames that hits him throughout his torso causing him to recoil a little. Katsugen continues to stand despite the impact and snaps his fingers with his right hand recovering from impact in no time. Ikki and teleports back behind him by giving him two fists on his head and a knee causing katsugen to back up a little while still hitting him. Katsugen after a while of getting hit by ikki reacts in time and manages to grab him by the neck. He tries to break free but katsugen hits him three times in a row in his abdomen and crashes him to the ground four times leaving him lying in the wrongly wounded. Katsugen was going to give ikki a fist in the whole face but he stops his hand before being hit and instantly hits him with his apocalypse all over his face causing katsugen to fly out in the air as Ikki tries to get back together but was already reaching his limit after regenerating some of his scratches staring at katsugen and extending his right hand towards him. Several blue fireballs began to come out behind his back and meanwhile in the distance you could see that it was starting to snow around the park and that shiro was gradually trying to get back on his feet while katsugen began to descend into the air. When he lands he tries to get back at the blow but when he sees ikki desperately tries to cover himself with his attacks across his arms Ikki snaps his fingers instantly causing a lot of blue fireballs to be thrown towards katsugen until he falls to the ground and encountered several bruises on his body. Ikki managed to stand up with a lot of difficulty but he kept holding katsugen but the achievement dodged the blue flames for a few seconds and then blinked three times and quickly as if nothing and envised ikki forward but he holds firm and brakes it instantly by hitting him in the abdomen with his knee but still katsugen aggressively darted towards ikki. They begin to collide all their blows with great precision but gradually katsugen after a few seconds blocked all of ikki's punches and both begin to block their attacks consecutively the impacts of their blows caused the ground to begin to separate but ikki kicks him in the leg causing katsugen to lower his Guard and take him his right arm and give him three certain apocalypses throughout his chest. He is stunned by the blows and ikki begins to hit him consecutively non-stop until an apocalypse all over his head was left on the ground for a few seconds. Katsugen was angry and after closing his left hand his body regenerated instantly. He quickly approached ikki and took him by the head and with his right hand hits him several times in the abdomen and chest then releases him and before he falls to the ground he kneel all over his face. Ikki was exhausted but despite being too shocked he keeps on guard but katsugen takes advantage of his low guard and begins to give him multiple blows all over ikki's body and a clean fist up knocks ikki down letting him fall to the ground. Ikki falls to the ground very dazed and tired after that and tries to stand but her efforts are in vain. Katsugen begins to slowly approach the

Ikki tired: well I'm already very clear that I can't beat you alone

Katsugen: So that means you give up toujou?

Ikki tired: that'll never be something I'll do even if it cost me my life

Katsugen: Don't be so sure about that

Weary Ikki: *Look for a few seconds at shiro and walk away a little katsugen crawling* hahaha you're lost

Katsugen: Why are you running away, you coward? maybe you're already afraid of me

Tired Ikki: you've already proved that you can beat a god without power but that such a god in his best condition *points his right finger at the hotel where the girls are*

At that moment a huge cloud appears above the hotel and in the distance it looks like shiro stands up and as he reaches out in his direction begins to attack him consecutively with small ice crystals. Katsugen reacts quickly and covers himself with his arms from shiro crystals while ikki teleports to the hotel to heal his wounds. Increasingly the cold was dominated the whole place and shiro began to be surrounded by small snowflakes that surrounded his whole body and his eyes glowed brightly a very crystal clear blue color. Katsugen manages to resist all the crystals but shiro every time he approached him he was created a giant ice crystal and just by closing his right hand the glass is quickly directed to get it through his entire chest. But still katsugen manages to hold him with great effort and began flashing many times. Ikki is impressed with the shiro power and after healing the wounds of her body teleports next to her but she had an empty expression as if she had no emotions or some other expression he upon seeing it that way kept a cautious distance

Ikki smiling: hey ice queen, will you live up to your nickname with that attitude?

Shiro: The truth now I have no reason to destroy you I just seek to take him down and show him what a true god can do

Ikki: Heheje that is good and also that you could finally develop your divinity mode or your true power as a goddess which would explain the enormous power and the enormous ego

Shiro goddess mode: *look at her hands and open them and close them three times* this of being a goddess... now it's awesome

The crystal shiro had made to stop katsugen was gradually being destroyed by katsugen's body. He began to move back the glass with his strength but his whole body was being pressed. ikki stands up and stares at shiro while she sees the strength of katsugen extends her right hand and causes the crystal to begin to grow even more with the help of the surrounding snow making katsugen no longer advance

Ikki: well I'm going to be honest I need your help to stop it

Shiro goddess mode: it was obvious toujou but I just got this power I don't even know if I can keep it for a long time or if you can follow me the way

Ikki smiling: don't worry you just have to focus on a single feeling that fills you with adrenaline or some memory that fills you with passion

Shiro goddess mode: then I can only keep him for a while longer so tell me what's your plan to beat him?

