The Black Market

Now that time was running out, Kaden needed to get some things done.

First of all, there was a glaring issue if he was supposed to go into battle tomorrow.

He had no weapon.

This was a huge problem. Since the dreamscape had appeared, his entire fighting style had come to rely on having a sword.

He still had some boxing ability, but it was nothing in comparison to what he could do when properly armed. That was why he needed a sword more than anything else, come tomorrow he didn't want to be stuck punching wolves with his bare hands.

He had something in mind, a way for him to get his hands on what he needed. But it was too dark outside for it now, his plan required people, and nobody would be out on the streets at this time.

After staying behind to train for a few more hours, he said goodbye to Damien and went back home. If you could even call a car that.

The car park didn't bother him much anymore, by now he had already gotten used to the gunshots and noisy neighbors. He slept through the entire night without waking up once.

He woke up to the dark interior of the car, only a little bit of light was being let in. The old man had installed some shades, really just hung up some sheets, which blocked most of the sunlight and allowed him to sleep a little longer.

Kaden didn't need that though, in the dreamscape he was always fully rested after just four hours.

Fully awake and ready, he began to set his plan in motion. It was still too early, but that just gave him time to prepare, and also get something to eat.

At the distribution center he asked for two ration packets, the man behind the counter looked at him suspiciously, but handed them over nonetheless.

Kaden ate the contents of one of the packets, saving the bars and nuts.

The other packet he brought with him, heading to a part of town that he hadn't frequented much.

It was a bit of trouble finding the exact space, after all he had only heard about it, not actually been there.

In the end it turned out be inside of a decrepit alley.

He walked inside and as he got a bit further in, the alley began to open up into a roomy courtyard and he saw the first of the stalls.

This was definitely it, the city's black market.

Well, actually it wasn't much of a black market because it wasn't kept very secret.

But the City Administration hadn't taken action yet, and Kaden wanted to get his trade out of the way before they did.

He perused the stalls for a bit, browsing to see if anyone had what he needed. But there was no luck at all. Pistols, knives, food, and many other items were sold, but there were no swords.

With no other choice, he went back to the entrance and gave a protein bar to a man waiting there. In return he was given a piece of cardboard and a black sharpie.

He sloppily jotted down a few words on the makeshift sign and gave the sharpie back.

With his sign in hand, he went to go stand in a free spot, leaning against the wall and holding the sign out in front of him.

Right there on the crusty old cardboard 'ADF Ration for Sword' was spelled out in big block letters.

A few people had been keeping an eye on him, and as soon as they read the words, they came over to him like hungry wolves.

Suddenly there was a pack of yelling people all trying to offer their trade, he couldn't make out a word that they were saying.

"One at a time! One at a time!" Kaden held up his hand, trying his best to get them to quiet down.

After they had shut up, he made them line up in a queue to make it easier for himself.

"You," Kaden spoke to the man in the front of the line, "Do you have a sword?"

"Ahhh," A middle aged man stood nervously, holding his hat clutched against his chest, "No… but you see—"

"Read the sign," Kaden cut him off, tapping his finger against the words on the sign, "Ration. For. Sword."

"But I have a knife!" The man stuttered.

"Unless your knife is 80 centimeters long, I'm not interested. I need a sword, not something else," Kaden didn't budge, he had expected something like this to happen.

"Please have some sympathy! I have a wife and kids, how am I supposed to feed them?" The man was almost tear stricken, voice laden with desperation.

Kaden sighed, rolling his eyes, "I don't know."

And he really didn't. He hadn't even thought about how the city allocated rations to families with kids who were too young to work. They probably didn't get much, and he did feel a little bit of sympathy for the man, but he had his own problems too.

"You're heartless!" The man tore into him before leaving with his head hung low, sniffling.

"Next," Kaden called out, and a new man stepped up.

It was more of the same, person after person after person. They either wanted a handout, a different trade, or they had some sort of sob story for him.

After he had gone through ten people, he had become completely immune to it. What they said simply didn't affect him.

Yeah he felt bad for the people who were just trying to survive, but they weren't the ones who were going to be risking their lives tonight. They could join the ADF like him if they were desperate enough.

As person after person came up to him with useless offers, he was starting to think that it was a waste of time. But surely someone in the city had a sword? They shouldn't be that rare, even if only for ornamental purposes.

He had almost given up hope when a shy man wearing a pair of round glasses appeared, claiming to have a sword.

Kaden was doubtful though, the man clearly didn't have a sword on him, and when asked about it, he said he would have to go home to get it.

Nonetheless, Kaden didn't have anything to lose, so he promised to wait for the man's return as long as a better offer didn't come up while he was gone.

The man was satisfied with this, and ran out of the alley.

Kaden spent at least twenty minutes fending off more beggars before the man returned, carrying something on his back.

Now uninterested in the queue, Kaden made everyone else scram.

"Uhh, may I see the ration?" The man walked up, looking a bit sheepish.

"Sure," Kaden took it out of his jacket, holding it forth.

The man reached out for it and Kaden pulled it out of reach, "The sword."

"Oh right, sorry," The man took something off his back, revealing a black handle and sword guard with a matching scabbard.

Holding it out before him, the man drew the sword out of it's scabbard, revealing a beautiful bastard sword.

It was around 140 cm long with a steel blade that was dangerously sharp. One could see that the sword had been well maintained and cared for.

Black leather was wrapped carefully around the handle that was just long enough to use comfortably with two hands. But the sword could be wielded with one if you were strong enough.

At the end sat the pommel, round and shining in the same way as the steel of the blade.

"This…" Kaden stared wide eyed at the magnificent work of art before him, "It's beautiful."

"Ahh, thanks," The man looked almost embarrassed from the high praise, "It's a replica of an old family heirloom from the 15th century. I made it last year."

"You made it?" Kaden raised an eyebrow, watching the blade that gleamed in the light, feeling almost captivated by it.

If that man had made it himself it was very impressive, the sword was a true display of craftsmanship.

"Yeah, I'm a bit of a hobbyist blacksmith," The man chuckled, scratching his head.

"A bit huh? It's very impressive work. Let's make the trade," Kaden held forth his packet.

"Really? Of course!" The man's eyes lit up, sheathing the sword before eagerly handing it over and taking the red packet.

"What's your name?" Kaden asked as he slung the sword over his shoulder, letting it hang on his back.

"W-what why?" The man stuttered and took a step back, feeling sort of silly in the process. Why was he getting intimidated by a teenager? He was at least twenty years older than this kid!

"Nothing nefarious, I was thinking I might need something made in the future. I could use your expertise."

Kaden was impressed by the man's work, if he needed something done in the future, it was good to have someone to go to. Initially he wanted to get the man's address too, but seeing how the man reacted when asked for just his name, Kaden didn't think that would go over well.

"Oh, right," The man nodded and calmed down, feeling even more silly now, "Thomas Bruntwick."

"I'll remember that, my name is Kaden," Kaden shook the man's hand before leaving the alley, dumping his sign with the man standing at the entrance.

Maybe they could reuse the cardboard, it had two sides after all.

With the need for a weapon now taken care of, he went to the dojo to train. He wanted to get used to his new sword while there was still time.