Previously in kasuki no jinsei ikki and the others had to retreat before the threat posed by zaquiel arriving at the planet of ikki our gods are assimilating the situation some better than others...

Ikki shocked: *walks quickly from side to side* great! that moron is already here which means we're lost and I have less time to think about a defense against the

Dreimer: hey little cat that's not true thanks to your instincts we managed to escape and stay alive in a place he never found

Ikki upset: I know but brother how long do you think we can stay that way?! *keeps walking that way and slowly walks away from dreimer while still talking*

Koneki worried: *approaches next to dreimer* could you tell us what happened? Why are we here?

Yui: I would also appreciate knowing knowing about doing that trick I get a little dizzy *it's approaching the left side of koneki* also what makes the ikki so worried?

Haruna: well in the window I saw the two idiots we defeated and ikki was afraid of one who looked like her leader *approaches along with shiro* but if I leave it that way it is because that person is on another level

Shiro: I have a bad feeling to see it like this

Dreimer: well you just need to let out all your doubts to be able to think clearly

Haruna: well relied on that

Dreimer: well I think it's time for me to guide them *he approaches ikki and takes him by the shoulder* hey little cat the important thing is that we are safe and sound then because you do not better relax a little from this cookie *he hands him the cookie and moves away a little*

Ikki worried: you know brother I'll take the word *eat the cookie and slowly lie on the floor falling asleep*

Dreimer: *cover it with your cape and sit on the floor* very well girls if we want to move forward at this time I want you to listen to me carefully

Haruna: well I can't say no to the demon who dominates the god *sits on the ground*

Yui: in the same way you would have forced us so 11that I accept this act of peace *sit on the ground* although if I am afraid to see that I do not hesitate to give him something like this

Shiro: you know I have a hunch that doing this will be tradition.

Koneki smiling: I admit I have some intrigue for what you'll tell us

Dreimer: very well first the reason why that feline is asleep is because in all the time he was with you I avoid sleeping and second from now on you need to train more in the handling of your rings and in how to use your powers without them

Haruna: I would like you to clarify why you have not slept if I can check that if

Dreimer: ikki doesn't trust new people much and even though he can hide it better than I always see how his lack of rest affects in battle so once he wakes up keep in mind that they should make him feel more comfortable and confident so he can think more calmly

Koneki: okay but on the other hand how are we going to train our powers without the rings?

Dreimer: their rings have the ability to completely release all their power but if they do not know how to control it then they will not be able to unleash all the potential they carry so I will start with those workouts

While ikki continued to sleep peacefully on the ground while being watched from afar by seleni and andry the others were preparing for his warm-ups, haruna had to use his electricity to recharge about 10 batteries without destroying them or overcharging them, yui had to lift with his mind all the moisture from the ground and create three figures of a tree without losing concentration, koneki had to light a small flame on each of his fingers, shiro cover his body with ice and keep it as he runs around. At first these workouts were complicated for them but after a couple of hours they were able to master it at a good pace but at that time dreimer increased the difficulty. She gave haruna special batteries so that she could not charge them with small amounts causing the process to destroy a few of them, yui had to over-strive as dreimer with a bucket of water began to expand the wet area that she had making her bleed her nose a little although she still did not lose concentration, he convinced shiro to run around koneki who not only had to keep the flames of his fingers also had to cover his entire body with small flames and shiro had to keep his field frozen. After that it took them many hours of practice to at least do moderately well while Andry and Seleni fell asleep next to ikki who was unconsciously transformed with their cat's prayers and tail. They ended up very tired and failed to complete their challenges very well. And at that moment dreimer takes each of his rings and keeps them in a coffee bag, ikki ends up getting up very relaxed and happy

Ikki cat smiling: hahahaha I already needed a little bit of that *does several stretches while approaching dreimer* you know sometimes it bothers me that you do this kind of thing but I forget it when you achieve these results ... and why are the girls tired on the ground?

Dreimer: well you needed to have all the support from them so I went ahead to make them strong and I can say that if they are worth the time invested

Haruna exhausted: you'll see... cheat...

Shiro exhausted: I don't feel... the... legs

Ikki cat: well I think I can take care of your seleni from here and give it all your attention

Dreimer: *approaches ikki's ear* when they can get up tell them that their rings fell off and that they should look for them if they want to use them again *approaches seleni and picks up his cape from the ground to put it back on*

Ikki cat: cruel but fair and defiant meow

Koneki exhausted: it hurts... all

Yui: I don't think we should...*he wipes his nose with his right hand that was very red and irritated by the blood that came down* angering him for the sake of our lives

Ikki cat: well here is information that helps thanks to having their rings on their human body gets a resistance to everything they receive and thanks to this they must only endure the pain since they can not lose members of their bodies or be pierced or and also they must only stay still for a few seconds so that their body assimilates the damage and heal

Haruna: *stands up and dusts off his clothes* well that makes it clear to me that he's still fine after so many blows but then how dark could he get through me with that golden knife?

Dark: *becomes visible and approaches haruna* is a dagger that in turn is a cursed treasure the only thing in this universe capable of killing or torturing a god

Shiro nervous: that relaxes me in a certain way *he gets up from the ground and realizes that his ring is not there* it's good to know that but where is my ring?