Ikki: your powers can hold him for quite some time and I can hurt him with my strength and what I want to be

Shiro goddess mode: that I give you several opportunities to manage to hit him because if I don't you will end up like his punching bag

Ikki: exactly but the power you have now is unstable so don't overdo it too much as your body continues to assimilate your powers

Shiro goddess mode: I'll keep it in mind toujou you just leave it to me *snap your fingers and the ice crystal turns to snow*get ready

Ikki: Hahaha I promise I'll give you a reward for doing this my ice queen

Shiro goddess mode: hear stupid living scum! why don't you face a real goddess *raise her left arm and the snow that had fallen covers katsugen's feet* there's your chance toujou

Ikki teleports in front of katsugen and gives her two fists in her abdomen followed by two kicks in her face. Katsugen tries to take ikki by the neck but the snow begins to spread through his body preventing him from attacking him and the snow reaches his hands immobilizing them. Ikki continues to hit him in various parts of the body and covers him with more snow from the ground until he gets caught in it. Teleports behind shiro and breathes deep while shiro keeps katsugen trapped in snow

Ikki: just take a direct hit to the head to finish it so have fun with it to make sure you get it without resistance

He begins to concentrate his flames all over his body while shiro continue to keep katsugen busy throwing more ice crystals that easily pierce his body, getting embedded in it. But katsugen releases his green gas which helps him get the snow off his shoulders without any problem but was still affected by the cold

Katsugen smiling: I'm sick of this, so instead of taking the corpse of a rebellious god to great advice, I'd better take two of them*after recovering he quickly throws himself into shiro* I'll start with you little princess!

Shiro's goddess mode smiling: *Raise the snow from the place causing your arms to turn in a blue hue* the only thing you'll bring to them is your sad, pathetic scum defeat!

Before being hit by katsugen's fist she makes an ice pillar appear from the ground causing katsugen to collid with the pillar and be raised upwards. He clings to the pillar very tightly by nailing his fingers to the so as not to fall but shiro raises his right arm and another pillar of ice begins to appear around katsugen. He manages to avoid being crushed by them by being propelled by the pillar he was on and when he stood on top of them with a certain fist he completely destroyed one of the pillars. Shiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath, causing it to suddenly start snowing more intensely around the area causing almost nothing to be seen around

Katsugen: *aggressively lands and stands guard* what do you intend with that little princess? Do you want me to make a doll?!

At that moment all the snow he had started to gather by creating a giant snow golem while ikki kept gathering power on one side of it. The golem stood in front of shiro and stood guard while she kept her gaze on katsugen

Katsugen: *look head-on at the golem* no matter how big you are, you're still snowing! *take out his golden amulet and after wrapping it in his right hand and the amulet comes out a big flame of fire causing a mist to spread around* ok as you can see little princess I'm superior to you so you must admit it

Shiro goddess mode: hey, have you forgotten the fact that being perfect among us? This is me! * snap your fingers *

The ice golem of a roar makes a large blizzard over katsugen and while struggling with it the golem catches him with his left hand. He tries to escape but his efforts are in vain as the snow immobilizes his body slowly. Shiro raises his left arm and when he closes his hand tightly the golem slowly begins to crush katsugen. With great difficulty he tries to throw a big call of fire at the golem but does not melt it and is covered with more snow

Katsugen: impossible! it says you should have melted, how come it doesn't affect you?

Shiro goddess mode: I will only tell you how clearly stupid you look now since your last blow was useless and pathetic as you are and you will always be

Katsugen: don't think you've already won stupid brat you haven't seen any of my power yet and thank you for giving me enough time for my counterattack

Shiro goddess mode: your little excuses just like your little flames will never beat my ice golem

Ikki: I that you still wouldn't sing victory frozen queen *comes to shiro and stands in front of her* it's time to show a big surprise to this bastard doesn't seem

Shiro goddess mode: *sigh* I would love to keep testing my new powers with him but I'm sick of seeing him too I'm also feeling very exhausted

Ikki: for me it's all trial and error so let's see how my plan comes out then you can sleep for a while

Shiro goddess mode: you'd better toujou as now I'm worried how much longer I'm going to last with this

Shiro lowers his left arm causing the golem to throw katsugen at the pillars and then make the ground very dazed. Shiro extends his right arm to ikki and opens a direct path away from the snow and after getting a little closer to katsugen an ice pillar comes out below his feet and is manipulated by shiro like a surfboard. Katsugen gets up and takes off the snow he had on his body while ikki was getting closer and closer. Katsugen puts his golden amulet back on his neck and sets guard to wait for ikki

Katsugen: oh come on if what you wanted was to die quickly you just had to say it toujou

Ikki manages to get close enough and jumps off the pillar of a big impulse and in the air concentrates his flames on his right arm and when he was going to attack katsugen he was ready to stop him but at that moment the snow that was on the ground took the form of dolls that held katsugen's arms immobilizing him. As he looks around he sees ikki nowhere and when he looks back he realizes that he appeared out of nowhere and his body was totally motionless

Angry Katsugen: damn it!

Ikki smiling: behind you asshole! *With his arm covered in blue flames gives him a fist all over his head* APOCALYPSE!

