

"I love you too Jungoo."


-- Y / N ' S P O V --

I was kinda hurt? I mean, he just told me he regretted what we did and that he got caught away in the heat of the moment. I didn't know what to say. I just answered in a positive way to not make him feel sad or whatever, but it did hurt my feelings...

"Earth to Y/n?" He waved his big hand in front of my face "Babygirl," He cupped my face "You okay?" He gently asked with his big doe eyes scanning my face

"Yes, I am okay," I slightly smile "Don't call me babygirl..." I nervously chuckled as I closed my suitcase and put my handbag on it "It makes me nervous."

"But when Jackson Hyung calls you that, it doesn't bother you right?" He raised one of his eyebrows and crossed his arms in front of his chest "By the way," He took 3 steps closer to me "You always blush when you are with him..." His serious tone was back, he tried to intimidate me but lemme tell you--

"Yah, Jeon Jeongguk." I crossed my arms as I looked straight into his eyes "What is it with you today?" I said with a frown on my face and confused expression. I thought his behavior today was really weird, since we got caught doing stuffs.

"You don't 'Yah' to me like that." He warned "I might punish you if you keep behaving like a bad girl." He smirked as he sneaked his arms around my waist. "You won't like what I'll provoke to your body." He bite on his lower lip

"Yeah and I might as well call you Daddy." I rolled my eyes as I withdrew from his embrace "Don't mess with me Jk." I pinched his cheek and laughed as I walked out of my room and headed downstairs.

I ain't the kind of girl to show her feelings easily. The only ones who can read me like a book are the boys, but mostly Yoongi and Namjoon. They know everything about me. I am not trying to look sad in front of Jungkook, because he will know that something is wrong with me. I don't want him to know that I have a little crush a on him. It would be embarrassing and awkward.

"Rubyyyyyyyyyy" I felt someone aggressively jump on me and happily hugged me

"Oh, Hobi." I widely smiled "I feel like I didn't get to see you these days." I put my arms around his neck and kissed his jawline as I passed my hands through his hair "We should hang out in your room today." I excitedly proposed "I wanna go on Vlive today is that okay if we do that together?" I lowly asked

"Okay, but we'll go on Vlive at the studio because I'm going there in 1 hour." He lightly kissed my neck "Are you gonna eat with me? I'm gonna order everything you want." He hold me tighter "It sounds good, hm?"

"Yeah, it does sounds good." I kissed his jawline again "Let me go wear something more...appropriate." I said as he quickly checked me out to see my outfit

"You never wear this kind of things..." He stated a fact "But it's cute, I never got to see your skin." He laughed

"Don't check me out, I am just wearing this, because I was in my room and wanted to feel comfy in my clothes." I hide my chest "It's weird for me to wear short and crop tops in front you guys." I chuckled

"Don't hide." He hold me tighter "You're pretty everywhere..." He held back his laugh

"Oppa you-- What does that mean Hoseok-ah?!" I jokingly shouted as a smile made it's way up my lips "Are you assuming you checked me out?" I chuckled

"May be once...or twice, but who wouldn't?" He said in a sassy way that made me laugh "Okay, it's not that I don't love you, but I'm going in my room." He kissed my earlobe "I'll call you when I'm ready to go, okay?" He kissed my cheek a last time as I nodded and made my own way toward the living room

I hesitated to go in the kitchen, but I knew that If I stepped a foot in there, I would eat everything I see. I am really trying not to eat and it's difficult, cause the boys keep on asking me if I want food or something. They treat me like their little baby sometimes.

I just ignored my thoughts of eating and decided to go in the living room.

My puma flip flops were tapping against the modern wooden floor as I made my way in the big living room. I saw someone's body sitting on the couch doing whatever on their phone. I couldn't recognize that person, but he/she was somehow familiar.

"Hey?" I unsurely said as the person lifted her head "Oh, Unnie!" I smiled as she hugged me tightly "It's been a little while, we're heading to L.A in 2 days." I smiled

"I know, Kookie told me." She smiled showing her pretty teeth "I actually came here to see you two." She put her arms around my waist pulling me closer as her hands slowly lowered on my back


"Unnie," I nervously said "Stop touching me like that." I gently pushed her away

"Chill, I'm just playing with you Y/n-ah." She giggled "Where is Kookie?"


"H-He is upstairs, I think." I simply said trying not show my disturbance "He is packing but--"

"Okay, see you later." She quickly waved before making her way upstairs. This is a good way to make me upset. Why does she call him Kookie? And now she is going in his room again...!

-- J U N G O O K ' S P O V --

I finished packing my stuffs and put my suitcase next to my bathroom door. It was really hot in my room even tho it was almost the beginning of spring here. I only stayed in my oversized tee and my sweatpants.

I was waiting for Jennie to show up. I'm actually excited to see her, she always light up my day and it's really cool to hang out with her. I thought about chilling and talking to her when she arrives.

"Kookie?" I heard a light knock on my door and went to open it "Ruby told me you where here." She smiled as she saw me "Can I come in?" She tilted her head on the side as she cutely asked me

"O-Oh yeah, of course." I moved aside and let her come in "You can put your stuff on my desk."

"Are you excited for L.A?" She asked as she joined me on the bed, while turning the light off and turning the LED lights on. "It's been a while I didn't go there." She put her head on my chest as she slowly put her hand under my shirt "Did you work out?"

"I always work out." I responded as I felt cold shivers on my spine "Stop..."

"What...?" She innocently pouted that I almost fell for it

"I already told you I didn't want to do it..." I heavily sighed as I felt her kissing my neck "The boys are here and Y/n too..." I gulped as I felt her sucking on my neck "Jen'...fuck...alright, I think you should stop right now."

"No, I waited long enough," Her hand made slowly it's way on my lower abdomen "I really want you Jungkook-ah." She squeezed my crotch making me groan and gulp.

"N-Noona..." I lowered my head watching her taking out my half erected member of my sweatpants as she began to stroke it. "Noona, please it's not a good place and good moment to do it." I looked at her with pleaded eyes as she stroked it faster

She didn't listen to me, but instead, she took her pants off and her panties too. She had a pretty body, but it wasn't attractive to me. She then came back on the bed and sat astride me. She kissed my lips and only god knows how much of a good kisser she is. She slowly went down my neck and did a second hickey. It was a good feeling and I just let her do her thing.

She took some the lube that was in my drawer and applied some on my erected length as I whimpered at the cold feeling. She slowly slide it inside her and I directly put my hands on her hips and looked at her. She was going at a normal pace, going back and forth, up and down and rolling her hips time to time. I wanted to push her away but the pleasure was really intense.

"Fuck..." I groaned as I tighten my hold on her hips "You feel good around me, Noona." I whimpered as I thrusted deeper in her, helping the both of us feeling pleasure

-- Y / N ' S P O V --

I put Yoongi's oversized hoodie and wore my favorites sneakers. Nike Air Force 1. I took my wallet, my phone and my keys and walked out my room, closing it behind me before walking towards Hobi's room.

While walking through the hallway, I heard some noises and the more I was getting closer to Jungkook's door, the sounds got louder. It was muffled groans and moans.

But who is in here with--

Oh no

As realization hits me like a wrecking ball, I felt my heart clutching against my chest. I put my hand on it and closed my eyes shut. It was so painful...

I couldn't breathe properly and my head was spinning. I was feeling terribly hot and I felt like crying. I'm may be just overreacting...

A lump forms in my throat and I swallowed it with difficulty. I wanted to cry and I had no Idea why...No I know why...

Because my crush is having sex with my best friend...