Koneki: I don't have mine either

Yui: I'm the same

Haruna: well I also lost it but look at the good side we no longer need them to keep clothes or eye color

Ikki cat: sonare repetitive but as I had told them before the more they use their powers constantly they can manipulate part of it without the help of the rings

Koneki: well now we just need to know how to stop having these clothes

Haruna smiling: three steps forward small flame *a light covers her body and her clothes disappear completely staying naked but still kept her eyes yellow* go yes it's easier than I expected

Shiro embarrassed: *throws a big snowball into haruna* can you know why you did that?!

Koneki nervous: well after telling him that I think it was obvious that he would do it

Yui: *approaches ikki and covers her eyes* that you're not seeing that he's here

Haruna smiling: already close your mouth *get out of the snow and take it off your body while walking towards Ikki* what is your drama as if you had not seen yourself in a mirror it is also my body and I will decide when I show it or not but if it bothers you can close your eyes or look the other way

Ikki cat: you know the most curious thing about this is that you don't have cold after being covered by snow

Yui: don't feed your ego

Haruna: it can be because of my electricity or I'm just hot

Ikki cat: whatever the answer they should look for their rings if they want to rest because now they have a little of their power but it is temporary

Yui disgusted: well with that said I will do it so as not to lose my clothes now *takes her hands off ikki's eyes and walks away while looking for her ring*

Ikki cat: go in a certain way is tender but that does not take away the erotic a breast that although it is not large is well developed and well-defined hips * stare at haruna * well already in my mind you looked good and now I'm quite happy that you are actually more beautiful

Haruna smiling: as much as I want to stick with this I'll get red if you keep saying those things so *her battle clothes pop back and walk away* but I admit I wouldn't mind doing it with you alone alone

Shiro nervous: staying naked... don't think that *it's thrown to the ground and starts to feel the grass* let's be around please rings where did they fall?

Koneki: I help you *try to help shiro but end up burning much of the grass around him* sorry, sorry, sorry

Ikki cat: good girls I must do some things so have fun *it's coming to where it's dreimer* what a good way to relax lol

the girls were looking around but haruna was trying to use her power to be able to increase her speed but after trying twice her black sneakers disappeared and she preferred to keep looking, yui found nothing and the purple color of her hair disappeared leaving her very worried, koneki burned everything she touched so shiro put snow on her hands but in doing so her vest disappeared leaving her very nervous and immobile in the floor while koneki only has the red color removed from his eyes, dreimer keeps looking at his tablet while ikki plays with seleni to catch andry. After about two hours the girls were unsuccessful and each one was hidden as she didn't have enough clothes to cover herself, haruna just kept her cap, yui with her shoes, shiro with her skirt and koneki had nothing. Ikki was looking for them for fun making them despair more and more until they managed to meet koneki who was behind a tree and although it was for only a second koneki took a big leap back and a light covered her body and got her ring and her clothes back. The others could see this and quickly came out of hiding and threw themselves towards ikki and the light returned their rings and clothes.

Ikki cat: congratulations girls met the final part of training

Shiro smiling: that means that *he takes off his ring and throws it away but the ring comes back quickly and goes back to its place* I think we should stop doing workouts like that.

Dreimer: *gets closer to others* maybe they passed but from now on they have more ways to defend themselves and grow and since there is no activity on earth we will take the time to improve

Ikki cat: that time will be two months as their bodies adapt very quickly so rest and we will continue afterwards

Ikki creates a very large wooden house with rooms for each other and with two bathrooms after eating, living together and relaxing everyone entered the house to sleep but the girls left it when the others were asleep to have a secret meeting. Once outside they all form a circle and leave their rings in the center

Shiro quietly: I know it sounded stupid at this point but are any of us hesitant to do this?

Yui quietly: at first I'm scared to think about the danger of this but after seeing me today I'm willing to continue in this environment

Koneki quietly: I made very bad changes in my life and I didn't feel comfortable and calm so I too will continue to help ikki with whatever she wants

Haruna quietly: well my reason is very simple I always get to suffer and tire on my day to day but I could never maintain this kind of atmosphere or people so I will be here as far as I allow ikki

shiro quietly: well we are together thanks to him and I really want to keep that and that's why I'll tell you about how it was that I felt the power of the ring *breathe deeply* once you have it you feel like an absolute freedom and when you wear it I can be in such a beautiful moment with myself and be very comfortable but by letting myself carry that feeling I dominate when I'm scared to lose again and then in the second time I try to consume myself and I think if I had not been stopped I think it would only be a body without will

Koneki quietly: I felt a little the same but for me it was more like a second air

Yui quietly: all I feel is an overload in my mind and that I have not yet reached the peak like you

Haruna quietly: well I really just start to feel a great mountain of happiness followed by a huge desire to do everything at my fingertips

Shiro quietly: with that clarified I hope to count on you to achieve great powers at our disposal and who knows how to overcome ikki

Haruna quietly: hey it's good to have faith but we're talking about a super powerful god who has great dominance in a fight

Mari quietly: I support haruna the apart from being a beautiful is too difficult as challenge

Haruna nervous quietly: although I can stop my scares enserio is hurting my heart right now