The impact of the blow causes the snowmen to crumble while katsugen flies out causing it to collide with several buildings and some establishments that were already in ruins fell on him. Ikki's blue flames fade into the air and he crosses his arms with a big smile

Ikki smiling: now you know the real friend result no one can beat us

Shiro goddess mode: I couldn't have said it better

But katsugen despite being buried by a huge pile of debris manages to get out of these quickly but his body was shattered and he began to walk towards them in a very painful way. Gradually his broken bones and bruises were fading and he was getting closer and closer to the park

Katsugen very wounded: my-shit... that's not... I saw it coming... *it blinks three times and its body regenerates instantly and from a big jump it reaches the park and stands in front of them* I admit that even I thought you could kill me let me recognize you *applaud three times sarcastically* are a unique team

Shiro goddess mode: let's stop playing stupid games I want to see you disappear *raise your right arm and the pillar where I travel ikki started floating in the air* I hope you've taken your second air

Ikki: *jumps towards the pillar and stands firm in the * hahaha it seems that someone wants to go seriously ok plan b leave nothing to recover *puts their hand on the pillar and spreads their flames around this* very well shiro I am more than ready!

Katsugen: hahaha know guys *slowly approaches them* will not matter what they have planned I will never die so accept defeat and maybe I will have compassion on you when I torture you

Shiro goddess mode: if you want those to be your last words then really the great advice was wrong to send you

Shiro lanza el pilar hacia katsugen con una gran velocidad mientras que ikki se mantiene firme en el para no caerse. Katsugen cierra su puño derecho mientras respira profundo y se pone en guardia. Ikki puso sus dos mano en el pilar para aumentar la velocidad con sus llamas pero cuando estaban a punto de chocar el golpea con puño certero detiene el pilar y luego de unos segundos se destruye por completo convirtiéndolo en millones de cristales de hielo cayendo al suelo mientras que también había levantado toda la nieve que había en el suelo provocando también que el golem de nieve desaparece al instante y se esparza por el suelo mientras que ikki es mandado de regreso por el impacto y logra aterrizar de pie en un montículo de nieve quedando un poco aturdido por la caída. Katsugen se acercó rápidamente hacia ikki de un forma muy agresiva ya que cada paso que daba hacia pequeños temblores, ikki seguía sin poder mover sus pies ya que el aterrizaje lo dejo muy adolorido y en un intento desesperado shiro se pone enfrente de ikki y con la nieve que había en el suelo empujo a lo lejos a katsugen pero eso no lo podida detener. Ella creo varias paredes de hielo para evitarlo pero katsugen sigua golpeando las paredes de hielo. Al principio sus brazos quedaban destrozados pero después de unos segundos comenzó a quebrar con fuerza bruta una de las paredes. ikki logra recupera la compostura y trata de tomar a shiro y escapar pero una presión en el pecho hace que no pueda ni siquiera moverse un poco quedando paralizado mientras que shiro seguía aguantando todos los golpes de katsugen y poco a poco su brazos se tornaron aún más azules y sus pies se estaban congelando

Katsugen: *Keep hitting the ice wall* seriously, you thought an inexperienced girl like you could give me a fight!

Ikki sorely: *she puts her left hand on her chest and tries to approach shiro* shiro... Enough... you'll end up abusing your body... and it could be dangerous...

Shiro scared goddess mode: I'm not going to let... a waste of matter be created better than me!

Katsugen increased the speed of his blows several times and was able to completely destroy the first wall of ice, I keep breaking each of them as if they were paperwork every time he destroyed a shiro he took all the damage and a little blood came out of her nose and when katsugen came with them and shattered the last wall of ice the impact was received by the whole body shiro leaving her breathless and spitting a big amount of blood. Her eyes lose that strong glow, her feet thaw and the blue tone of her arms disappears losing her goddess mode causing the snow in the area to disappear she falls to the ground with her body exhausted and sore as he slowly approached her

Shiro very hurt and scared: stay away!... n-don't come near me... please! *spit out even more blood and try to crawl*

Ikki manages to stand up and manages to teleport to the right side of katsugen to attack him with his right arm but from one fist he takes it off his back by leaving him on the ground but he did not stop and began teleporting in several directions to try to stop him but in all those times katsugen sends him flying with a single blow. Shiro can only kneel on the ground while watching ikki desperately try to protect her and begins to cry non-stop as she sees her own blood on the ground and in her hands. katsugen stood at the front of her and took ikki by the neck holding her right arms and after seeing the desperation of shiro staring at the ground in front of her creating a huge crater leaving him very sore in the shiro she was already devastated

Katsugen: you know I thought you might be smarter to realize it was impossible to beat me but I see I'm not good enough

Shiro very hurt and scared: only... get this over with... Please

Katsugen smiling: hahaha, already break your little princess? Am I afraid of you? Where's that girl who thought I was a scum?

Ikki very hurt: you... Damn... Never... you'll be able to take her heavenly ring

Katsugen: Is this the part where you say "about my corpse"? oh come on ikki I already showed you that you are not a rival for me besides what will you do? twist like a worm to make me laugh or that

Ikki very wounded smiling: *get up from the crater and stand guard* you'll be the one who ends up like a simple katsugen worm!

Katsugen: I'd like to see you the strongest god in the heavenly home fulfill that

???: Leave them alone! * comes running up and stands in front of katsugen *

With a little girl who was asleep and he left her next to shiro, that mysterious young man was tall, with slightly long black hair, had a black business suit, had brown lenses and his eyes were black. Ikki quickly teleports next to shiro and the girl to protect them could see that the girl was only asleep she had a purple sack, a blue trousers with purple flowers, her hair was long and black, she had ponytails secured by a white ribbon and red lenses

???: I'll be the one facing you stupid *point a finger at ikki* and you take her away from here and keep her safe until I go for her

Katsugen smiling: O how noble of humans to send a sacrifice for ikki but if you saw how he knew after confronting me, what makes you think you'd stop me?

