Finding Daeul

"Hello?, Mrs. Lee yes how are you doing? WHAT! Where?, okay don't worry I'll be right there" It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, when Hye Rin's phone started to buzz, she picked it up and there came the voice of Mrs. Lee updating her that little Soeul was rushed into the hospital for unknown reason,

" Oppa can you drive me to the hospital? The one nearest to Myeong-dong, It's an emergency please come quick" Hye Rin pleaded to her manager with panic and worry evident in her voice.

The moment her manager arrived she had no time to waste and hurried towards the car. "What happened?" this was the first for her manager to see her panicking like this so he couldn't help but ask,

"You remember the orphanage I visit every Monday?" Hye Rin asked "Mrs. Lee's? Yeah I remember" Her manager answered. "Well a little girl arrived, a new girl to be exact and she started to call me momma when I was there" Hye Rin said.

"Something happened to her?" Her manager asked "She was rushed to the hospital, Mrs. Lee said that she started having seizures and bled through her nose" Hye Rin said with tears streaming down her face. It was a 10 minute drive from her apartment to the hospital, yet for Hye Rin it seemed as if it took the whole day to get there.

She was greeted by Mrs. Lee when she got there, Hye Rin was a mess when she arrived, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, her nose seemed as if she walked through the snow all day, Mrs. Lee felt sorry for the girl, knowing that Hye Rin and Soeul were starting to become really close during the two days Hye Rin stayed at the Mansion.

"Mrs. Lee where is she?" Hye Rin asked, afraid of the negative outcome, "She's in the ER right now doctors are checking up on her" Mrs. Lee explained while leading her to the waiting area.

Daniel heard the news through Hye Rin's manager he couldn't waste anymore time so he rushed towards the hospital with his car. He rushed through the automatic doors of the hospital and dashed towards the hallway where he saw a devastating scene before him, there he saw Hye Rin balling her eyes out at the corner of the waiting area, it pained him to see her devastated. He rushed towards her and pulled her into his arms,

"It's going to be okay, She's going to be okay" He spoke calmly into her ears hoping to calm her down, it was obvious that he too was trying to keep himself from breaking down, little Soeul was special to him and knowing that she's inside that dreadful room right now was terrifying.

Doctors were rushing in and out of the ER with nurses bringing fluids towards the room. A doctor came out and approached them.

"We have to take her to the operating room we found a blood clot in her brain and it needs to be fixed right away" the doctor informed both Daniel and Hye Rin as well as Mrs. Lee, "Do everything that you have to do just save her Doctor" Mrs. Lee pleaded "Let's all hope for a favorable outcome" the doctor said and excused himself.

The operation was a success but little Soeul was still unconscious, she was moved to the pediatric section of the hospital, Mrs. Lee had decided to go home and pick up Se Ho and Ali from school, Everything was so hectic that day that both the two youngsters decided to call their managers asking if they could cancel their schedules for the day. Both managers were understanding and had no doubt cancelled all schedules before they were called. Daniel's manager came to the hospital bringing lunch for the youngsters. They were all having lunch when Hye Rin realize a bed beside Soeul's and in it was a baby boy sleeping soundly, but something was different, the little boy was sleeping but no one was beside him taking care of him; Daniel saw Hye Rin striding slowly to the little boy's bed "What are you doing?" Daniel asked "Where are his parents, How is he alone in here, in this hospital sleeping all by himself" Hye Rin wondered while seating near the baby boy's bed and held his hand. Suddenly a nurse came and checked the little boy's condition, "excuse me where are his parents?" Daniel asked "Oh, the little guy came in with them but only he came out of the operating room alive, actually, it's a bit creepy how you both seem to look exactly the same as the parents did" the busy nurse replied "Oh my.." Hye Rin exclaimed feeling sorry for the kid and at the same time surprised as to what the nurse said "they said he had a sister but the girl was missing from the scene" the nurse exclaimed.