That little meeting about the future and decision of all ends with big smiles and a very healthy environment but naturally these moments are only appreciated when a storm ends. After two months of continuous training the girls were in a great advance easily overcoming the challenges that dreimer left them and you could notice a great growth in this time but still the girls decided to try something more risky. shiro was inside one of koneki's volcanoes trying to stay in a frozen state all over his body inside while koneki surrounds himself with several fireballs and manipulates them in the air at the same time, yui accumulated a lot of water throwing it on top of him causing him to transform his matter into water but for the moment he has only managed to turn his feet and arms, haruna concentrated his energy two of his left fingers to then launch a powerful and destructive beam and once leaving a trail of chaos uses that same energy to boost his body and increase his speed and performance, dreimer was sitting under a tree with his tablet keeping abrezed of what happened on earth so far and in it he continued to collect all the information of what is currently happening in the city and on his left side he had a small notebook that had a crimson flower on the cover, andry was jogging in circles while seleni had a stopwatch and every time andry gave a comeback she told him that he had to go slower, in a small place ikki is sitting and meditating on the ground and with his eyes closed deep respite and several types of flowers began to sprout around the the

Ikki smiling: well I could recover completely and also I already have a plan for zaquiel

Dark: I'll be honest with you it's good to be able to sleep with more time now and stop watching them every night

Ikki: I know and sorry for that but you know I'm cautious to the point of sometimes affecting me that way although I'm glad you're calmer

Dark: it may be but I still feel how on earth the negativity continues to increase very quickly and I am curious since dreimer says that after the zaquiel there have been no comments or events to respect

Ikki: then you have to be careful to come back as a certain person goes crazy when he is exposed to that *stands up and approaches dreimer* however we will fix our problem once and for all.

Dreimer: *stare at your tablet*again talking only? Maybe you've already forgotten what the psychologist tell you that it's bad to keep that.

Ikki smiling: well if my madness comes to affect your well-being you have the right to stop me bro although you could also use those magic cookies

Dreimer: I know that but they are for crucial moments like helping the feline to stay healthy mentally but well look at this humans do not stop amazing me with how easy it is to make him face each other

Ikki: a reality that so far bothers me too but let's see what happens this time *look at the dreimer tablet*

On the tablet you could see that in the city everything seemed to be calm but you could see that some humans had certain cursed treasures hidden and you could also see the participation of the red balaclavas taking more vagabonds in their vans. In the news they were very found with their opinions since a video had been shown from a very close perspective at the right time when zaquiel was presented in front of ikki, many of the reports are debated between whether to take that video enserio or just ignore it, it approaches the seleni tablet and by putting the most relevant comments you can have better way to know what happens as a few examples had several videos of people trying to prove that ikki was a fictitious act and in others defending its existence

Ikki: it's very hard to believe this especially when I look in the mirror and say how can I be so handsome and beautiful?

Dreimer: the videos and opinions started before when people knew what you existed and some distrust you since the only one who knows about you is Victor and now with that video people stop seeing you as a show and now if you think you are a very dangerous being

Ikki: that makes sense but just when I made the deal with him that was the condition he decided but now that humans are focused on that they are more likely to ignore the kidnappings of people on the streets.

Seleni: I know that maybe I don't understand all this well, but wouldn't it be better if you're the one who clarifies things?

Dreimer: it wouldn't be bad but while we're looking for that goal we should go see Victor maybe he knows more about how to fix this issue *take out of his cape a pack of dinosaur-shaped gums* you had a good idea here you have

Seleni smiling: thank you very much little brother *takes the package and goes with the girls to share it*

Ikki: I know you have a more realistic plan than that truth bro

Dark: we are in the crosshairs of any false move and we will have to fight

Dreimer: she shows me other fields for my plans and in which I have needs to bring Victor and I read here to have life insurance on earth although putting it into words is quite fanciful

Ikki: bringing them could be dangerous since we do not know how he found the house so because we do not better personally go to talk to them

Dreimer: very well we will go but I do not know how you will make them not go out on the field yet

Ikki: I have an effective way that thanks to my mentally relaxed came up with the thought of

Dreimer: I'm going to prepare one of my stamps for the way *save your tablet in your layer*

Ikki: I can secure the door for them

Dreimer pulls out of his layer a piece of cardboard that he puts on the ground and with a test tube draws a very large circle followed by a triangle inside this and in the center of it all begins to make two spirals on top of each other. Ikki reunites with the others and andry stops training to get closer to them

Ikki: well dreimer girls and I will have to make a little old returned to earth so you will stay here while we are not therefore I will meet you with the physical test you wanted

Haruna smiling: let's go kitten do you think we can't fight yet? What's the point of training if we don't have our field test

Yui: support haruna in this what do you plan?

Ikki smiling: giving them details would ruin the surprise so it will be better for them to demonstrate with actions if they are worth fighting again *gets on guard*

Shiro: well in that has a very good point *sigh* I guess it's time to face it properly

Yui: if there is no real challenge we will not be able to stand on our own

Koneki: of course! That's right but we just omit the fact that we could die if ikki gets too excited.

Haruna smiling: hahahaha I would never deny that but we talk about ikki maybe it will bring us back to life although I hope it doesn't take too long to give up ikki

Ikki smiling: I keep hearing empty words! come on who will be the first to die I mean the first to try

Andry: I'd better help dreimer with what he does before flying out of here *takes seleni's hand and takes her with dreimer*

Seleni smiling: hehehe *gets behind dreimer* I want to use neither little brother as a shield!