Shiro very hurt and scared: get out of here! Why do you want to waste your life and this little girl's life in vain?!

Ikki quickly approaches shiro with the girl on her right arm and teleports back to the roof of the hotel where she left the other girls. Upon arrival you will find yui who was barely getting up from the impacts of katsugen. She approaches koneki and Haruna and tries to wake them up but both were still unconscious and ikki breathes deep three times in a row

Ikki: yui takes those two to get out of here right away

Yui: you finally got *turn to see him and he cares* but what the fuck happened to them? And who's that girl? And why is shiro covered in blood?

Ikki: see if you want me to answer your questions so much, help me get them out of here and heal them in the house, please

Shiro very hurt and scared: I shouldn't have got into this... I just deserve to die... Forgive me mom... Brother

Nervous Yui: and it's going to happen to katsugen, he's still alive, right? Besides, we can't leave him with that kid, he's going to kill him.

Ikki: there's no time to answer just let's go please I'll explain later

Yui tries to lift the bodies of haruna and koneki but only manages to bring them closer to ikki while she carried in her arms the girl and the Board to shiro, haruna and koneki hugging them and when yui put her left hand on ikki's right shoulder they were all teleported to the house again letting that mysterious young man stay with katsugen

Katsugen: listen maybe I offend you but it's my duty to kill them so you could go *write some things in their notebook*

???: Are you going to run away from a simple human? I never thought you'd be a complete coward.

Katsugen: *put his notebook back* hehehe planned to let you live human by a gesture of respect for your guts but you've already made me change my mind

???: I'd like to say the same thing, but I keep listening to a coward's wailing*extend his hand in the direction of him and a green portal appears behind* I'll put an end to your nonsense.

Katsugen: *turn to look back* a portal? but humans have never had magical power in centuries

???: I'm a being you'll never forget but too bad you'll die now *quickly approach him and ram him *

Katsugen: hear death is something I'll never know!

???: Every living being has a period of time here that you understand doesn't mean it won't happen

The mysterious boy drags katsugen into the portal causing both of them to enter it and after a few seconds the portal disappears. Everyone managed to get to the living room of the house and ikki puts the girls together on the floor while yui lays the girl on the couch and helps him accommodate them. He puts himself in front of them and as he closes his eyes he extends his right hand to them causing them to be covered around him by the blue flames which managed to heal the wounds of shiro and helped haruna and koneki to awaken. After a few minutes they are completely healed and the first to regain consciousness is haruna and almost at the same time koneki also begins to wake up but shiro only rose from the ground and slowly went to his room with an empty look and closing the door tightly

Nervous Haruna: shit! Where am I? What am I doing here? * desperately check your whole body* shit, will everything be in place? *she lifts her blouse letting her abdomen show * ok I don't see citarics here so I keep my organs full for now

Confused Koneki: what happened to us? and why wouldn't you have your organs? * puts your right hand on your head * great what was missing now hurts me to think

Haruna: *take a deep breath* welcome to my little universe flame but the good thing is that we are alive, complete and at home

Koneki: of course what you say hauna even though I don't know why can't you call me by my name?

Ikki: well girls excuse my interruption but do you want to know what happened to them?

Haruna: give me a moment that my head is not in mode to lend to tenure... ok I hope I haven't missed the defeat of the stupid

Koneki, I don't think we should talk about the fight if we get rid of that guy because you already beat him, right?

Ikki: look *sigh* the short version is that katsugen beat us all in a very impressive way and somewhat brutal so I had to use the best card at the time it was to escape

Haruna: *he crosses his arms* oh this is no longer very bad we couldn't even do something to him when we were alert and from what I see in your eyes we were also useless in our grumpy versions

Nervous Koneki: so she's stronger than you? And if so, will we be safe here? Will he know we're here and he's coming to finish the job?

Ikki: for now it is, but I'll figure out how to defeat it the next time we meet and I know you'll be ready for a rematch by that day.

Haruna: it's very nice to stay alive but only you and shiro faced that... That... good to that guy and the truth is a little impossible to think of a rematch

Koneki: the guy was called katsugen and let's say he can't be stopped no matter how many of us are against him.

Haruna: that katsugen bastard! thanks little flame but I say it since our queen has raised the doors of her castle

Ikki cat: give her time and space she spends the worst part of the fight besides you need to see the power of the goddess mode

Haruna smiling: I have a feeling the girl discovered something great truth

Yui: she's referring to the power she uses *sits next to the girl and caresses her head* it's as if she's already become a true goddess

Ikki: exactly but that state is when they allow their power of goddesses to flow naturally throughout their bodies

Haruna: it sounds fabulous and something exciting, but putting that aside, how do we get our bodies to do that?

Koneki smiling: maybe we just have to stop thinking and allow our powers freedom or even be one with them... *he covers his face with his hands* even if they don't listen to me since I think I said something... Very... Explicit...

Haruna: I would say that time you mentioned it does seem so but quiet was very nice what you said and giving it a sense is the key to being a real goddess

Ikki: first we'll relax so that her bodies adapt more to her powers *she approaches the girl on the couch checks her in case she has any injuries* but for now we keep the girl safe as her guardian will come in a couple of minutes

Haruna smiling: kitten is right *stare at yui and point her with her finger* we go party pooper as you are the one ikki left in charge of the girl you must go into the kitchen to prepare something delicious to our guest

Yui: *get up off the couch and sigh* and if you better get out of this house and you're going to live with the bums you call "friends.

