
The boy's body was placed on the ground still covered by the veil. He never ceased to tremble, fear coursed through his veins and the Demon in front of him could smell it. A deadly silence reigned in the room. The Demon advanced with slow steps circled the victim and then stopped in front. He lowered himself more and more curious to discover what fine features the weeping figure might have under the veil.

- You must not be afraid, show yourself to me - Satan said quietly, but the whimpering increased and the grip on the veil became tighter and tighter. William's trembling hand unraveled from the purple fabric and to the Demon's eyes that skin seemed soft and smooth as the silk that enveloped his prey. He couldn't resist the temptation and so slowly reached out his hand towards William's, who instinctively withdrew it immediately. Satan without delay tore the purple cloth from the body of the chosen one with an angry snap. To his great surprise He found no girl under it, but a completely defenseless young man. Satan stood motionless in front of the crying boy, the bloodstained veil silently fell to the ground behind him. William didn't raise his head, he didn't dare look that monster in the eyes even by mistake. At that moment he was thinking only of his mother. After interminable moments, Satan recovered from his state of tranche managing to take his eyes off the little face. He tried to reason trying to figure out what he had to do with a lousy brat like the one in front of him. Such a small boy couldn't work and certainly he wouldn't become the new concubin of the King of the Underworld. He could have finished the job and then taken his life or had him brought back to the salon but that too would have meant taking his life. He thought and thought until a light bulb went on in his head. He figured having a little boy as a personal slave wouldn't be so bad; having a figure always at his side who did everything He was told brought a new level of superiority into Satan's swollen chest. Hence, He opted for the latter idea. - Tell me boy, how old are you? He asked, bowing to the boy who continued to cry with his head down. The Demon snorted at the absence of an immediate response. - Answer me - He ordered, but still no words. He moved closer in search of his gaze, the crying had stopped, his bedroom had fallen into a dead silence again and then a single blow straight into his chest. They both let out a groan; one for the effort and the other for the pain. William raised his head to look at his hand wrapping the dagger stuck in the hot flesh of the Devil. The two froze like statues, their breathing became heavy and both eyes shifted from the fatal blow to the figure in front. The eyes were on each other. William's crystalline blue was lost in Satan's complex black. The Demon stood up with difficulty, moved a few steps backwards, staggering a bit and thus removing the boy's hand from the handle.

- What did you do?! You... insignificant human! My heart! - He yelled. Observed by the human being, He fell to his knees with his head turned up and his eyes wide; and finally He curled up suffering coughing incomprehensible words until He collapsed dead to the ground. William realized what he had just done and an air of relief enveloped him, until he heard the deep laugh from the King of the Underworld. The crouched individual looked up, with a malicious smile He looked at the boy who immediately changed expression.

- But what did you think you were doing? - He asked, laughing bitterly. William couldn't find the words, he remained silent to watch the Demon who stood up with absurd ease. With his forefinger He went to the base of the blade stuck in his chest to use a few drops of the black liquid coming out of the lesion on his chest. He brought his finger to his full lips and kissed the drops of blood making them disappear down histhroat, then biting his lower lip.

- You know, this is also part of your mother's blood ... a rather delightful woman - He said in a whisper from the face of the boy unaware of the truth. Satan hadn't touched the owner of the purple veil, He just wanted to discourage his new servant more. William began to shed more tears, shortly thereafter he began to sob like a baby.

- You can't do anything to me, stupid. Do you know how many battles I've fought? And now get up -He ordered, but the boy didn't move a muscle.

- Get up, it will be better for you to do this if you don't want to see the flames in my eyes - nothing. Furiously He took a lock of his hair in his hand, forcing him to look up weeping. That scene: William's pleading gaze, tears in the corners of his eyes, his mouth ajar; that scene caused him a sensation unknown to him. They stood looking at each other for an indefinite period of time. And when Satan recovered from yet another trance phase, He came close to the boy's ear.

- Now you'll see - He whispered. The smallest looked at him more and more frightened. The Demon clapped his hands and with a cloud of smoke Elijah, the head of the servants, appeared.

- He called Sir? Oh my! His chest Sir!! - he exclaimed at the knife scene.

- I fell Elijah - He answered ironically -where is your dagger? - then He asked. The servant moved his jacket showing the weapon placed in its belt.

- Call the two who brought the boy here - He ordered. Elijah looked at him confused until He noticed the small figure at the foot of the bed.

- Where is the girl?! - he asked.

- She's flown away,Elija. Now call those two - ordered the Ruler and despite the strong sense of humor, the servant called the two slaves who had been assigned to carry that body away from the great hall.

The branded and bloodstained servants knelt before their Master. Elijah immediately checked if they had their daggers. The first was fine, the second a little less. Elijah stepped aside showing the King with the blade stuck in his chest the bare servant's belt. Therefore Satan approached the guilty, He perceived the fear in the body of him and in that of the boy.

- Is this your dagger? - He asked in a low voice pointing to the handle surrounded by a hissing snake with sapphire eyes. The slave nodded.

- I guessed it - He whispered. All of a sudden He tore the sharp object from his chest and an abundant jet of black liquid gushed from the wound, soiling the bedroom floor. William watched the scene petrified, the Demon didn't take a step, no hint of pain. Elijah went towards the boy with the intention of covering his eyes, but Satan stopped him immediately.

- He must see, he must learn - the Demon took a lock of the slave's hair, pulled his head back and mercilessly slit his throat. Splashes of blood stained his face and a cascade of the same liquid flooded the floor; then he gave the corpse a gentle push to make it fall. He then turned to the servant aside who in the meantime had already begun to pray under his breath.

- And you? Did you realize that he was a boy and not a girl? He asked. That denied with his head. After a few seconds, another corpse lay on the floor. There was a huge pool of blood and the killer's shirt was just as dirty with red.

- And now get up -