Dreimer: sorry andry you will have to save yourself I can only assure three beings of my life

Andry: you've been with ikki for a long time sure there's nothing to avoid being in the crossfire

Dreimer: quiet ikki has everything controlled so you will be fine but if you see that the thing gets ugly you can run

Andry nervous: was that supposed to calm me down?

Seleni smiling: little brother shield! Little brother shield! Little brother!

Dreimer smiling: come on my dragon get a little further back

Dreimer finishes the drawing and puts it behind the a seleni while Andry got behind the tree somewhat nervous but excited about what was going to happen. They are all determined and you could tell how excited they were at the time but the first to get in front of ikki is shiro who apparently was somewhat dubious but instantly gets on guard. The others backed down respecting shiro's decision

Haruna excited: if you die I will stay with the kitten!

Koneki smiling: show him what you can do shiro!

Yui: lol, make a feline snowman with it!

Both were ready although they had the same idea of waiting for the other but after a few seconds shiro slightly raises his right hand causing several pillars of ice to come out of ikki's feet through him and leaving him motionless. He tries to break them but the ice begins to spread through his legs and in a blink shiro begins to blow hard a large blizzard of snow covering ikki up to his waist, he fails to get out of there and the snow begins to hit him with arms formed around him forcing him to stay in that place. She quickly approaches him while her left hand creates a snowball at high speed and hits ikki's head with great force letting more snow fall on him but he disappears and without her being able to answer ikki taking a leg and crashing it against the ground leaving a huge crater on the ground. After the dust faded shiro was concentrating his ice on his skin covering himself with dry and resistant ice causing ikki's hand to freeze instantly and before he could get out she creates with her right hand a huge amount of small ice needles that end up causing him to back off

Shiro smiling: *takes a step back and concentrates his ice in his arms* sorry kitten but it won't be easy for you to beat me

Ikki injured: good start but *recovers the posture and bumps his fists* you still do not have a good blow

He disappears again leaving her on guard while moving around but in an instant appears in front of her giving her a great blow in the abdomen that managed to make several cracks to his ice armor but before falling crosses his chest with both arms filling it with snow and with his blizzard sends him to fly making her fall to the ground on her knees and with little air. Ikki recomposes and regenerates very quickly and throws himself towards her but her whole body ends up falling to the ground very intensely. All the snowflakes I had on and inside if they turned to ice instantly making a huge weight on it and burning much of it inside. Shiro in doing this loses the ice armor that protected her and tries to stand up while ikki with a big smile gets up from an upward impulse and teleports behind her by giving her several blows to the face and a kick to her chest leaving her almost unconscious. Before she could respond he continued to hit her on the body and with his right pricl he lifts her up in the air he joins his two hands and with a monstrous force hits her making her fall with great intensity against the ground. Shiro is knocked unconscious on the ground and his ice disappears from ikki's body the others were very surprised by the fight but were still determined to try

Ikki: *regenerates the whole body and moves away a little from shiro's body* I admit he had a good plan but there's no point in holding an enemy if they can't hurt him *gets on guard* next!

Haruna smiling: well I think it's my duty to avenge his death in battle

Ikki: I got a little excited but after a while it will be like new

Koneki pulls shiro off the ground by holding her on her back and crodges down to pick up her ring that had fallen off and puts her next to the tree where andry was once she returned away along with yui to be spectators. Haruna surrounds his body with his electricity while ikki continued to keep his guard and in an instant is hit in the face by Haruna who sends him to fly far away leaving a trail on the ground. She takes a big leap towards him and in a few seconds arrives and paddles with several consecutive blows and great speed against the ground. He could barely cover himself from a few blows but ends up teleporting back to where they were to recover. She begins to run towards him with great speed while several rays fell on her. Ikki transformed into a cat and covered her body with her blue flames and at the right moment of the mutual impact of both and a big explosion pushes back quite a bit to haruna while ikki was still standing and without any scratches

Ikki cat smiling: I see you're dangerous! I truly believed I could die!

Haruna smiling: thank you but my goal is bigger than that!

Three rays in a row fall on her and activate her goddess mode causing her to dazzle with a rather glowing light. Ikki covered her puno with her blue flames and teleports in front of her and throws a blow at her head but she dodges him and responds with three blows to the abdomen with surprising speed and with lightning coming out of her right hand pushes ikki back as she continues to electrocute him. Little by little I try to get up but she kept sending a lot of electricity and threw herself several times to hit all over her body making every time she jumped on the ground as an impulse to hit her blows increased her speed and power. Ikki's entire body was full of bruises but just before I hit him in the face Ikki held her head and hit her with three continuous knees and while she was stunned against attacks with several accurate blows to her arms and legs. Haruna held them and began to keep up with ikki with a hand-to-hand but several blue fireballs began to come out of him. Ikki with direct blow to haruna's chest managed to stop her for a few seconds and her fireballs hit the pair in the same place leaving her barely on her feet and before she could give her the final blow she manages to dodge him and throws six rays at him but after that she ends up slumped on the ground. He was quite hurt and had a hard time breathing but he was still standing firm and on guard.