Haruna: I couldn't leave knowing that the fiery and the kitten stay with an overly boring and zero interesting person

Yui: I'll write it down in my notebook of things I've heard of unedes education

Ikki: hey don't argue in front of the girl I don't want her to get aggressive like you when she grows up

Yui: let's leave this issue for another time as we have to take all the possibilities and risks that come with facing it again

Haruna: all right *stand up* holds up a lot and hits just as hard but there was a time when you let yourself hit purpose

Koneki: in fact *he stands up* only step when we all attacked him while only withstanding the blows but after a while we were already unable to defend ourselves

Yui: *he walks away a little across his arms* we can't kill him but so little hurt him so it's hard to think of anything with those two walls

Haruna: little flame has a good point and my bet to throw one of those walls is to leave the job to the kitten and to drain

Yui: but we still don't know how strong katsugen is and if maybe they so little can against him if ikki could only defend himself and avoid dying in the attempt

Haruna: it's the only idea I have but if we try something soon against him it will be worse

Koneki smiling: then we will be the ones who guarantee to tear down the first wall for ikki and drain because if we manage to obtain the power that I use shiro all four we can have a chance

Haruna: that's how you talk, sister! we'd have enough to weaken it and it would be a piece of cake for the boys

Ikki: that's going to be the best option for now, but it's easier said than to do it girls, so I'll make sure I show them what it takes to make it.

Haruna: don't worry, I know we just need some practice and you'll see that it's going to be us to protect you next time.

Girl: *moves a little on the sofa* little brother... Don't go... I like strawberries...

Ikki smiling: *sigh* well she's already waking up so talk to her while I go see how shiro is *leave the girl and go to shiro's room *

Haruna: ok we're going to lift it up fast *cover your right finger with a little electricity and slowly bring it closer to the girl's arm* it'll be like a little mosquito

Yui: *take haruna's hand and take her away from the girl* maybe you want to kill instantly or you really want to have an excuse to go back to jail

Haruna: first so far I haven't been caught in that cage and second I just want to release a little bit of my powers

Koneki: *sit next to the girl and put her head on her lap* girls is already waking up we just have to give her her time

The girl gradually got up off the couch and when she saw koneki she got a little scared and got up very quickly from the couch getting behind it but instantly gives her a slight dizziness. Ikki was knocking on the shiro door several times but received no response from her he returns to welcome the girl with the girls. The girl sits on the couch again but with a little insecurity when she sees koneki while still not looking each other in the eye but when she manages to see ikki she manages to calm down and feel safe

??? Smiling: so if you're the real heroes you saw on the news with my little brother

Haruna: the same little ones but you can rest easy we'll take care of you for a while until your brother arrives

Ikki: well, since you know who we are, you'd like to tell us, what's your name?

Haruna: I was about to tell her the same kitty

Koneki smiling: heheje is very beautiful

???: Of course if my name is seleni Martinez I am ten years old and I have an older brother named David but I always tell him little brother and I think I should be with him now

Ikki: I think he'll be here soon for you, so you're at home in the meantime.

Seleni smiling: oh! * raise your very excited right hand *

Ikki: Tell me what do you want to tell us?

Seleni: I know this is weird, but can I hug each of you?

Yui: Didn't your father ever teach you not to have so much trust with others?

Koneki: *hug the girl and caress her head* oh come yui she just wants to express her affection plus it's nice to hug a little

Haruna: okay, I think we need some appreciation, don't you think? Heheing at least I want one

Seleni gets up very happy from the couch after she stop hugging koneki and began hugging haruna who ends up ingesting her for a while and after she pulled her down hugs yui but she just touches her head a little bit and you can see that it's a little awkward. Then he continues with ikki that he crouched down so that she could hug him well but after a while he again hugged koneki for a little longer. Ikki sits on the couch while koneki keeps hugging her

Haruna: well another reason to want to protect that smile

Seleni:*keep hugging koneki* heheje your breasts are very soft as a large marshmallow pillow

Blushing Koneki: Heheje... thank you but it sounds un shameful *stop hugging seleni*

Ikki: hahaha I can't find flaw to that childhood comparison

Koneki: *he comes to caress seleni's head* I think we'll get along very well with her, don't you think yui?

Yui: *he approaches her with a smile and puts his hand on seleni's head* he would probably say me but I promise nothing *he takes away his hand and backs up a little *

Seleni excited: heheje hey is going to leave me untinged hehehe

The boys had a good time with seleni playing to carry her on ikki's shoulders all over the house, a little hiding place inside the house, showing the little girl her powers, talking a little more about her brother and about her, they spent the hours and were in an atmosphere of tranquility and for a few moments they forgot that the defeat they had against katsugen all that happened. After severing a little play to rest someone knocked on the door in a rhythmic way but when haruna got up and opened the door he ran into a strange boy in a hurry. But before she could say anything he comes in quickly and when seleni sees him he throws himself at him. Both were left for a while hugged and haruna after refocusing closes the door and approaches them

Seleni smiling: little brother I'm glad this here I'm having a great time with my new friends

David: hehehe that you talk about I'll always come for you no matter where you are

Seleni: I know that, little brother.

