At The East (2)

Tell me who can see the hurtful heart that is disguised in smiles? 

Qin Qiao


After I asked Miss Sun, I turned around and came back to my chamber. I have to know what is really happening here. If my brother did not tell me about it perhaps He doesn't have a chance to tell me. I just get a headache when thinking about this matter. Even though I am in this uncertainty, I have decided to face this matter.

I am waiting for Miss Sun at my chamber. After a few minutes she comes with two other maids and brings me some snacks. She bowed to me then arranged all snacks over the table beside me.

"Miss Sun."

"Yes, Princess Shui Jing."

"I want to talk to you." I said calmly.

"All of you, prepare the dishes for Prince in the kitchen right now." She ordered two maids standing behind her.

"Yes, this slave understood." They bowed then left us alone.