Ikki injured cat: well you earned it... you managed to put me on the verge of death I admit but I think you need to learn more about self-control so you don't get exhausted in full combat *it transforms*

Haruna very hurt: I told you... although I would like to use my fingers now but someone made sure... that I can't even move my head but I admit I feel very relaxed now

Andry with his speed lifts Haruna off the ground and puts it next to shiro who was still unconscious and with his ring on the right side of his leg while Haruna could not move me but his ring at no time was released. Yui tries to take the first step but it is Koneki who backs off and allows him to fight first. Yui gets nervous about ikki's state but he quickly regenerates all his wounds but his bruises were still very visible.

Ikki: well *she fits her gloves and stares at yui* are you ready?

Yui: *makes a sphere of water appear in his left hand* when you are

Ikki: something predictable but gives the same effect

Yui: *snap your fingers and several jets of water started to come out of the ground* then I'll buy you first aid

Ikki gave him a strong footstep to the ground with his right leg causing a concrete wall to appear in front of him that manages to retain several of those jets but still managed to get through him and injure his face and one of his eyes. Yui directs his right hand towards ikki and begins to make several cuts on his legs with the little blood that came out. He kneels on the ground and lifts the stone wall and throws it at yui quickly. She pointed her finger at the wall and with a snap shot managed to get through her and with several jets from the ground ended up destroying her completely but ikki had lost her sight and used her water to cover her entire body with a large current to stay on guard. He appears in front of her and throws three blue fireballs but they fail to break her defense and at that moment manages to catch him in a sphere of water

Yui: I must admit it *wields both hands and reduces the sphere quite a bit* I didn't expect it to work

Ikki: you know I appreciate you letting me catch my breath *give an accurate blow on the dial causing yui to lose my balance*

Yui began to squeeze both hands harder causing the sphere to shrink rapidly but she stopped with her body and was managing to make it bigger allowing her to pierce the water sphere with her right hand. Yui began to accumulate more water in the sphere and before she could cover ikki's hand she wields herself tightly making several stones appear at her feet and with a small movement manages to push towards the ground where she ends up falling and causing the sphere to disappear. The sin instantly uses that same stones to attract her quickly and before colliding hits her in the face leaving her on the ground. Yui tried to get up but his nose began to bleed and after cleaning himself he walks to the tree where the others rest.

Ikki smiling: well played water fountain you had a good plan but you need more tricks to make it a big defeat

Yui: maybe but I'm still unable to use that goddess power so let's say on another occasion if I win

Ikki: what you say in the same way I only respect the facts

Yui frustrated: anyway *sits on the floor next to haruna* I'm too weak

Haruna sore: at least you're still walking... I'm really assimilating how really strong that beautiful and sexy kitten is.

Dreimer: well since the first fight missed the term train know also that enserio I want to make the recognition today

Seleni: lol *approaches shiro and starts playing with his red jumpsuit* she is the one who but notice has not even open her eyes *holds shiro's head and puts it on his legs while stroking his hair* although she is very cute while sleeping

Andry smiling: that was a great show

Dreimer: and still missing koneki although I think I know how to finish this so I will open the porta while

Ikki: *stretches the body a little and regenerates the cuts it had* come on koneki I know very well that of all you are the most difficult to make fall

Koneki: *take a deep breath* I have the goal of at least putting up with your cat state *little flames come out of her feet and hands making her fly a little* so I hope you can still stand

Ikki smiling: I like the challenge although I must say that you do have faith in yourself

Koneki makes several fireballs appear behind her while her body is engulfed in flames and her hair was more radiant. In this small instant ikki threw himself towards her with a single impulse on the ground and just before he touched her she counterattacked with an accurate blow to her abdomen followed by two fireballs that burned him and pushed him far away taking him to the ground and causing him to cross several mountains around but ikki teleports behind her and manages to hold his right leg. She lifts his leg and manages to raise it a little and with both fists hits him in the chest and propels himself with his fire to fly out while burning him. He desperately hits her non-stop on his sword with both hands but she kept flying very fast until she rose upwards and in one turn gave another downward impulse managing to slam ikki into the ground creating a very huge crater. She flies out of there while ikki comes out of a jump and you can see how her entire torso was with third degree burns and how her hands were losing their skin. He teleports in the head and jettapes her as he hits her three consecutive times with his right fist creating a few large waves of shocks but koneki wasn't far behind and with a lot of fire in his right hand he responds in the same way causing the two to not stop hitting each other. The waves caused Andry to rise a bit and while Seleni clung to Shiro so as not to fly away just like Yui held haruna towards the tree to avoid them. Dreimer pulls an emerald out of his cloak and contains them in a force field. Koneki with several bruises on his face manages to propel his right fist with his flames and manage to get ikki off his back leaving him badly injured and burning on the ground. He gets back up and regenerates his hands completely and lunges at her which also responds to him creating another very strong shock wave that separates them to the limit of the force field. They both get back up but take some air before attacking and at that moment ikki transforms into a cat and little by little her blue flames heal her burns while koneki uses her goddess power making her grow a little physically while her fireballs are concentrated in her arms. They do not wait a second and begin to hit each other non-stop causing the force field to be destroyed at the first crash. Dreimer quickly gets in front of the others to throw three more emeralds to the ground and create three force fields. The blows are very intense and neither of them gives way causing one of the force fields to break completely while still determined to beat the other. Koneki holds ikki's hands and manages to give her a knee in the abdomen but he uses this moment and with enormous force he crashes his head against koneki's leaving her stunned allowing her to remeter with several blows all over her body forcing her to just block with her fire but ikki breaks one of her arms and with the impulse sends her to fly she tries to recompose herself but he concentrates his blue flames by his whole body and a great blue glow covered the sky causing another force field to break completely. She is still determined and makes several huge volcanoes behind her as she heals her arms a bit to stay on guard while in front of her was ikki approaching at an amazing speed and just with was about to come into contact the shock wave was huge causing the other force field to break and send andry flying. yui and haruna as dreimer managed to cover shiro and seleni with his cape. After the dust and earth dissipated it was possible to see how all the volcanoes were destroyed and his lava scattered in one direction while koneki had his whole body full of wounds and his legs were completely broken but he still maintained his position while ikki had his entire right arm badly wounded. He decided to transform and return to the portal while regenerating his arms but koneki was unconscious in that place. Andry returned in a blink with yui and haruna on his back to then leave and be amazed at that battle