David: I'm glad to know that you're safe

Koneki: I think we're better than ever, but I thank you for leaving us in charge of your sister.

David: it was a desperate moment besides it hadn't lived with people in a while.

Haruna smiling: *Look at the boy and seleni* ok I know it has nothing to do now but I must admit her parents did a good job bringing them into this world

David: thank you but you don't have to recal it that way in front of the girl

Seleni: Heheje, she thinks we're so cute!

Yui: *sigh* your innocence is a beautiful thing but she said in another seleni term

Seleni confused: which one was he referring to then?

Yui: she wants to say that they are very sex-

Nervous Koneki: *he comes up to yui and covers his mouth with his hands* we better not give importance to that and we ming into thinking he said cute ok

Seleni: *stop hugging your brother and hold his hand* it's okay although you don't have to avoid saying that stuff since I know what haruna meant but I like the cute thing better

David: I say the same thing my little dragon

Yui: *he takes koneki's hand out of his mouth* plus it's better to tell him these things before certain people show them to her to confuse her.

Nervous Koneki: I know, but if we kill his innocence and childhood he'll end up as a... as a person something... forget it I didn't say

Ikki: good hahaha changing the theme a little bit as you did with katsugen companion

David: it's a long way from here, I'm sure, but I'd like you to come and confirm it.

Ikki: I still have to fix all the damage caused by us *open the door* oh if you want me to leave seleni at home at once?

David: *look at seleni and let go of her hand* go home dragon so you can relax a little

Seleni: it's okay but if you don't come back before dinner I'll be very angry

David: I can promise you I'll be there before you know it.

Seleni: ok I love you very much little brother and see you in the house *it approaches ikki and takes her hand *

Ikki: ok I'll try not to be long *leave the house with the girl*

David: well now do your interrogation

Haruna: *Get up and close the door* well now who are you? and how could you control katsugen?

Yui: What's your relationship with ikki? and why are they so friendly?

Koneki: Seleni if she's your blood sister?

David: First she if she's my second biological sister we've always gotten along all this time and third *takes out of her pocket a red cape and when she's covered with her reveals that her appearance is actually dreimer* I couldn't let myself see the enemy so I had to use my magical resources to help them

Haruna: were you that boy? then I don't regret what I said even though I didn't expect you to have family

Koneki: Can you change your appearance? That means she can make you a woman...

Dreimer: I could but I don't want to cross that line besides that everyone being consents can be deceived with this except ikki since their flames allow him to see me

Yui: then your sister doesn't know you're a demon who helps ikki against heavenly counsel

Dreimer: well I'll have the time to integrate it into this but for now listen to me I didn't beat katsugen I just captured it within another dimension but I don't know how long it stays there if it's already come out

Haruna: then let's not waste time and take training

Dreimer: I will, but first where it is, if I studied

Yui: let's say he's been a little sensitive since he arrived after the fight.

Koneki: she locked herself in her room when we arrived

Dreimer: well the situation is this she was able to release the true power of her office as a goddess but failed to control it and free more power to face it as she got scared and blocking her mind

Yui: then it only takes us to master it to manage to weaken it and give you and ikki a chance to finish it

Dreimer: I see that if you took all great things into account this avoids explaining the details

Haruna smiling: we're also willing to unleash that power so you thought

Dreimer: you'd better bring shiro to leave as soon as possible.

Koneki, yui and Haruna knocked several times on the shiro door but still did not receive any answers. Haruna pushes koneki and yui back and then kicks in the door making her fall to the ground. When they enter the room they find shiro lying on the bed hugging a pillow and on the floor was her ring. Haruna charges her as a princess and pulls her out of the room while yui quickly takes the ring off the floor and keeps it in her pocket, she was very disoriented and her eyes returned to normal. Koneki and yui take the door and put it on a wall and follow haruna. Dreimer was in the kitchen putting various juices and sweets in ikki's fridge. All that took him out of his cloak but when he saw the girls he stops doing it and approaches them and yui takes shiro's right hand, lifts his index finger and re-wears the ring without anyone seeing it, when he gets closer his eyes come back to have that light blue tone and wake up from that trance

Dreimer: well I'm not ikki so all please form a circle *take out a white chalk and draw a circle around the girls*

Yui: *it's done aside from haruna* now we should also take our hands and sing for the lord?

Haruna: *Keep carrying shiro while you stand in front of koneki* party pooper please look at the details if I feel like I'm carrying a corpse

Sleepy Shiro: listen to you... but I still need to rest *he settles in and hugs shiro to keep sleeping* we see each other...

