

"Jk, you ain't showing me shit right now." I tried to push him away "and 'it's not the first time and won't be the last' I thought we said we won't talk about that anymore." I tried to argue, but it was useless. I was a blushing mess and he had to make me remember what happened a long time ago when I was 18 and he was 19. We were teenagers for fuck's sake.

"Can you shut up please?" He sighed "I just wanna make out with you right now. It was damn hot." He chuckled as he slightly smirked like the jerk he is.

"Yah, Jeon Jeongguk." I twisted his ear "We ain't finishing what YOU started." I shouted the 'You' as he was laughing his motherfucking ass off. "Do not laugh, you punk."

"You are talking way too much." He chuckled as he leaned in

"I won't kiss a guy I'm not dating!" I pushed him away and stood on my feet as I head toward the bathroom "Imma go with Yoongi. See you lat—"

"You ain't going anywhere near or with Hyung." He seriously said as he pulled on my wrist turning me around "and not with that outfit." He said staring at my thighs to then look back up at my face

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I crossed my arms as I raised my eyebrows "Try to stop me."

I walked in the bathroom. I wasn't gonna go in Yoongi's room, I just wanted to test him and see his reaction. I don't really know how I feel right now. It's a real mess in my head, 'cause we have a lot of things to do and he is confusing me. We have to pack, take the flight for L.A, The comeback and everything. It's really hard for us.

I took the sweatpants I left on the bathroom sink and wear it. I untied my bun to tie it again and took my Nike flip flops. I walked back in the bedroom to only find Jungkook staring at his phone.

"Are you really gonna go with Yoongi Hyung?" He asked with his little voice, I was about to melt. "I wanted to sleep with you and enjoy, I'm sorry if I'm too annoying with you." He stood up and walked toward me

"I wasn't going to go to Oppa's room..." I looked down "You are just weird and confusing me. I don't know how I should feel about all of this." I said as I sat down on my comfy bed. "I'm stressed about everything. About our comeback, about the album, about...you." I scratched my neck as I nervously chuckled

"You think about me?" He smirked as he sat down close to me enough to feel the warmth of his body "In which way are you thinking about me." His smirk grew wider

"Stop acting like a jerk." I glared at him "It doesn't suit you." I smirked too as I saw his face and his little sexy smirk

"You turned me on. You have to fix it." He gently pushed me on the bed as he hovered over me. "You wanna see what you did?" He briefly licked his lips as he looked at me

"No no no no, I absolutely don't want to see it." I hides my eyes with help of my hands as I shook my head side to side. "Jungkook..." I whined like a little baby

He pressed his body on mine and took my hands off my face "Ruby, I cannot stop right now." He bites his lips "I really need to do something, now." He stared at me before joining our lips and moving them together at a normal pace. I had struggles following his movement, but gave in and kissed back.

His hands were moving all over my body and his body was slowly grinding on mine. It was all too much and overwhelming and my body was too hot. I couldn't breathe anymore

"Oh shit, that feels good, do that again." He groaned as I thrust my hips forth to meet his "You horny little girl." He mischievously chuckled and joined our lips again as he spread my legs to be more comfortable on me.

He took off my sweatpants along with my shorts. I couldn't move, I couldn't stop it. I know it was wrong, but it didn't stop me from allowing this. I know deep inside me, I wanted this. I wanted him.

I was only left with my CK panties. I was being shy right now. I was lost and didn't know what to do and react. "Your skin is so smooth Ruby..." He caressed my thighs with his manly and veiny hands as he lowered his hand down on my belly.

"Come here."He pulled me closer, put my head on his arm and spread my legs with his other hand as he lied beside me.

"What are you gonna do to me...?" I shyly asked as I couldn't believe what was gonna happen for the first time in my life

"I'm gonna make you feel good." He kissed my cheek and lowered his hand on the most sensitive part of my body.