Haruna smiling: that girl is strong *stretches her body a little and will make herself to the tree*

Yui: * approaches koneki and tries to move her apero was in a pretty hard mode* the good thing is that she is alive but the bad thing is that I can't even move her from here

Ikki: well with that resolved I will go with dreimer to the earth while you stay here

Dreimer: but as they already completed their training with their powers they start with the physique *pours some blood into the engraving and a green portal comes out appears*

Haruna: I think we all know that we lost that with several defeats and with one on the verge of the end.

Shiro disoriented: thanks... by the support *slowly rises from the ground* but I still understand it I still hear his blows

Dreimer: they passed the hold but now they must learn to heal without help *take out of their layer a small woven bag* rings to me! *the rings of all end up getting into the bag* ready we'll see you later *quickly enter the portal*

Shiro collapses on the ground again losing her awareness as well as yui while Haruna just falls kneeling to the ground very sore and koneki managed to wake up but also collapses on the ground. Seleni begins to take shiro and brings her closer to the tree and so on with the others while ikki takes a deep breath and hands andry a phone before crossing the portal. The place they arrived was a warehouse that had several items of advanced technology and some medieval, dreimer was taking some stamps and other gadgets while ikki when leaving the portal opens a door that was on the ceiling reaching the house that was empty but quickly went to the kitchen and takes some juice from dwelling that he had hidden with other things. But in his instant I looked out the window with caution and watched as a police force had an armed base outside the house. Dreimer also comes out that door on the floor and with one of his seals passes his index finger with a little blood and activates with a reddish glow then sticks it on the sword to ikki making it disappear then does the same as well ending up both in a closet of general toilet tools

Ikki smiling: hey don't you think what happened to the blow?

Dreimer: I don't remember *stick another stamp on his clothes changing it for a black business suit and with a garter of hair he makes a ponytail and his color tone changes to a black color* the important thing is that we are already at the first stop

Ikki smiling: the smell of good food confirms it to me *change the color of her hair to one of black tone and her eyes of a brown tone* let's go out before creating a misunderstanding

Both leave the room meeting in the kitchen of leo's restaurant, a few minutes later they finished checking the whole restaurant take different ways to go out and tour the city although little they could find since it was night and the streets were very lonely, dreimer entered some bars that are still open to look for people who had cursed treasures while ikki approached the alleys and some corners in search of the strange drug they give to vagrants. A couple of hours later the two ended up meeting again in front of leo's restaurant.

Ikki (civilian): all I have is one of those half-bitten drugs and a few death threats from some vagrants

Dreimer (civilian): people still don't know what a cursed treasure is but I saw that some who carried them were ignorant that it was

Ikki (civil): well at least nothing important happens in the city so we have to go see Victor to know what decisions will be made with this *snaps his fingers and they both end up getting to the room that was very messy and with several papers on the tables and on the floor* it looks like he was decorating

The place was a somewhat small apartment with a window covered by a purple savannah and with several tables where a few laptops were, a closet of something small white, a bed with only a large pillow and was groomed and well elegant, dreimer took out a small seat that was under the bed while ikki wrote on her phone and lies in the closet, little after a few minutes Victor enters wearing a gray sweatshirt and with a white T-shirt and in his hands he had even more papers that ends up throwing them on the ground then takes out of a small refrigerator two cups of chocolate

Dreimer (civilian): in a way I expected that place to be worse but it makes it clear to me that it was occupied

Victor: thank you really effort to reach a new personal brand *gives both of them the chocolate cup and takes your chair off the desk with a laptop* I'm glad to know that they are well since they left me a lot of work and so far I can assure you that we have the advantage

Dreimer (civilian): according to your last report you managed to make people unable to agree and make them ignore the problem

Victor smiling: well fu easy since there was someone who took a video of when you left and the next day this video went viral *flips the laptop towards them and you can see zaquiel in his gold armor next to the man and woman in red balaclavas* that subject who calls himself zaquiel published this video of his rare sect that invites people to join or not get in the way of their way with a link to their page where the information they have is quite real that has managed to be put under government investigation

Ikki (civilian): so if he gained the government's attention and technically makes it clear that he's someone dangerous *takes a sip of his chocolate* how did you manage to get people to ignore him?