Koneki: it's best to let her sleep *it's done next to haruna and yui* I think she got very hard

Haruna: good thing I speak because when I loaded it I was like in a coma or in a very deep sleep that I thought was dead

Koneki: well I hope ikki knows we left to see if she can do anything for her

Dreimer: *Enter the circle I draw and crouch in the center* I already leave a message on your cell phone will come when I read it or when I noticed the door

Haruna: Sorry I always wanted to have an excuse to do that hehehe I promise to apologize to ikki afterwards

Dreimer draws a large spiral in the center of the circle and draws four 6-pointed stars in each corner, passes a line in the spaces joining the stars with lines and pours a little of a black substance that he had stored in a test tube that I pulled out of his cloak and then put his hands in the center and began to shine and release a black aura that drawing by instantly teleporting them to the planet of ikki to train leaving only the large circle of chalk on the ground to the planet of ikki

Andry: *knock on the door quickly* hey ikki! friend we have a big problem on our hands and I need your help plus I also need to tell you something very important

When they reach the planet haruna does not wait another minute leaves shiro lying on the ground and quickly makes small electrical charges appear around his body and after stretching a little began running around the planet at a great speed and he looked very happy. Koneki was concentrating his flames on his right hand while yui only sat on the ground next to shiro and practiced lifting the small water droplets from the ground and only managed to have a little headache. Dreimer had taken out of his cloak a brown book with some gold details and after reading it a couple of minutes he put it back in his cloak and then begins to gather the girls making them sit on the floor looking at him

Dreimer: either according to what I read and you are written as carriers have the ability to release this power based on your emotions or your mind control

Haruna: that'll be fun to see as feelings are what we have left over as women

Yui: speak for you I'm not as sensitive as after girls and well throughout my life I couldn't be as animated as we say

Koneki: I think that might change a little bit as this experience meeting ikki is a roller coaster of emotions

Yui: I think you're right but if we can't do this ikki and you're going to have to have a plan b

Dreimer: ikki will be very clear and right now she's sure trying to come up with something with all the final possible evils so I want to help them control this power so as not to stress it too much and to commit a recklessness

Tired Shiro: well *give a big yawn and sit down* I think it's enough rest

Dreimer: ok I'm glad to know you're all listening to me for this occasion

Shiro: go ahead I guess you've created some plan to hire

Koneki: good morning shiro!

Haruna: friend we need you to tell us how you managed to get that power

Yui: we believe that if we all coordinate to use it at once we could weaken katsugen

Dreimer: We could use the details you have about that state would make training faster

Shiro: well I think I can only say that he needs great control over what they think at the moment and let you go by using all that power

Yui: it's very easy if you put it on those terms but how we get to that point

Dreimer: in fact I think haruna could easily get to that point if she concentrates on a strong emotion and keeps you adrenaline

Haruna: well nothing we lose with trying besides I think I already have the emotion I need

She stands up and walks away from each other while koneki looked at her very excitedly and gave her little applause, dreimer had texted and crossed her arms with her phone in hand while yui and shiro stared at haruna. After a couple of seconds she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and clenched her fists tightly but only small electric sparks appeared increasingly multiplying but I continued without any noticeable or astonishing change. Koneki gets up and stands next to haruna to also try and began to concentrate also by closing his eyes and making small flames appear around his arms while dreimer pulled the book he had back out of his cloak and kept his phone

Dreimer: *holding the book* so I understand this should not only be a feeling it can be a strong reason or the reason why they want to live

Haruna: I'm trying, but I don't feel anything else besides getting frustrated with achieving nothing with this.

Shiro: well to activate that just let me get carried away from the impulse to be able to help ikki

Koneki: maybe it's kind of weird, but I think I know how to get it.

Haruna: surprise me sister since I am very lost at this point I also feel that you are more layers than you think

Koneki breathes deep and after a few seconds the environment around began to increase the heat and around the feet of it the ground was being consumed by the flames burning the grass around while her nails were touched a red just like her lips and around her eyes came out a flame on each side. dreimer takes haruna from the right arm approaching it next to shiro and yui while both try to stay away from the heat with frozen shiro the water around it yui q to create while draining drowns to the ground a small careful and creates a force field that completely covers them

Haruna: great first did the north pole and now global warming achieved this is already favoritism

Yui: Maybe for each one it's different way to activate it

Dreimer: Well shiro uses his power to help another in danger but how does a shy person who prefers to avoid fighting activate him?

Haruna: she's not that weak and afraid, I've already seen her untie herself, but if that motivates them, what can I use to do it?

Koneki began to levitate a little and after a reaper glow covered most of the planet she had managed to get to goddess mode showing her greatness freshly achieved and with a round of applause absorbed all the heat from the planet herself so that the girls would stop using their powers but her face was kept with a somewhat defiant and confident smile

Dreimer: *makes the force field disappear and pick up the careful I'm licking* ok now I can say without it feeling bad you're on fire

Haruna: very small call, how do you feel?

Koneki's goddess mode smiling: the truth is very curious as I feel a change of view about what these powers are

Haruna: amazing! I already want to know how I'll look in my goddess mode

Koneki goddess mode: try for sure you can be just as strong as me or an even stronger than ikki

Haruna: hahaha maybe even cooler than him

Dreimer: ok seen with shiro can keep it for a period of time and after that time your body is very exhausted so use this in very high emergencies and learn to activate it at will

Haruna: wait, are these the only side effects we'll have with this power?

Dreimer: it's just two I just said and let's say you adopt a personality more attached to your vision of perfection in your mind of yourself or otherwise as your ideal I

Yui: that really looks fascinating but I wonder why it changes some parts of our body?