Daniel's manager saw Soeul starting to wake up "Daniel, Hye Rin the little kid's starting to wake-up" he said with awe and happiness audible in his voice, Hye Rin ran towards Soeul's bed.

"Hey there sweetie how are you feeling?"Hye Rin asked "Daeul" Soeul said while looking at the other bed "What are you saying Soeul?" Daniel asked equally confused as Hye Rin was "Daeul, that's Daeul, Baby Daeul" Soeul said with tears in her eyes, both Hye Rin and Daniel stared at the little girl then towards the other bed. Could it be that the little boy sleeping on the other bed was the little brother of Soeul? Could it be that Soeul was the same sister the nurse was talking about? A lot of things were going on inside both the heads of Daniel and Hye Rin.

They were elated now that Soeul had woken up but were also confused, "Momma, Papa, It's Daeul" Soeul told both the youngsters before her; "is Daeul your brother Soeul?" Daniel's manager asked, with the slight possibility that Daeul really and possibly could be Soeul's brother, "Yes uncle Daeul is Soeul's twin brother, and but Soeul is a big sister" Soeul explained with happiness and tears evident in her voice and face.

Daniel's manager left later that day, and everyone was thankful for his visit, "Daniel what do you think is to happen to little Daeul?" Hye Rin asked with hesitancy of what she should do for the little child, she wanted to help but couldn't put her mind as to what she would do "I guess we can take him to Mrs. Lee's, there he could be with Soeul and Se Ho and Ali.." Daniel replied "I could pay for his medical bills" Daniel added but Hye Rin shook her head in disapprovement "We'll split the bills, I can't just let you pay for it you know" Hye Rin said with a smile of contentment plastered on her face. It was then decided that they would pay for both Daeul's and Soeul's medical bills, time passed and Soeul and fallen asleep again, It was late in the afternoon and Hye Rin and Daniel were seated in the sofa near the window, Daniel had his arm at the chair's headrest while Hye Rin had her head at Daniel's shoulder as if it weighed a ton, they were both tired and appreciated the time of rest when suddenly "Does it mean we have another kid?" Daniel asked teasingly "What are you talking about?" Hye Rin replied while smacking his shoulder "But I don't mind it though, you're my friend and I trust you" Hye Rin said with a wide grin on her face directed towards Daniel, "Yeah me too let's take care of them together" Daniel said.

They had both fell deeply asleep that they failed to notice a teenager come inside the room and took pictures of them and the kids, all the while posting it into social Media with the headline

"Seo Daniel and Sung Hye Rin have kids?" a very heavy speculation was going around the industry, and unfortunately Chi Lin had read it, Lin was fuming with anger and jealousy she knew well enough that Daniel didn't have kids but why could it have not been her in that tabloid, why did it have to be that girl from level 3, Lin was furious and was set on having her way, "I will crush you Sung Hye Rin and I'll make sure it happens"

Mrs. Lee arrived at the hospital bringing food for the youngsters, she was glad to hear that Soeul was finally awake and that they had found her brother, it was hard to deny that Mrs. Lee was excited on meeting little Daeul. She woke up the two and told them to eat, they were talking and having a great time catching up together till it was time for them to go home; both Hye Rin and Daniel kissed Soeul and Daeul goodbye for the night, they bowed slightly at Mrs. Lee and headed straight to the car, Daniel drove Hye Rin home, but before letting her out he said

"I forgot to ask for your number" "Oh right here give me your phone" Hye Rin said, Daniel offered his phone to Hye Rin and she punched her number into it, "I was wondering Mr. Lee is coming home this Wednesday so would you like to have dinner at their place during that time?" Daniel asked "Sure I'd love that" Hye Rin replied, Daniel opened her car door and Hye Rin thanked him with a slight bow, they both waved each other goodbye and headed towards their lovely abode tirelessly as the night ends. But no one assumed that this was just the start of Chi Lin secretly loathing at our Heroine…..