Victor: good in these two months I was able to gather enough people to create an opinion against what you see *puts another page that is titled no more hoaxes* these people create a huge controversy since the information they have has more data that put the government as they just want to wash their hands and justify the large amounts of tax on reparations so they are in two positions one in those who believe in what they saw and that you are a divine being and another who thinks it is a form of government to explain the high taxes on reparations

Dreimer (civilian): well we could say that it is a fight of who is right but are only those two positions currently?

Victor: I can assure you since I am in charge of updating the information of beloved pages since I am the creator of these but this occurred to me with the videos that are on the networks although in the conditions that I am alone can make some changes so that it follows that atmosphere of war

Ikki (civil): I have in mind a great place for you to have better management of the internet but before you take away, do you still perfect your skill? *finish drinking your chocolate*

Victor: these months served me for that too but in the same way I continue with the small detail of fainting as soon as the information surpassing me *puts the laptop back on a nearby table*

Dreimer (civilian): just to remember what was the deal you made with ikki?

Victor: well what I can remember is that I asked him to have the ability to get all kinds of information in the world and he asked me to be a great support with his image in the rest of the world

Ikki (civilian): for that moment he just wanted to dedicate himself to his career as a journalist and to run into this feline that he could get it *leave the cup on a table on some papers* but there will be time for that before I need you to complete part of my plan to get rid of zaquiel so get ready to be in one of the safest places in the world

He snaps his fingers and takes them to a very wide but dark place with some quite advanced or out of working artifacts Victor begins to vomit due to the trip while dreimer turns on the lights and you can see that the site turned out to be a very advanced laboratory and with several servers and computers, ikki approaches a panel where he puts his hand and the whole laboratory is put into operation, dreimer after helping Victor sits him on the central computer and closes his eyes and puts his right hand on the keyboard and after a second a white glow begins to travel his arm to reach his head and after that manages to handle the computer to the maximum managing to open the information and functions you needed

Victor smiling: go the scientist who did this is astonishment since literally this allows me to be the one who decides what information circulates in the global network with this not only the pages will be my source of disturbances but that any device that transmits something will put what I decide

Ikki smiling (civilian): I told you the technology of this place would amaze many although you will have to get used to living here as it is not safe to return

Dreimer (civil): I think the same since this place belongs to a well-known something paranoid and unstable

One of the floodgates opens and a robotic voice is activated and says "welcome back sir gaves" and just at that moment ikki and dreimer approached and saw like a man with a thin body, with a black pants, some black boots, an orange T-shirt, a lab coat, glasses with yellow frame, brown hair and black eyes. This subject enters with both hands on his back and after a few seconds claps twice activating a robotic hands that subdue Victor, ikki quickly destroys them while dreimer stands in front of him

???: you know when you're in a major experiment you never expect someone to come into your home and use your stuff with such passion.

Dreimer (civilian): we have two ways to solve this and I know very well that with the team of this place you will not be able to defend yourself very well from both at the same time

Victor nervous: impossible is supposed that in you records you are dead

???: go you never know you can get a reporter with guts *he approaches ikki and cleans his glasses with a handkerchief* the name you heard from my artificial assistant is an old code but for now call me lex *put his glasses back on and cross his arms* so your vacation ended ikki I guess making me come is because you want some human support

Ikki (civilian): well before that *approaches Victor* victor he is lex one of the great human allies we have and lex this man may be of interest in your investigations

Victor: hello I know that I can seem little thing but it was not easy to continue his work after his death and manage to enjoy several of his theses *extends his hand*

Lex: *accept your handshake* rest assured you have my respect for now as only I have been able to use that computer and you managed to use them in a few minutes

Dreimer (civilian): to make the short story he made a deal with ikki thus obtaining a skill that you can enhance quite a few

Ikki (civil): well I know that you will have enough time to catch up so I ask you to maintain my existence in this city and that no media can check in other countries that success and lex maybe we need your technology for later

Lex: I can do it without problems but as I see the case that later is zaquiel truth because as much as I am a man who is far from conflict I have the instinct to tell you that the yes that represents a risk of death for you

Ikki (civil) I have it very present friend but remember that since you know me I always face the responsibility of taking care of my life so I assure you that I have a plan to make it go back

Lex: that won't be enough to stop him plus you and dreimer alone couldn't with a direct fight or defend against one.

Dreimer (civilian): I also raised those cases and in this time I managed to find the way above all in addition now we have four factors that will give us a victory in this war

Civil Ikki: so have fun and remember to do it very well *snaps your fingers and disappears along with dreimer*

Lex: that's not what worries me the most *he comes over to the computer and checks some file folders* as ikki gave you the vote of confidence I'll tell you before this year started I was the only human who had a chance of hurting ikki but with the arrival of this being I was crowned as the only human capable of killing him

Victor: he may not be very smart but I can't believe he's human because good seeing those silver eyes leaves me pretty doubtful

Lex: I can tell you that it's just a human who possesses cursed treasures but still manages to be more dangerous than ikki which makes me feel the need to counteract that difference

Victor: *put your right hand on your shoulder* you just tell me you need me to know to help you and I will do the rest to help ikki