Koneki goddess mode: then I'm in my best way heheing is so relaxing to be in this state I feel more... Released

Shiro: I felt the same and also that with my power I could connect with everything at once

Haruna: so you don't like being a little scary

Koneki Goddess Mode: haruna I wasn't always this scared by the world around me and with this I even forgot because I felt all the time that way

Haruna: well you won't be the only one who enjoys her powers

Dreimer: well try it back haruna but this time do it your way

Haruna: friend I think you should walk away a little and give me space as I have in my mind a great exposure

Haruna took a deep breath and began to gather energy very quickly creating several electrical charges around his body, began to appear the mark of lightning on both arms just below his hand, above his hand and on the right cheek black his body overflows with a lot of electrical energy and after a few seconds unleashed an electric explosion dreimer protects shiro and yui with his cape and avoid receiving the discharge and koneki receives it but it has no effect

Hara goddess mode smiling: hahaha *raise your hands up* get it bitches! hahaha I told them it would be a big explosion as I am quite a bomb of genius

Yui: well I think she looks that way always so I didn't expect anything new

Dreimer: well that's too convenient but well it doesn't matter now I want you both to focus that power on a simple attack

Shiro: I know it's new but I feel a great emotion when I see it like this

Hara goddess way smiling: I think you'll have to get that dreimer force field back out because maybe I can send them to hell with this itself because nothing will be simple for me with this.

Koneki goddess mode: it's funny to see that you're still you alone that without limitation in your heheed expressions

Yui: *gets up from the ground and comes close to dreimer* you think it's a good idea to let them experiment with that power

Dreimer: I was still going to do it so have fun *re-launch the careful and create the force field with shiro and yui inside* we're ready

Haruna began to gather large electric shocks throughout her body and when she lifted her right arm she accumulated them in it and threw it forward causing three huge rays in a row to appear and fall into the same place on the ground where she pointed. Koneki then continued to snap his fingers twice and after a few minutes a huge volcano came off the ground and with his left hand began to manipulate the lava containing it to form ten lava golems. Both were astonished and confident in their powers andui was left speechless of how great they were, but shiro looked a little worried and forced a small smile. Dreimer removed the force field and the girls got a little closer to koneki and Haruna but just haruna stares at shiro and with a great speed approaches her and takes several turns around her

Hara goddess way smiling: hey snow doll you could leave that long face and get up next to us again, don't you think?

Nervous Shiro: what you're talking about, I'm fine and happy to see you like this.

Haruna goddess mode: *taking your right hand* come snow doll you can't talk seriously I know you're not feeling well and you're actually scared

Shiro: seriously haruna I'm fine

Hara goddess way smiling: you can't lie to a friend, let alone when it's obvious she's still terrified of almost dying.

Shiro annoys: I don't want to talk about it now so forget the subject

Hara goddess mode: for I will have to be more insistent on taking away that burden

Shiro annoys: *Take haruna from the head and instantly freeze her whole body after a few seconds haruna frees herself from the ice smashing it* I don't want to keep hurting you haruna let me go alone

Haruna goddess mode smiling: *gets up from the ground quickly* i'm sorry snow doll but I'll take that load off you as I don't like to see a partner keeping her pain

Dreimer: well I agree with what a haruna wants to do so try not to kill yourself

Koneki Goddess Mode: It will be very entertaining to use this power in a real heheheed battle

Nervous Yui: hey dreimer you know I'd like to see that force field of yours again before the fight please

Dreimer: *recreate the force field* may sound a little immature but you know I can take advantage of the situation to bet on whoever wins and create theories of which of you should be the leader

Yui: I agree with you, but if we talk about money in between, I'll bet shiro.

Dreimer: my bet will be to make one as I feel she is more determined to fight

Ikki: *appears on the force field* then I bet koneki to level things

Yui: almost you didn't come kitty What were you doing? And how did you know we were here?

Ikki: taking responsibility for the damage to the city, apologizing with andry for leaving it waiting at our doorstep and updating myself on what happened the day I wasn't

Dreimer: well get comfortable bro as this got violent

Ikki: I see it and thank you also for teaching them to take out their true power besides I love to see those transformations

Dreimer: I had to use the book to find out what happens to them after using it so the rest they did.

Haruna goddess mode: come on ladies let's find out which one of us is the one with the ovaries well laid! hahaha

Shiro, haruna and koneki were face to face all waiting for which of them would take the first step while yui, dreimer and ikki watched in the distance from a safe area. The first to make a move is haruna who throws several rays at koneki while shiro stood completely still and with his eyes closed. Koneki dodges them with great ease and sends his lava golems to attack haruna and stands in front of shiro

Koneki goddess mode: so this will be all you're going to do?

Shiro annoys: of course not! *Your tears begin to come out when you look at koneki* I don't want to let myself get beat again!

Koneki goddess mode smiling: and what are you waiting for little?

Shiro annoys: *he wipes away his tears* that damn power doesn't make you superior just makes you stupider and more confident

Koneki goddess mode: actions are worth more than the wails of a person who fell once

Koneki throws several fireballs at shiro but she stops them with an ice wall. Shiro extended his arm upwards causing it to start snowing quickly. The golems I was struggling with diduna began to disappear instantly. Haruna quickly approaches them and aggressively confronts them with her rays. Koneki had created a heat field around him and shiro began throwing him into a small ice crystal. But after that flurry of haruna attacks with a smile regenerates all its scratches instantly

Will our girls kill each other? Could Dreimer and ikki kill katsugen if they fight together? Why did andry want to talk to ikki? Will humanity be again in extreme danger by the great council?
