Fated Meeting

"When do you think unnie is coming?" Ali a little girl with long curly black hair was talking to her friend, anxious of when her unnie would arrive. "You know she's busy let's just wait for her till she arrives I'm sure she'll come soon she never breaks her promise" Se Hoa little boy about the age of six with a pale complexion replied to her ever anxious friend. "but Se Ho she was supposed to arrive an hour ago" Se Ho unlike his best friend Ali, was a bit reserved than others he didn't like to talk to the other kids besides Ali and two other regular visitors.

As the two were talking and playing by the windowsill a sudden knock on the door stole their attention, they rushed down the stairs to find Mrs. Lee holding a sleeping baby with an open door behind her.

The baby was at least a year or two years old with a brunette wavy hair and pale complexion. It was not a new thing to see for them considering they too were also just found by Mrs. Lee, but there was somethingabout this baby, it was as if there is something big going to happen because of this child's arrival.

"Go back to your rooms Se Ho and Ali the visitor isn't here yet" Mrs. Lee said as gentle as she could be as to not wake the baby in her arms. Mrs. Lee was a tall and gentle caring lady together with her husband Mr. Lee who was currently away on a business trip. They were both generous enough to care and give these children a home till they find their new parents.

Somewhere in the city a girl with long wavy brown hair is walking towards the candy store, chocolate was the special present that she brings to the orphanage with her. " Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Park your Sweets how may I help you?" a cheerful girl standing behind the cashier gracefully greeted the newly arrived costumer, " OhHye Rin sunbae, what would you like? The usual? We have new arrivals today would you like for me to get it for you?" Haru the girl standing behind the cashier added, and gave Hye Rin new choices of candies. �� Oh no that's fine Haru, I'll just take a look around and pick what I like myself, you can rest if you want." Hye Rin was already on her way around the store trying to choose any candies and chocolates that she can take for the kids. She finally found the right sweets and decided to pay for it she rounded the shelf and headed straight for the counter.

"I'd like to take this Haru, can you punch this for me please" she asked kindly to the girl Haru was considered a friend to Hye Rin considering that Hye Rin was new to the place and the city Haru was a sweet girl and that was one trait that Hye Rin liked about her "Of course, by the way are you on your way to Mrs. Lee's?" Haru asked all the while punching the candies in the register "Yes I am, I can't wait to give these to them" As dreamily as she had always been,Hye Rin told Haru how she wanted to visit the children so badly.

Despite her hectic schedule; she still managed to visit the kids every once a week. "I hope they find new parents soon those kids deserve to have parents" Haru exclaimed worriedly.

"well that would have to be 3,000 won" Hye Rin paid for the candies and headed out the door. Unknown to her a person was already at the orphanage playing with the children and having the same passion and care as she had for them.

At the orphanage while everything was quiet a sudden knock on the door was heard and as quicklyas she could Mrs. Lee opened the door and there came a beautiful looking man bringing toys as presents for the children.

"Oh Daniel I thought you were coming tomorrow?" Daniel the said man was tall and had fair complexion with dark hair, he was cheerful as well but also a bit reserved.

" I have some schedule tomorrow so I decided to come today to have more time with the kids" He said to the tired lady while taking of his coat "That's wonderful you can meet Hye Rin she's already on her way so might as well know her hmm?"

Mrs. Lee knew of Daniel's Love life or rather the lack thereof but what can he do the guy was shy despite his occupation as an actor. "Hye Rin? You mean the girl Se Ho and Ali talks about, I've heard a lot of great things about her I could say I'm a bit curious" He retorted excitement clearly audible in his voice, He did heard from Se Ho that she was sweet and playful But there was something that made him anxious to meet her.

"That's great, by the way will you still have dinner with the kids tonight?" Mrs. Lee asked "Yeah I'd love to, by the way where are the kids---"

He was unable to finish his question because of a sudden outburst by a child running down the stairs as if she was running for her life "PAPA!" the newly arrived two years old jumped into his arms, Daniel was terrified, afraid that the little girl would fall so he caught her and wrapped his arms around her securely " Be careful don't run in the stairs you might get hurt" Daniel reprimanded the girl gently yet strictly though he just met the girl he was easily drawn to her "Miane Papa"

Papa? Daniel asked himself confused of what was happening "what is your name?" Daniel asked the Little Girl in his arms "Soeul" Soeul replied adamantly and smiled at him "Danielthen put her down and handed her a pink teddy bear that smelt just like a strawberry all the while saying " My name is Seo Daniel but you can call me Danielpapa" he didn't know why but he liked being called papa by this little girl "Danielpapa do you want to see what Se Ho oppa and Ali Eonni made for me in my room?" it was visible in Soeul's face that she was excited to show him the stuff that she had for her room, When they reached the said room Daniel saw Se Ho and Ali so busy in decorating Soeul's room.

And despite their young age they did make a pretty good job, it could almost pass as something made by a professional interior designer. Their faces were full of stickers and dust and they also looked cute while they kept on bickering about what color to use next or what sticker to place where. Daniel cleared his throat loudly to steal their attention and when it did…..

" Daniel hyung you're here?" Se Ho exclaimed surprised "I thought you were coming tomorrow" Ali added equally Surprised as Se Ho " Well I wouldn't be able to come tomorrow to see you guys so I decided to come today" Daniel explained. They were having a great time in decorating Soeul's room till a loud knock was heard.

" I'LL GET IT MRS. LEE!" Daniel offered while descending from the stairs, he opened the door and there he saw a girl with long brown curly hair with a really wide smile "Hye RinEONNI/NOONA!" both Se Ho and Ali rushed to wrap their arms to their awaited guest

" hey guys.." as enthusiastically as she could Hye Rin mustered all the voice that she could despite feeling the cold, unfortunately she underestimated the cold weather and decided not to wear her thick coat.

Daniel stepped aside in order for her to enter the warm haven. " Hi I'm Seo Daniel it's a pleasure to meet you" Daniel was the first to introduce and offer his hand " I'm Sung Hye Rin It's a pleasure to meet you as well" Hye Rin took his hand and shook it lightly aware that her hand must have been as cold as ice.