Lex smiling: you'd better have that well-trained skill

Both set to work as a collaborative team using a bit of the advanced technology lex possessed as Victor with his skill managed to use the machines very well and lex managed to use his ingenuity to build and while looking for a way to hide ikki and give him an advantage over zaquiel. Meanwhile in the city was already dawning and you could see several people going to their jobs and opening their premises, both mix with people going unnoticed but one moment three men in black suits and red balaclavas put on in the center of the city and several members began to go out and do the same. Ikki climbs on the rooftops while dreimer watches from the alleys but after a few minutes the police arrive to disperse them from the place although they do not follow the officer's orders causing more members to appear and join. Dreimer had a three-hand seal ready while ikki took off his civilian mode by covering himself in the ceilings around but surprisingly a golden bullet passes down his cheek leaving him with a clean cut. Those seconds down to an alley while his wound healed very slowly. Dreimer was managing to get close to them but is forced to retreat due to the numerical overcoming hiding behind a local that was just opening while ikki manages to get close to them, but that moment comes out of the middle of all futanaki who had in his hand a wooden staff with a blue orb on the tip and after some members joined she was speaking in another language and then throwing a red humor that attracted several people to them and gave them the drug to force them to join them. Ikki put his hand on the ground and created a concrete fence preventing them from passing while dreimer drove away disoriented people by protecting them with black caps

Futanaki: just when I read my hand this day I told myself that I would see a cute kitten *use his cane to get up and out of the fence* but you don't think you left me very abandoned these months

Ikki: sometimes you need to think important things in between *she comes out of hiding and gets on guard in front of her* the bad thing is that of all the people you are the one who I least wanted to see

Futanaki: hey I know you don't see my face right now because it breaks my heart to hear that *a circle with several black prints comes out behind it* even if that didn't stop me from having to meet my goal today

ella golpe el suelo con su bastón creando otro circulo de color morado creando a varias copias de ella misma y al ver esto ikki trata de alejarse del rango del circulo pero esquiva varias balas que le caen desde una gran altura viendo como en cada edificio de la zona estaban aquellas personas con pasamontañas rojo armados con francotiradores, las copias le lanzan varias bolas de fuego haciendo cada vez más difícil responder a los ataques hasta que dos de esas bolas de fuego golpearon su cara y su pecho pero no le causaron ninguna herida mayor, luego futanaki dirige su bastón hacia ikki y con algunas palabras en otro idioma lanza un conjuro que lo persigue pero el usa sus llamas azules para protegerse y para destruir a todas las copias de ella mientras que dreimer se encontraba en los techos neutralizando a cada uno de los francotiradores, solo quedaba ella y ikki tenía la ventaja pero en ese momento comienzo a perder la vista en su ojo izquierdo y de forma repentina comenzó a sangrar por los oídos dejándolo aturdido, futanaki deja caer al suelo tres cristales morados que al romperse salen de ellos una enorme cantidad de negatividad que rápidamente es atraída por ikki y es absorbida por el provocando que termine perdiendo el control y crea una onda de choque que destruye toda esa zona en cuestión de segundos y después de ello futanaki atrae a las personas del alrededor nuevamente mientras desaparece en la multitud, dreimer trata de ir a ayudar a ikki pero al acercarse sus ojos cambiaron por unos segundos a un tono muy rojizo y se apartó por instinto dejando a ikki en el centro de todo, pero debido a este ambiente sus ojos y cabello se cambiaron a los tonos de dark pero el cuerpo tuvo un mayor cambio volviéndose más pálido y sus ojos estaba saliendo sangre como si fueran lágrimas, las personas estaban aterradas y muy asustadas con el aspecto de ikki y en su mente solo resonaba una voz que le decía "si deseas acabar conmigo ven y enfrentarme" y cuando trato de ver de quien era esa voz logro ver en la multitud a zaquiel, dark sin pensarlo se lanza hacia él y con solo su mano derecha sujeta a dark del cuello logrando darles el pánico suficiente para que todas las personas del lugar corrieran y gritaran desesperadamente mientras que más miembros de la secta de zaquiel se acercaban como un ejército y cada uno de ellos portaba una espada dorada, el intenta liberarse pero zaquiel lo estrella en el suelo y corta sus ojos con su espada, dark termina adsorbiendo mucha negatividad del ambiente y de los tesoros malditos logrando curarse rápido y combatir directamente a zaquiel, dreimer usa uno de sus sellos para regresar por ayuda mientras que dark salta sobre zaquiel y arremete contra él varios golpes pero ninguno de ellos logran hacerle daño y con una patada arroja a dark contra los escombros de algunos edificios, el invoca a varios esqueletos con armaduras a pelear mientras que hace aparecer sus dagas doradas pero zaquiel con un corte en el aire de su espada los elimina y corta un poco el hombro de dark haciendo que ambos se choquen directamente y tenga una pelea balanceada con sus armas ya que dark lograba esquiva muy rápidos las destocadas de zaquiel pero sus dagas no podían penetrar su armadura volviendo a someter en el suelo

Zaquiel: your mission in this demon and end demon and revealed your true nature and it is my duty to end any threat against humanity

Dark annoying: I only believe in the echo and as I see things *with his right leg manages to hit him and get him off the top* you will never manage to win without fighting damn *he gets on guard* so let's see who goes to hell first

Zaquiel: so predictable *gets up from the ground* I'm sure to finish you demon

Both beings return to face face leaving with them the expectation of the combat, what will be the final result of the encounter? What spell does futanaki cast on him to force dark out? Does Lex have the ability to hurt ikki even though he is human? Are the girls in condicting to face zaquiel?