I took all the containers, my car keys and headed downstairs. I put the containers in front of the door and sat down to put my sneakers on. "Y/n?"
"Oh Yoongi!" I looked at him and a smile made its way on my lips "What's going on?"
"I wanted to ask you what was going on between you and Jungkook. We vaguely heard the both of you fight in the kitchen." He said as he sat down next to me "You fight a lot, don't you babygirl?" He chuckled as he quickly hugged me
"It's not my fault if people keep on picking on me like that." I pouted "I'm not trying to be mean, but I feel like I'm being mean actually." I simply answered
"Hmm, I know what you mean." He kissed my cheek "Are you sleeping in my bed tonight?" He whispered in my ear
I slapped him and laughed "stop saying it like that, it sounds wrong." I chuckled "Yes, I'm gonna sleep with you. We still have to watch that TV Show."
"Of course baby." He put his arms around my waist to embrace me more tighter and make me feel a lot better than before "Did you eat?" He kissed my cheek
"No, I'm not hungry." I looked at him "I'm gonna eat later when we are gonna sleep." I smiled as I put my arms on his shoulders
"Ok. I'm gonna let you go, I don't want you to be late to wherever you are going." He offered me his gummy smile "Don't come back late or I'll spank you." He chuckled
"You'll never have the chance to touch my ass." I poked his cheeks as I laughed "It's sad huh?"
"No, it stinks like fish anyway." He let go and laughed
"Stop! You don't even know it!" I pouted as I picked up my stuffs ready to go "I won't sleep with you tonight."
"Says who. I'm gonna drag you by the hair. You gon' see." He smirked as he pinched my side and walked away while laughing
"Yah. Min Yoongi!" I chuckled and unlocked the door ready to go.
As I reached my car, I put the containers on the passenger seat and started the engine. "Lessgoooo!"
— At Tae Rang's place —
"Tae Rang-ssi!!!" I shouted in the house as I opened it with the double key he gave me. "Tae Rang-ssi!!!"
I took my shoes off and walked in the living room finding a liveless body lying on the couch. "Tae Rang Oppa?"
"HmMmMmM?" He hummed with his husky and raspy voice "Oh Ruby, it's you. Sorry I was too lazy to answer back."
"I brought you food." I smiled as I sat next to him on the couch and out the dishes on the coffee table "You better eat well, I put a lot of love in it." I looked at him
"Thank you," He smiled "I really appreciate it Y/n." He embraced me quickly in a warm hug
"I made some tea and pork belly soup, kimchi fried rice, tteokbokki and Black beans noddles. And there are side dishes, like rice and kimchi. You are gonna see." I excitedly explained
I turned my head to only see him already staring at me. "What?" I asked with a small smile on my face
"You are so cute when you talk so quick." He caressed my cheek with his thumb "I really wanna kiss you right now..."
"Ok, Oppa what the fuck?" I laughed nervously "I think you should lay down and sleep. You are tired." I nodded and pursed my lips together
"No, let me kiss you. Just once." He begged me with his eyes "You look really tasty right now." He weirdly smirked
"What the fuck? Tae Rang-ssi, go to sleep." I laughed " You are just saying nonsense bullshit right now." I patted his shoulder
He grabbed my waist and leaned closer to my face "Ruby."
"What?" I widened my eyes
He suddenly laughed and let go of me "I was just joking." He laughed harder "Your face was so funny." He hit his thigh as he was laughing harder and harder each second
"Aight. Imma head out." I stood up and quickly went to put my shoes on and closed the door behind me.
I felt a buzzing sound in my pocket. I took my phone and read the text.
From Jungkook
Come back home. Right now
I hope I am imagining things and that I read something wrong. I sat down in the car, took out my glasses to put them on and read the text again to be sure I wasn't seeing things. I decided to answer.
To Jungkook
I'll come back home, when I feel like coming back home.
I nervously laughed and started the engine, but then my phone buzzed again
From Jungkook
You better come back home in 20 Minutes.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?!" I shouted "He is fucking driving me crazy!" I raised my voice "This bitch want my hand on his face. Let me come back home and you'll see. Fucking hoe."
I took off my glasses and drove back home. I parked the car and step out of it. I closed it and walked toward the entrance. I was so fucking angry right now, I was ready to slap him and nobody was gonna stop me.
I arranged my bun and put my car keys in my pocket. I unlocked the door and kicked my shoes off.
I directly went into my room to try to calm down and not slap anyone. I was at a point where I could hit anyone for no reason and it was not good.
"No! Please go away! I don't want to see anyone!" I shouted at the verge of tears, not sadness but I was so angry I needed to cry
"What's going on?" I heard Jin ask behind the door "Why is she shouting?" He asked Namjoon
"I think she is angry. Really angry." He said "We should leave her alone."
"Y/n, please let me enter baby." Jin asked gently behind the door
"No..." I simply answered
"Y/n-ah..." he gently knocked on the door "Let me in."
I slowly went toward the door and open it slowly. His eyes widened when he saw my face "Rub- why are you crying?!" He hugged me but then put his hands on my shoulders and wiped my tears
I couldn't stop sobbing "I-I...I'm s-s-soo-oo an-angry. H-He...H-He-He—" I started to sob loudly and i couldn't breath properly so Jin helped to the bathroom and made me drink some water, washed my face and gave me kisses on the face.
"Yes, like that. In and out, slowly." He helped breathing "Ok, now explain to me, calmly, what happened."
"Heisjustbeinganassholesinceidontrememberwhenandhethinkhecantcontrolmejustbecauseheisoneyearolderthanmebutitmeans nothing!" I said as I looked down
"Y/n We have time you know." He chuckled
"I'm sorry I'm just upset." I hiccuped and wiped the rest of my tears "Jungkook is just being an asshole, I cooked for Tae Rang cause he was sick and he didn't have time to cook food, so I did it for him but then Jungkook got mad and said that I wasn't going anywhere and he insulted me saying that I was an attention whore." My voice broke again
"Baby don't cry please." He lifted my chin "Don't cry, it hurts to see you like that."
I nodded and wiped my tears "and then I went to Oppa's place and when I was going to get in my car I received a text from Jungkook ordering me to come back home and when I said I was going to come back when I felt like coming back, he said that he didn't care and that I had to be home in 20 Minutes." I hiccuped and tried to not cry again. I was really confused and sad about his behavior he was really being an asshole
"I'm gonna have a talk with him tomorrow hm?" He looked at me "Now, go shower and eat. If you need something you know where I am, right?" He kissed my cheek as I just nodded and waited for him to go out and shower
— 30 minutes later —
As I dried my hair, I took some sweatpants, a tight crop top to put under my hoodie and some Nike socks. I put everything on and took the towel off my hair to let them dry by the air.
I went downstairs but nobody was there except for Jennie.
Wait a minute.
What the fuck is she doing here?