Torn Pages "Waxed House"

An excellent textile article would be certainly used by her to start another fire, by that time all the walls were flooded with wax. Not even the smallest scrap of flammable material was overlooked. Thanks to this picturesque new home, their sweet parents would finally find peace of mind. It is well-known that for a long time, beloved triplets, sitting or sleeping, could turn the whole house upside down. The youngest Emily, who was born ten seconds after Tommi, who was the beginning of her extremely wild anger. The idea of ​​completely hampering the lives of the other two twins were born. In the middle of two warlike brats stood Clarky, who was born five seconds earlier than his little sister and five seconds later than Tommi, the older brother.

All five of them lived happily in their new beautiful, waxed house. When the father left for work, making textile prints, the mother most often dealt with decorating the household. To the detriment of the household members, the mother had a terrible kleptomania disorder combined with workaholism. She moved every piece of furniture endlessly, picking up the tiniest coins, toys, and pieces of food in her pocket. Sometimes she found herself outside the yard, in these moments she most usually took out her small wooden spatula, which she rummaged in the flower beds and buried the found trinkets, regardless of the strange looks of the family or neighbours.

Cute, sweet daddy did not show off his forgiveness for his wife's illnesses. He often treated his beloved with brutal marital hugs, which in the worst cases broke the poor mother's bones in her hands and even shift her pelvis. Fortunately, thanks to the controversial treatments, a mother for a few moments forgot about her lousy ailments.

On one beautiful evening, when three children sat in the garden, engaged in addictive fun, something unannounced happe-

(Rest of the page is impossible to read.)

(You can see a few blood drops at the edges.)

(It is easy to deduce, that the page was meant to be burnt, as its half charred.)